What was his point?
What was his point?
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He’s not wrong...
He is saying that the USA was literally built for BBC
That the US cannot survive very long. He wasn't wrong.
He was a leftist eurofag controlfreak
Big think.tiff
>What was his point?
He was a failure so his point is meaningless
Then he got BTFO. He was an idiot.
Probably exactly what he said you fucking frog.
came here to post this
Prescient quote
>Heh, all the global powers ganged up on him that proves he's wrong
There are people dumb enough to actually think this is an argument.
Based Adolf.
The Russian winter invasion was 100% his idea. Like Trump, he ignored experts when they don't tell what you what they want to here.
ok memeflag kike
>invades in summer
>"he invaded in winter!!!"
kill yourself dumb fuck
et tu, pepe?
>The Russian winter invasion was 100% his idea.
Operation Barbarossa (German: Unternehmen Barbarossa) was the code name for the Axis invasion of the Soviet Union, which started on Sunday, 22 June 1941
>Like Trump, he ignored experts when they don't tell what you what they want to here.
It was literally the opposite. While planning Barbarossa, Hitler explained his plans to capture the VITAL OIL SUPPLIES his army was in deficit of and quickly running out of. He needed to capture the caucassus to stay in the war. Halder, Hitler's top general, never criticized this idea publicly, but when planning the operation, secretly changed Hitler's orders to target Moscow instead of the Caucassus, and ended up losing his side the war.
It's not obvious at this point?
Nigger lies
sauce? I feel like i always heard that hitler fucked up by going for stalingrad bc of the name
This. Our country was never meant for jews, nigs, or other shitkins
Secret truth has finally been revealed after years of coverups.
if only your gov back then had sided with the will of the people :/
>His second major fault was that he accepted Hitler's plan for the attack without openly disagreeing with it or arguing for his own alternative.[15] Nicolaus von Below, who observed the meetings, described Halder's alarm with the strategy but said he made no protest.[15] Halder did not believe in Hitler's plan; he preferred his own. Thereafter he undermined and sabotaged it resulting in disjointed leadership from the very start of the campaign.[13]
Yes, yes, >wikipedia, but just about any history book that isn't based on memes will tell the same story. I have no idea where the dumb "Hitler didn't listen to his generals" meme even came from.
!!!Also, Hitler NEVER ordered anyone to capture Stalingrad. He ordered the city to be shelled by artillery and for the river to be cut off. The river was a vital artery for transporting oil supplies from Baku to the rest of the Soviet front. He wanted to cut off their oil supplies and also have a stable front line along the river while his armored corps captured the Caucassus.
Unfortunately, his moronic generals betrayed his plans, ONCE AGAIN during Fall Blau and continuously tried to capture irrelevant cities and towns instead of ENCIRCLING AND DESTROYING THE FLEEING SOVIET ARMY when they had the chance, or CAPTURING THE VITAL STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES which was the whole point of Fall Blau.
Hitler was truly an interesting person
Facts about Hitler:
>had one testicle
>had no testicles
>sex addict
>incestuous relationship with his niece
>uncontrollable farting
>strange bondage fetishes
>scat sex fetishes
>micro penis
>erectile dysfunction
>part jewish
>part black
>smoked meth
>kicked kittens
>He crossdressed
>parkinsons disease
>Oedipus complex
>female hormones
>injected himseld with bull testicle extracts
>Eva Braun was Jewish
>all nazis are queers
>killed MILLIONS of white Europeans
>gay jew infected him with syphilis -> reason for holocauster
>Hitler stole his car from jewish engineers
>addicted to 74+ drugs
Look up Operation Thunderstorm... Germany pre-empted the soviet invasion
That was bon vock(sp?)s biggest failure. he was still fighting ww1 like a gigantic massive retard.
You speak lies: Hitler is triply hail'd. Also, despite being rekt by every nation with a jew population of >1%, he's still not wrong.
>january 42'
i think he might be just shittalking one of his enemies but sure. there has to be some deeper truth here
>that conehead
What the fuck man?
Thankfully they still don't know that Hitler was an inter-dimensional space demon from outa space with a huge collection of pokemon cards who lives right now on the dark side of the moon.
They will never figure this out
Mutts law
Hitler should have built real gas chambers just for these losers. Leave a hanging mannequin with general's patches on it in front of the Fuhrer's office so every senior leader sees it on his way in
> Hitler was bad because he was actually a liberal poster boy
If you actually believe that shit, he should be your favorite. An autistic, jewish, sexually deviant, muslim, drug addict thief? I think you'd stand a 60% chance of election in Cali
Mein Fuhrer, quit playing with your pokey mans and clean up Yuropp
Goebbels' quotes on Americans are funny as fuck kek
I dunno because he got defeated and then used as the Jewish reason to create their own state on others' dime. Whatever he was planning it didn't fucking work, did it?
>He’s not wrong.
That's a shop but they legitimately do look like Ben Franklin.
Hitler secretly wanted to get his ass stretched by an alpha BBC in a jewish-black gangbang and you all know that I'am right.
That happens when you base your whole system on 19th century darwinism.
Hitler was such a stupid cunt, even if we ignore what he did to civilians:
Bad military strategist, bro science eugenics of the wirst kind, terrible taste in architecture and what not.
Napoleon at least had some military skills..
Who cares loser liking hitler wouldn't make any of you less of a loser. In fact you're even bigger losers (if that's possible) for liking him
based, also checked.
majority of burgers fit this description to a fucking t.
>even if we ignore what he did to civilians:
name one thing
>bro science eugenics of the wirst kind
billions of studies prove race realism
>terrible taste in architecture and what not
fucking wrong
>Napoleon at least had some military skills..
so did he
An attempt to keep America out of the war. Didn't work