China is right about black people

Here is one for the left

Since the Chinese are basically doing segregation with blacks(also to some extend whites) again

where do you guys think the left outrage is and how do you like this text

some sauce (if needed)

Attached: chinablack.png (615x381, 11.08K)

Ok. Doesn’t stop them from being insectoids who need to burn for what they’ve done to the world.


The Chinese are gigamutt subhumans.
The mongoloid race is the mystery meat of human races.
They're what happens after ages of constant racemixing: lowering IQs, progressively more savage customs, inability to form a civilization, lack of empathy, no morality, deformed facial features, etc.
Essentially, they have devolved almost into negro status.
Unlike niggers though, who have never evolved into humanity, they were humans at one point, but then devolved back.
It's the sad future that awaits all countries that allow racemixing.

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Conversely, black people are also right about the chinese

No you fucking retard. We should pushing anti Chinese sentiment, and mobilizing black people against Chinese and Zionists.

Chinese have no room to talk to be honest. At least blacks have a soul and can be normal people under the right circumstances

>"Why yes, I love my fellow african american. How could you tell?"

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What about this?

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Honestly, if McDonald's banned blacks, I might eat there again.

Yeah, but they're Chinese.

I think the blacks should attempt a coup. Throw over the homogeneous government and replace them with their own race only.
Of course, due to their lack of intelligence the country will lose all of its power and prestige.
Then we'll take advantage of this to quickly put the entire non-western world into a state of submission and the west HAS BEEN MADE GREAT AGAIN

Good but too indirect, they won't understand what it refers to unless supplemented at least

Hahaha this is great

Kick the africans out of the west and africa and place them in china

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What's the problem? Only Whites can be racist.

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This might work. Force the social justice faggots to take sides.

You don't understand how this type of trolling works do you?

also good

>at least blacks have a soul
yeah, a black soul, a black heart, ect..

The Chinese are right about nothing. And white people are literally dumber than them.

What if Coronavirus originated in Africa? And was carried over by migrants to China?

Could explain the lack of cases in Africa

You do realize that all the SJWs will very easily take the sides of blacks in this, and lose no sleep over it? Nobody on the left supports the CCP except crypto-tankies. Contrary to the beliefs of conservative conspiratards, tankies are few and far between on the left.

They were taught Neo-Marxism. The oppressor can only be white from a Western perspective. I.e. They won't call out the chinks.

>guise chinks hate niggers too they are based amirite
No chinkoid scum. You are the next to go after niggers.

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>The chinese are right about black people

EVERYONE who hates black people is right.


Everyone is right about black people

you might be up to something user

China is literally the only country in the world fighting against blacks, Muslims, Jews & degenerate culture. But you fucks are too busy worshipping Mr Shekelberg & his new boat. Maybe if you're extra angry at China Mr Shekelberg will let you out of your house sometime soon.

Be careful what you wish for...

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That’s the point, OP wants to leverage BLM typed activist group against the mighty CCP propaganda machine