The US has no history as a country. They want to get their hands on anything that has a history. It’s very difficult to influence people who are driven by that kind of impulse.
The US has no history as a country. They want to get their hands on anything that has a history...
Canada is rightful US clay.
Well they do have a history, there's tons of things that's history about how the country started etc. "Having a history" dosn't need to be we wuz kangz for it to be history, and stealing history isn't anything above nigger tier.
big black cocks
Canadoesn't have anything notable about it whatsoever outside of Larry Enticer and the Trailer Park Boys. Oh, Gorguts is pretty good. Thats about it.
Try harder next time
Two of our major exports to Canada are maple syrup and "Canadian" whiskey, lel.
Oui, nous avons une culture riche mais pas chez les anglophones
Nearly everything they claimed was made by someone else. I don’t think it’s their fault either they didn’t chose to be born there.
This is a misunderstanding.
USA of course doesn't have history, because their roots aren't in USA but in EVROPA. But it's the fault of dumb Americans that they refuse to study in depth the history of England, because they think they live in some totally separate country.
Americans are simply very stupid, they spend free time at the gym or at parties because they think history is 250 years old.
This, they are descendants of settlers but have nearly no connection to any of there ancestors culture or languages and when they did they were prosecuted.
Made by Europe you mean? Where they literally come from? Their history is all the civil wars etc, breaking free from the British, how they formed, how they divided and all that. Even the US 50 years ago is American history you absolute dense brainlet.
Yeah, we really wish we had a Justin Bieber of our own.
>where they’re from
This is ‘well wuz’’ at its finest. Yes they were from there but these groups are so homogenized with one another that it doesn’t matter.
Oh so where they're from dosn't matter? Good to know, would you apply that to any other race aswell?
>Poutine and Maple syrup
Nigga you have no history either, were the product of European Colonization
>talking shit about american history and culture
why are you tards so unaware of yourselves?
>The US has no history as a country
Funny coming from a leaf where you have to have cultural protectionist laws to keep our culture from wiping yours out.
Have you seen our "culture"?
Drake and Bieber represent our music, utter fucking globohomo garbage.
Meanwhile, Vancouver, my home town, is a pozzed chink shithole.
Fuck Canada.
>The US has no history as a country.
we have plenty of history. its just illegal to talk positively about it
What laws and protect from what culture? Explain me the culture that can be taken over.
I wish more countries would adopt that policy desu, too many of them take the most nigger aspects of American culture and rot because of it.
Do you just randomly say this irl in public areas?
Does it not embarrass you that I know more about "your" country than you do? Where did you come from, Pajeet?
I'd also like to add that I don't necessarily blame Americans for this, but moreso the (((media))).
>What laws
Are you retarded?
French wouldn’t exist in Canada without laws protecting it.
Your fucking radio stations are forced by the gov to play a certain percentage of shitty Canadian music. Because even they know our culture is more influential than yours
he probably does, i lived in leaf land for a few years, leafs walk around mumbling shit about nigger dicks and burning down the white house, their two favorite topics
That's his Grindr schtick
thats a good looking statue
American History: Guns, deep fried butter, hamturkden.
Canadian History: Campbells luxury soups and female prime ministers
We had a history, but it's since been dismantled.
Ok but now you are saying French have a culture. I asked what is American culture. It doesn’t exist.
Good answer actually
Oh there's plenty of history here.
We have culinary tradition fast food. We have mass entertainment in the form of hollywood. Our history goes back 400 years.