He was right about everything

Why didn't we listen?

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Other urls found in this thread:


controlled opposition

normies, never forget, this is all their fault

i did but my voices didnt want to hear

Because they, the people who did not listen, are conceded morons who feel like they are experts on everything...

Well, I sure wish we had listened to the controlled opposition.

He certainly seems to be now. Maybe he was replaced, or subverted.

>"Rep. Ilhan Omar literally sounds like David Duke crossed with Hitler" - Alex Jones

>George Soros funds the Nazi EU

>Sheik Down: How Arabs Own Everything by Alex Jones

>Alex Jones Visited by Mossad Agent

>Alex Jones: Muslims Run the Federal Reserve
Longer version:

>Alex Jones: 'UN a Nazi movement'

>"most of these anti-Israel people are Nazis"

>Alex Jones Disrupts Pro Gun Rally

>The Chicoms are behind Jeffrey Epstein's blackmail network

>Alex Jones Shills for Jared Kushner

>Palestinians are trying to take over your political process

>the NWO bankers want to reform the United States as a fascist engine
>the United States is in the process of going from a corrupt oligarchy to a fascistic, Hitlerian pit bull

Attached: 1527700623497.jpg (720x720, 49.47K)

It was ALWAYS the Frogs

Jones is wrong about so many things, expect the frogs. Ridiculing him on this point is peak normalfag behavior.

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tune in to his "jew did nothing wrong" podcast

>Even the Qlarp says it's the fucking frogs, now.

The Original said if you want to see evolution in action, watch the frogs.

Ok glowie

>Male Frogs May Be Turning Female Thanks to Estrogen in Suburban Waste

See that archive URL in the pic? It's there for a reason.

Ironic. See:

Shine on you crazy meme flag! I’m sure your handlers will bless you with shekels.

Jones is right.
They fear him enough to use meme flags to try and smear him.

Care to address anything Jones said here:
See above.

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imagine having negative thoughts about social media accounts

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Second time I've read this article. Thanks for the reminder. What happens in an interrupted evolutionary cycle when the population of females is double that of males?

>"I'm watching our country totally dismantled by the Zio-- by people who hate us."

Attached: Alex Jones 1776 will commence again.gif (480x270, 2.41M)

Except it was the Chicoms in cahoots with Jewish/gentile globalists like Bill Gates, like Alex Jones was warning us for years. Just saying "da joos" is chasing a phantom.

>Except it was the Chicoms in cahoots with Jewish/gentile globalists like Bill Gates, like Alex Jones was warning us for years.
Just like how Epstein is a Chicom agent, right?
>Just saying "da joos" is chasing a phantom.
It's always this ridiculous strawman with Jones defenders. No one is saying that Jones should blame the Jews for every issue. The issue is that he actively covers up any Jewish role in the so called "NWO".

And I should point out that anyone who uses "da joos" ironically is invariably the JIDF/Hasbarat.

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Do you know how much of a protected class the jews are? If he statted talking about the jews, he would get shit down so fast. You think people are calling Trump Hitler 2.0? Lmao wait and see what happens if Alex Jones starts actually preaching about jews.

Alex said before, in regards to people thinking hes a jewish agent, Alex responded by saying he knows there are jewish mafia that runs certain sectors of media and other things.

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ok jew

Except he's been calling out the Rothschilds, the fed, and every institution the Jews have their tentacles in. The reason he doesn't single out the Jews is because a) the NWO is much bigger than the Jews and b) the vast majority of jews are decent people, and only a small minority of them seek to subvert the People.

we fould have saved the frogs

Also, this
These two replies make /thread

dude is selling emergency food since january and hes not even browsing pol

dude is naturally polbrained

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Always the same line of reasoning.
>No one is saying that Jones should blame the Jews for every issue. The issue is that he actively covers up any Jewish role in the so called "NWO".
The Muslims don't run the fed. The Muslims don't run Hollywood. The EU isn't a "Nazi" organization. You're justifying lying about these topics due to the power the Jews hold.

>Except he's been calling out the Rothschilds, the fed, and every institution the Jews have their tentacles in.
Jones said the Muslims control the fed. Is that true?
>the NWO is much bigger than the Jews
>No one is saying that Jones should blame the Jews for every issue. The issue is that he actively covers up any Jewish role in the so called "NWO".

Jones is a traitor and a sellout. He's backtracked on everything he ever stood for. I listen to him in the current year and it's like listening to Rush Limbaugh or something. He's even backtracked on 9/11. With Jones, it's no longer "9/11 was an inside job." It's "the Democrats and the "Deep State" allowed the Saudis to attack us for some reason."

He used to expose the false Left/Right Paradigm and phony 2-party system. Now he's transforming into a full-blown Neo Con.

He's a joke. A fat fuckin' sellout. A kosher Republican hack.

This is a guy who tells his audience with a straight face that Muslims control the Federal Reserve and the Chinese control Hollywood.

Attached: Alex-Jones-Nazis-Coming.jpg (650x544, 197.13K)

Jones? Right? Eh, a broken watch is right twice a day.
That man is even less reliable.