Explain to me how feminism is a bad thing

Explain to me how feminism is a bad thing.

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ya women are queens

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It isnt

Men and women aren't equal and those differences are going to have inherent consequences.

women are too stupid to be given rights and choices other than whats for dinner.

All women are shores and should rightfully be locked in cages when not performing domestic duties

that's some sort of mind broken human computer tranny alien, I don't think you should even be posting
unless you consider yourself a "handler" or something lmao delusional pos

Its a mixture of communism and women being entitled babies.

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It is the death of nations. See demographic replacement for further explanation.



Feminism led to women entering the work force, causing the economy to adjust and shift away from a father working a local factory job being able to own a house and provide for a family to a two person household having to work either multiple unskilled jobs or both being full-time white collar professionals just to afford an apartment in the city

>more people working is bad

Demographic implosion and replacement?

It actually is. A parent at home is what kept these school shooters from being created. Now people are forced to not only have children later if at all they are forced to work two jobs.

Pretty much. Feminism has proven to be destructive to society. No one has the stomach to treat women as equal.

Yes, since women in the workforce leads to children growing up inside daycares and generic afterschool programs away from genuine parental love and care which leads to edgy teenagers that inevitably become degenerate faggots like you.
But hey, I’m glad your mom got to be a wageslave, it will be nice when she’s on her death bed, surrounded by your boyfriends that haven’t died from aids, and no grandchildren.

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Women don't get to define what makes a man a man, what a man is, or what it means to be a man. Sorry sugarpuss, go play with Barbies and dyke out.

>explain me how being a cuck is a bad thing
I won't

I see what you are sliding Pajeet

Early feminism - OMG, Women shouldn't have to use their pussies to get ahead in life!!!
Late feminism - Let's celebrate women using their pussies to get ahead in life!
From a man's perspective, that bought into feminism early, it's evolution has been revolting.

Feminism is based

They had a survey:
Women today are less happy and satisfied than
women from the 1950s.

That's feminism for ya.

I want taytay to spank me.

because they challenge my white male superiority, duh

How is this relevant. Most people are depressed today

It’s an invasive dogma created specifically to lower white birth rates.

>Most people are depressed today
Gee I wonder why.

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Why do you think that is, dummy

Certainly not because women are fighting for their rights

Feminism and progressivism is a death cult designed to hurt families and societies.

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