Is Learn to Code Just a Meme?

Or is there anything to it?

If yes, where should I start?

Good with HTML/CSS and basic Javascript here

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the near future is a technological dystopia with corporations running everything and privacy will be non-existent. More than learn to code, learn to hack, learn about networking, learn about masking your presence in the web.

If you are not tech literate, the government and corporations will know everything about you.

True user. Where should I start?

It is a way to get into self-employment without heavy costs. But can also be hard to make a go of it. Make sure you are learning how to design applications and project management as well. Just being a coder is not going to get you to far. Plus learn how to sell.

Real niggas do C++

Long story short. Yes. They want many to pay less.

Of course it’s a meme.

Coding is the easiest thing on earth to outsource

Learn in order: C, Java, Python, and finally Swift. Build a portfolio with simple apps (diet alarm clock, simple flash games, etc). Publish and apply as the saying goes. This can all be done in a matter of months if you dedicate 10-12 hours a day to it. Much of this is dependent on if you have a strong work ethic though. Such as your head starts hurting and you quit because you can't find a syntax error or something. Don't give up, force yourself to study and make food, jerking off, sleep a reward for finishing. DO NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE. FOCUS ON YOUR STUDIES OR ELSE YOU _WILL_ FAIL.

Check out books by Zed Shaw as he has a very straight forward method of teaching that I think you will enjoy more so than other academic circle jerk books which take ages to absorb. These can be found on libgen (dot) is.

It's somewhat of a meme.
For whatever reason, despite changing how we've taught it, we can't seem to teach coding to more than about one third of people. Unlike math or reading, where eventually you can teach someone to count or read, something about coding requires a certain type of logic approach to problems that not everyone can do. If you can code already, then you can learn almost any language. Conversely, if you find yourself unable to understand coding despite trying to learn, you might just be part of the two thirds that can't learn to code.

Yes, but so what?

So what if they know what you do online?

Seriously. Defend your position with some substance.

If anything, the wannabe hackers will be the first ones rounded up and shot by the NWO.

Stay safe, don’t learn to hack or browse hacking sites

I see what you are sliding Pajeet


I’d rather cut down trees and sell firewood. Coding is for Indian engineers who want to make $25 a day

I remember learning some basic in highschool, boring

I tried going to college for programming. was surrounded by pajeets and chins. dropped out after half a semester.

now I'm a steamfitter, licenced making bank

And your trade can’t be outsourced. That’s the key.

Yeah, there are still plenty of tech jobs to be had that are not specifically programming. And pay well.

Just literally learn to code.

Language is only syntax. Once you know programming, you can pick up a new language in a matter of hours.

>that flag
>asking for help on pol
It's a fucking meme you lower than fucking 5 IQ memeflag nigger sack of shit

That depends on the tasks you're given.

If you're designing enterprise-level software you need years under your belt of knowing the languages, their frameworks, collab practices, etc. Learning something like Python for small automation of tasks can prove useful in a more general area.

Now THAT'S a meme. Self-employment without being able to sign huge deals is just gonna get you stuck working for retards that think they know how to run a business. Expect never being able to have any free time because you will get bugged constantly by these assholes thinking they own you.

it's not a fucking meme. i'm 27 years old, making about 1200 a week. i have a mortgage on a house i've put 85k down on. all i do is code. i'm working from home right now and just got my stimulus check

can't automate me either, besides some shop stuff which always ends up fucked and needing to be corrected

my only issue is how many dumb rough douchebags are plumbers and fitters I gotta deal with. The wops are the most annoying

What country?
I'm a c++ dev in Germany - not worth it. Very shitty wages.

god tier is doing rust

Oh, I take it back.

Pic related: your lay off is imminent ;)

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see and in addition to that...either LAMP or MEAN stack...or both, latest is MEAN stack....eww

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it has been oversaturated because people were pushing it for the last 10 years
work physical labor, not joking

Yes, it is a meme because, due to your skin color, you're rate is too expensive.

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It depends what you like to do. Do you like designing? JS, CSS, HTML is a great start.
Do you like data, statistics, math? Python

Buy a book, read cover to cover taking notes.
It's what I did 10 years ago, now I work as programmer. Didn't go to college.

This. It is imparative to learn your way around what runs the modern/future world. Computers

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unironically, check the cyberpunk thread on /g/. It's mostly memes but the source material is good to start.

This. Once you learn the logic it's just syntax.

I'm not a welder but I work with them, obviously

that's a shop item and also when pipelining in the field you must have a qualified welder monitoring it to make sure the weld is perfect

who do you think sets up that track and centers the electrode?

Do cybersecurity instead of computer science. You can't get outsourced to India that way and it's the same coding but with job security