Why did the western media originally say that masks don't work to prevent contracting corona, but now they state the opposite. Are they the devil?
Why did the western media originally say that masks don't work to prevent contracting corona...
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Because they wanted it to spread. Look at everything that's happening. European countries are police states. The US is rigging the economy behind the scenes and using coronavirus stimulus as an excuse to fix the popping bubble. They wanted it to spread to an acceptable, manageable level so they can serve their own ends.
It had to spread somehow cause the virus is not that effective. So borders were kept open. Masks worked only for medical workers. Scarfs are for wussies.
Government officials needed to get masks and send millions of masks to Israel before they told goyim to scramble for theirs.
Oooooooor if they said that masks were useful, retards would stockpile them like they did for toilet paper and they'd be no masks for the doctors which would fuck the whole country up.
The media constantly says one thing followed by the exact opposite. They lie, they use doublespeak, they are the enemy of the people.
It really is that simple.
They realized people are too dumb to understand when to wear or not wear a mask. So they just told them wear one all the time, to cover their bases.
I mean, we're living in a time when people are waiting for a pandemic to blow over so they can go back to not washing their hands after shitting.
>The media constantly says one thing followed by the exact opposite. They lie, they use doublespeak, they are the enemy of the people.
>It really is that simple.
This. Traitors die first.
What hospital buys their masks at Walmart?
We're being lied to by our governments, the Chinese (?) bioweapon is spreading, the asteroids are coming, the economy is crashing, and even Yas Forums is confused about what's really going on.
Low info faggot.
THEY DON'T WORK when it comes to preventing one from getting it.
They work to prevent the spreading of it.
>retards would stockpile them like they did for toilet paper and they'd be no masks for the doctors which would fuck the whole country up.
That doesn't justify spreading a blatant lie to the whole fucking world. Doctors and surgeons should have hoarded in advance
WHO said that
Because they didn't stockpile enough masks for their own hospital staff and wanted to save face. China, Korea and Taiwan were saying masks work when the west said they didn't. This is some pathetic bullshit.
>THEY DON'T WORK when it comes to preventing one from getting it.
They factually do work. You're another sheep
Because there were no masks avaible, they wanted to prevent panic and wanted to give masks to those that actually needed them - health workers.
Dude, I just told you reality, learn it and deal with it.
They do not prevent you from getting it, that is nigger tier thinking.
>wanted to give masks to those that actually needed them - health workers.
HOORAY I was being lied to and endangered to protect health workers. WHAT ABOUT MY HEALTH MOTHERFUCKERS
Before in Norway they said:
>wearing a mask could make things worse
This qt user coughs and asks you for help, what do?
How do you not know about the asteroids>?
are they going to hit the earth? holy shit, someone really must have angered God to be facing all this shit in one round.
>are they going to hit the earth?
If we are lucky.
>d-dude I have nothing to back my claim but just trust me bro
>they wanted it to sprea
Yes. Pic related.
The term they use in private is "a noble lie"
The k*ke media thinks it's role is to manipulate the goyim according to jewish morality
Support your claim with screen caps
Go read you fucking nigger..
Article is 7 weeks old.
fuck this cockroach
I told everyone I know that they were lying when they said masks don't work and they all acted like I was wrong because CNN knows more than me or whatever. Felt so good to rub that shit in all of their faces.
You don't remember?
How do I get unemployment?
Are you seriously defending our government?
>Western media
You mean the Trump controlled CDC that stated people shouldnt wear masks? Then the media reported on it but somehow they’re at fault?
>THEY DON'T WORK when it comes to preventing one from getting it.
Some masks, like the N95 masks, are extremely good at blocking droplets
Yeah but no one is thinking of those when they say masks.
Look at your precious and superior asians, they are not wearing those.
The pandemic was already raging, nigger
Pic related
Because scientists didn't believe the human population would that stupid to breathe on each other. Once they found out people couldn't control themselves breathing on each other (even with 6ft restrictions), masks were recommended.
Not joking
Not only that, but they say just using cloth is fine.
Look, I don't know who is breeding all of you pussies, but please tell them to stop. Clearly there is hormone deficiency that is producing homosexuals much faster than rest of you fucking weirdos can kill them in your basements.
It's like every other post there is a slope head loving faggot who complains that every reply in the thread isn't about some poorly drawn Chinese whore from the latest Yoko Ono worshiping LSD trip that someone turned into a cartoon.
You want cartoons? There are already plenty of them out there. Loony toons, tom and jerry, felix the cat. Notice how I pick cartoons with pussies in them. Because I am recommending them with you in mind. Yes, I do care about you user. I would like for you to grow up to where you are old enough to where global rule 2 no longer applies. Maybe then you will post something decent. Like a stream to your suicide or something.
Might be to prevent panic, there was also a shortage because people were buying masks and sending them to China to their friends and relatives or the preppers were also buying them to prepare for the pandemic. The shortage in mask caused problems for healthcare personnel in the U.S.
They are following the garbage advice of the world health organisation. Even if they had suspicions the world wide shortage of masks for health workers made them happy to go along with it.
Absolutely no one is sticking to that lie anymore.
>doesn't know the difference between surgical masks and N95 masks.
Because they wanted to hoard all the masks. It didn't fool anyone with iq over 100.
>no one is thinking of those when they say masks
Nigger, I know nothing of masks, and those N95 were the first ones we bought in January. Those are the gold standard of masks.
Western media is run by Satan.
one is buzzing by tonight, closer to us than the moon at least. Bigger one comes close on the 29th.
How did any Yas Forums visitor watch chinks dead in the streets of Wuhan for 6 weeks straight and not stock up on masks. I stockpiled mine weeks before any normie had even heard about the virus yet. It was perfectly obvious this shit was spreading beyond wuhan.
Also, back in late January, early February, the CDC held something called a webinar conference call. Some user recorded the conference call, then posted it on /cvg/. The CDC later posted the audio recording on their website. In the recording, they told their people that they needed to use N95 masks and other protective gear.
There was also a webm of some Americans being brought back to the U.S. from China and on the flight were some U.S. military personnel and they were using hazmat suits, something similar to what you see in movies, not the Tyvek suits, but the hazmat suits with their own air supply.
Don't trust the media man. There's no media anymore, it's all politics. They will tell you whatever they want and will sacrifice you for political gain and will never have to answer for it. Be smart.
As if anything that socialist rag says can be trusted.
Masks have very little effect, though some, on if you catch it. However, they are effective in preventing the spread (if you have it).
when the vast majority of the population is not infected they have limited effect. After the disease spreads they start to have impact.
I think they don't know what the fuck are saying
The piont stands, look at asians and everyone else, your specific situation does not cancel out the norm.
I couldn't get masks and I asked my Dad that we needed to buy them, but he was a nothingburger. I also sleep late and wake up late, so I usually go out at night which is when the home improvement and gardening stores are closed.
>Masks have very little effect, though some, on if you catch it. However, they are effective in preventing the spread (if you have it).
People are actually trying to dispute that basic fact.
As if anyone is stopping them from wearing a mask.
N95 equals FFP2. It's no good for solid protection. You need FFP3 (N100). 3M ones have red bands.
Who are you even defending and why? They lied to you because they don't care if you die or not. And somehow you were dumb enough to believe it. Now is it just an ego thing? Trying to protect your mental image of yourself? You're a fucking retard dude.
This is a guide that some preppers posted on the /cvg/ thread about masks back in January and February.