Anti Christian shilling is strong these day, why is that?

The "christcucks crew" are brainwashed idiots by Jewish subversion

>Paganism, debased currency, usury, conquest wars and mass immigration destroyed Rome, not Christianity
>Everything you value in a society is somehow the result of century of Christian influence.
>According to Christian objective morality, it is immoral to culturally and demographically dispossess a people in its own nation to favor the wordily interests of the powerful minority.
>If you value Roman culture so much, guess your ok with forced conquest, so don't complain if you're getting replaced by Muslims and Africans.

Consider yourself lucky the Church was there to pick up the pieces after the collapse of the Roman Empire. The only reason you aren't sent to the gulag for refusing to take dicks up your ass is because we, as a society, are still inhaling the fumes of extinguished Christian flame.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pro Christian shill detected.

Fuck off Shill

Catalog was full of anti-christian shills earlier. Check the archive.


Just a sign of the end times. You should be happy people are now denying Jesus. It shows this world is truly about to get raped by god

Christian overrate the start of their era as some sudden epic turnover or something. Like the world was snatched from the claws of Satan at some exact moment. What we value is older than things we abhor. It already existed in people and those people prospered. People forgot but Christianity reminded them. It did not invent any of it.

Sure I know what you mean. Some atheist from reddit or whatever. But the fact is, the most retarded, those anime posting Christians recently arrived from 8gag, who then claim Yas Forums is a Christian board. Same goes for anyone who says Yas Forums is a x board. Please get out.

>Catalog was full of anti-christian shills earlier. Check the archive.
We know. We put them there. Back to your gay ops discord, chroomer.

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because satan is strong these days

its like 3 people posting them and then proceed to spam them with like 60 posts on each others threads to keep them from dying and the jannie faggots dont care no matter how low quality they are.

its kinda working in the opposite effect though. I just become even more militant Christian every time I see these jewish shill threads

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>why you no pray to king of the jooz?

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Because you spiritual semites keep astroturfing despite posting non-political drivel.

>I just become even more militant Christian every time I see these jewish shill threads
Is this the only way you can cope with the fact that your cucked religion is hated around here?
>i-it's the jews!! yes, it must be. how c-co-ould anyone hate christianity just like that?"

>Worships a dead Jew
>Calls others Jews

Absolute state of Christcunts

Attached: Christcuck Toe Sucker.png (922x920, 840.56K)

>Paganism started by Jews
>Christianity literally started by a Jew
Fuck off kike, paganism belongs to the European people. It taught to be self sufficient and strong. Not vote down to a "perfect" God who throws tantrums over niggers building a tower.

>its kinda working in the opposite effect though. I just become even more militant Christian every time I see these jewish shill threads

yeah, me too...

>Daily reminder Europe belongs to the true Gods

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its not hated around here. this thread was posted just now:
its like 99% pro-christian.
the thing about pagans and atheists is that theyre having such a hissy fit against christians they keep posting about them every day and the only reason their threads even survive is because they
1. make 50 bump-posts
2. their threads gets completely shit on by Christians

look at virtually any of the anti-christian threads up right now. its just a bunch of Christians calling OP a faggot jew

If you actually read the Bible you will find it is extremely based. Do pagan holy books have verses like

1 Timothy 2:11-15 King James Version (KJV)

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Get back to your D&D game faggot

This happen since the Neogaf explosion. Tons of atheist/anti Christians spilled on many place, Yas Forums included.

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the PROBLEM with modern christinanity is that it stopped attacking jews. No one wants to follow a pussy religion.

Not all Israelites are Jews... Jews merely consisted of the lower kingdom and was only made up of w of the 12 tribes

Christians are the only ones who attack jews in the slightest

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You must be one of these heretics that thinks you're going to be raptured out of all this while the rest of us suffer the consequences of all our sins, including yours. Rest assured that all church fathers, theologians and saints, for 1800 years of christianity were clear on the sequence of the end times and none ever preached this heresy called the rapture. It is a modern invention created by judeazing sects that can't wait for the world to burn. So be careful what you ask for, for you will pay the price like every man, woman and child that is unfortunate enough to be around when the wrath of God is poured upon us. You might be saved in the end, but only through much suffering and tribulation. And in any case, what kind of rotten animal woudl wish that on anyone?

