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Few versus the many
Means little in a nation of hundreds of millions

isnt the US philosophie since ww2 ?

Common sense that the nigger faggot media has been waiting for someone to say so they can pounce on them. If everyone got the memeona virus all at once everything would be fine in a month

Fuck that piece of shit In know who I'm not voting for

What a waste.
If they for America how are they supposed to die for Israel?

Yes goy, let’s breed 2 more generations of sage slaves. At least we didn’t let a couple hundred thousand

He's not wrong. There is probably more total suffering associated with flying the economy nose-first into the ground than just allowing people to get this supposed virus.

>If everyone got the memeona virus all at once everything would be fine in a month
What's 1% of the US population?


The idiots who think people will die because of economic downturn never explain how. We're not running out of food or water any time soon. TVs and nintendo switches getting more expensive doesn't mean people will die.

In the end it seems more will die if the economy crashes.
Of course it's Governors pushing to re-open in a month.

>deaths are down from last year
Prove me wrong

I'd happily go along with this if it was legal to buy pentobarbital. That's all I really want.

it fucking Indiana, no one goes there and no leaves just tell Indianapolis and Chicago to keep their distance and it'll be all good

Civil war

And idiots that think a couple hundred thousand to a million can never seem to explain how that’ll impact anything either. 155.7mil in the workforce alone, 330mil+ as of the last census, how will even a million kicking the bucket damage anything at all? That would assume that million were in the workforce. Only argument against this is purely ideological

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it's the philosophy of mankind since forever idiot. people die, shit happens.

>letting boomers die
how is this bad again ?

Yep, don’t see the issue here. Demolishing the entirety of a nation’s way of life over feels takes much more time to recover from that a small percentage of one way to die that year which is dwarfed by many

Actual people with agency do not get by very well being prevented from meaningful work and living like children/black people

Yep. You’re more likely to die from a nigger in a generous mood to help himself to your stuff or a retarded spic driver driving like they’re in Cuba in their jolapy than KungFlu

This. The moment the government starts having this much power over simply having enough funds to scrape by is the moment they control your life. Financial freedom is freedom, nobody has it right now other than the usual few

with a 30% unemployment rate, plenty of people will be putting a gun in their mouth and pulling the trigger. We are going to get the promised 2.2 million dead one way or the other.

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>plenty of people will be putting a gun in their mouth and pulling the trigger
Or taking out those they feel are responsible. Who blames themselves when the gov shuts them down?


Or die from starvation. It's your choice

Demolishing the status quo

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This disease, and about a billion other risks, will never be completely eliminated. At some point we have to recognize that we can't save everyone and still have a functioning society.

We could lower national speed limits to 20 mph and save tens of thousands of lives, but no politician will ever push for that. No one is crying about that. We can't stay locked in our homes forever just because some tiny fraction of people might die from this virus. I'm glad some politicians are pushing back against this mania.

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