
You dumbfucks are unbelievable.

First off, you believe the Holocough. You do realize this virus is literally just a hyped up cold. Not flu tier, but just plain cold tier.

Secondly you f̶u̶c̶k̶s̶ cucks are all wearing protective gear and constantly washing shit. You do realize that this is actuallly going to LOWER the effectiveness of your immune system? You idiots are literally setting yourselves up for some run of the mill cold to knock your asses the fuck out, because yall dumbfuckerinos lowered your own immune systems by being overly cautious.

Anyways fuck you. Fuck mods. Fuck Jannies.

Attached: cute girl.jpg (700x467, 30.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

go back you subhuman filth. What part of bioweapon do you not understand?

>Not knowing shit about immunity.
Lecturing on Yas Forums.

>a fucking nothingburger flu
go back to the shadows of your basement you shitty leddit nigger

Why the pic of horse face?

It’s a hyped up cold that we have no immunities to

>no immunity to
>literally the same deal with any cold or sickness you get

So a regular cold you saying? Noice.

I think she is beautiful. A perfect specimen of a woman.

yes a bioweapon, and not in the sense of a ww1 bioweapon. Try harder kike filth.

Either newfaggot or shill. Kill your fucking self

Damn dude, doesn't your mouth get tired of sucking all those dicks? How do you still manage to spew such dumb shit out of it?

could either of you braindead kikes prove that it isnt a bioweapon? or will just stick to projecting?

If it really is a bioweapon whoever created it did a terrible job and should be fired kek

>Oy vey, you only got a 98% chance of surviving this flu bro.
>Be afraid goyim.

This is you.

>spreads globally
>kills people
>forces countries to shutdown
can you prove it isnt a bioweapon, or are you just a braindead kike?

this is you.

>>forces countries to shutdown
The faggot virus itself doesn't force shit, corrupt governments do.
Now go to your cvg containment thread faggot.

>spreads globally
the only thing that spreads globally is the stupidity of niggers like you

Why don't you run along to the hood into ground zero and get super immune?

Damn dude, didn't you go to school?

You sure are fucking stupid. I mean I'm almost tempted to argue, but you're just so dumb. Like really really dumb.

She look cute and innocent
Would love to see her bounce on a black guy's dick

>only kills grams and fatties
terrible weapon

that's a nice horse

Attached: drool cat.png (1080x1081, 1.09M)

>it's just a plain cold
>100,000+ have now died because they caught a cold
I wish you to catch a cold

Attached: lol.png (1859x768, 563.68K)

>b̶l̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶g̶u̶y̶'̶s̶ my dick




God I want to hate fuck your Prime Minister and then beat the shit out of her. I don't know if it's because of how she acted after Tarrant or just that smug, arrogant, hag face she has

Oy vey, user you dun goof'd you can't make a wish that would cause harm.

It turns into a curse on you ten fold. You fucked yourself m8.

>the old people are all voting against globalism and communism overwhelmingly
>suddenly, virus with really high mortlity rate towards 60 and ups right before the next election

If you do my think communists and retards like them that want this new progressive bullshit beenfit from elderly biting the dust you are literally retarded. The millenials and zoomers are the groups theyve been grooming for this for years

no, that is some stupid shit you are saying because now you know you're going to catch that "cold"
lol you're ded alredy

"Ten fold" is 2^10, right? He is gonna get 1,024 colds?

>did a terrible job
It's working exactly as intended, everyone thinks it's about killing people, it's not, the purpose of bioweapons is to cripple economies for extended periods of time.

Shut the fuck up you hopeless gutless pussy. Your liberties are being stripped from you right now plain and simple. There is NO justification for this. I dont need to hear your shitty COPEs. Live free or die and fuck everyone who says otherwise

No the math is off, 10 fold just means times 10.

Based attempt though. You get 5 internets.

>cant prove that it isnt a bioweapon
>more projection
no the chinks went all over the world, and spread this worldwide. You are denying reality you stupid kike.
>has also killed children, and healthy people, try harder

It's targeting the elderly, retard. The elderly are the ones stopping globalism and progressivism. They only want the young to vote because the young are all under their finger. Imagine a world where only twitter could vote.

Attached: 1586888486682.jpg (980x1687, 911.81K)

When the Chinese shut down travel into and out of Wuhan province they didn't stop international flights out of Wuhan. They deliberately infected Wuhan, incubated the virus there and allowed their citizens to travel around the globe infecting us was an act of war

You are literally too based to be on this site. May I direct you to

Was the intention that Americans are so retarded that they would fall for this? I wouldnt be surprised if that was the plan because it worked obviously

Based and horsepilled

Attached: 1511061553532s.jpg (250x194, 7.93K)

First off, Americans are by far the dumbest people on the planet (as a whole)

Second off, fuck jannies.

Thirdly, anyone who trades freedom for a bit of "security" is a cuck and probably Canadian or Western European. Synonyms really.

When your "freedom" endangers me and mine, expect me to exercise my "freedom" by putting a gun barrel up your ass in minecraft.

Stop acting like you're some enlightened freedom fighter who wears sunglasses and fucks supermodels all day. You're just a low IQ jackass who probably didnt even leave his house before this all happened anyways.

>The elderly are the ones stopping globalism and progressivism

seething coronaniggers
thank god the anti-globalist media and the based gubmit are helping you fight the good fight against the chinese globalist bioweapon amirite retard?