/RWTS/ Right Wing Translation Squad

>What is /rwts/?
Right Wing Translation Squad is a project that was created by anons to translate books from barbaric languages into the more civilized English tongue.

>What have you done so far?
Sportsvorschrift fur das Heer (archive.org/details/sportsvorschrift)
Biological and Cultural Consequences of Miscegenation and Family Marriage by H. Lundborg (archive.org/details/bcrm_20200410)

>What are you doing now?
In the last threads we decided to get started on Islam, Judentum, Bolschewismus by Mohamed Sabry, available here
>nseuropa.org/German/Sabry, Mohamed - Islam, Judentum, Bolschewismus (1938).pdf

The progress can be found herepastebin.com/bJbqjFSk

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Other urls found in this thread:



Bumpity bump

Thank you my dudes!

Glad to see this finally done. It’s been too long.


I know mate, but we had some troubles. There's still someone claiming the work isn't ours, while Telegram is trying to make a refined version (which will take a lot of time) so this one is a pretty rushed copy.

>Telegram is trying to make a refined version
lol. Telegram is all jews, my man. 100%

Kek, that doesn't really concern us though, since we have at least one version. The anons' work was compiled in a gitlab so this is the original text we put together. If they go through with their work or reveal themselves as jews, who cares? At least we're on the safe side.


correct, just saiyan.

in related news my standing shotput distance is stuck at 30 feet. I have plateaued. perhaps it's time to do other exercises to try and go a little further.

I know I’ve been here since the start kek

Oh, welcome back mate!

I would say you should try something else, maybe after your general shape improves you'll be able to do more?

Attached: sports.jpg (1200x600, 97.44K)

I’m the user who posted the original book.

For those interested in the cinema of the 3rd reich:

Original book cover art user reporting in.

I was thinking about this project just a few days ago.

Attached: sportsvorschrift fur das heer (2).png (1410x2250, 900.49K)

Heroic anons preserve the knowledge of our race, fucking hyperborean based

Welcome back mate, it's great to have the gang back together! You're credited in the preface I think

I know, I think BMW said they were working with you but maybe it's just me having a stroke, can you confirm?

You're welcome man, if you want to help with future works feel free to contribute!

cool, at last something positive and THANK YOU !

Its good to be back!

Now that we are all isolated it would be a perfect time to start working on the book again.

Nothing but time now.

Attached: sportsvorschrift fur das heer (7).png (1410x2250, 924.81K)

I stopped communicating with BMW shortly after they posted their telegram link on Yas Forums. I lost interest after a week because every day we were told it’d be done by tomorrow.

How to do tripcodes anooon? I'm an oldfag believe me, see my triforce:


>newfags can’t triforce

You NIGGER! :)

Uninstall then reinstall system 32. There’s an OS blocker on Yas Forums that won’t let you post with a trip unless it’s disabled.

Well, we have found a big bunch of books to translate! For now it's the Islam one, but other valid suggestions popped up in the other threads

>every day we're told it's tomorrow
Exactly, the last edit on the Gitlab was 3 months ago

Write #yourmom#faggot in the name field, replacing the placeholder words with those of your choice (think of it as a password)


Also this

Now THIS is a thread, OP. All glowies and shills can suck it. Lurking.

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Yeah it kinda pissed me off.

It's good news you're continuing the general. I see a very promising paradigm shift on the board.
Should we bring back /pcg/ as well?

Time to hide

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