>its not hated around here. this thread was posted just now
Keep telling yourself that. Christians are increasinly being left out as the true right moves forward. You're not relevant in the future we're building.

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>Neogaf explosion

may i require a quick rundown

Based pastor

Abrahamic religions want you to believe the Jews struggle is the holy struggle, that civilization started there. It didn't.
It started in the Americas.
Read Hancock. Fuck abrahamic religions, I'm not a goy slave.

bruh there are virtually no more of you atheists left anymore.
youre soon completely gone

feel free to make another religious poll. I have a feeling itll look more or less like the 100 last ones

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don't confuse the actors with the doctrine, people are attacking the doctrine, that doctrine as promoted almost everything we value in a society.

Valhalla is only for the man and warrior, for the chosen of Odin to speak to the Gods and the allfather you must be worthy, and dying in battle for him is nothing but paradise.

The warrior of Odin only cares about providing Odin with more soldiers with his women and the greatest Glory is dying in battle for the faith.

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ok spic.

Literally a weakling who thinks everything will be solved in a second when one guy returns. Take ownership of your problems and fight for the future you cuck.

meant to post this poll

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ask yourself this
what is most important to you?
do you want your race (however defined) to prosper into the future?
or do you want your religion to continue?

I choose the race (Nords)
infighting is not necessary at all, and most I've met IRL don't really care about religion
the "Pagans" are usually LARPers
and the "Christians" usually think their local churches are cucked anyway

why not look beyond this?
the enemies are not at the gates
the enemies are INSIDE the gates

also fuck Anglos

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>civilization started in the Americas

there is really no hope for some ppl

Neogaf was known for its atheism/christian bashing.
Since the pedo mod scandal, and the sexual harassement scandal coming from Evilore, the guy behind the site, Neogaf split into a new version (actually passable forum) and Resetera (pure anti white/christians, hatred beyond imagination, abusive moderation you wouldn't believe).
The old community are on those two sites, but many left to go on other website/forum/imageboard, such as Reddit and Yas Forums.
Anti christians thread got suddenly popular on pol at the same moment.

the thing is, we christians dont make threads about pagans because youre fucking irrelevant.
you make threads about Christians all day because youre desperate, seething losers, because paganism is dead, and so is soon your atheism, and you know it.

The problem with Christians is that they took God almighty's prophet and holy angel and Turned them into one, then proceeded to make idols and paintings of Christ and his virgin mother Mary and worshipped them.
Then they took popes and made their word higher than the word of God and followed them blindly no matter how far astray they lead them from their own faith while the supposed holy men took all the gold and wealth they can hoard for themselves.
And not to mention the lost original scriptures and the many mistranslations and intentionally changed and fabricated texts.
They basically turned into the pagans.

No one's talking about atheism. Stop strawmanning.

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That's Catholicism, not Christianity as a whole.

if you want your race to prosper, you better have a solid intelectual ground in order to advance your desire, right now, the best we have for such end is Christianity. According to Christian it is imoral do culturally and demographic dispossess a people in its own nation

Sounds incredibly Rabbi doesn't it? lmao

Is that why the pope was licking a migrants toes?

Christianity is also dead, user
no one gives a shit
the best you can hope for some weirdo cult that will be infiltrated immediately
if you alienate most of your race by being a hardcore Christian, then maybe Christianity is not worth it

i see, thanks for the info.

Christianity is dead amongst normies. its rising amongst gen.z scandinavians.
all the people in pic-related are redpilled as fuck

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I personally have no problems with Christianity on its own
but most people either don't care or are repulsed by it
you can rationalize that and say "I don''t care what most people think, I want to do what's morally right"
and that's great, but I want my race to survive more than that
being right means nothing if you lose

Do we even lurk the same board? It's Christians who spam their shitty threads every day. Either with some nonsense like "JESUS IS KANG" and a pic, or post after post of copy pasted nonsense. The reason we pagans are responding in force is because we are tired of you turning the board to shit and leading some down into a lake of poison.

>>Paganism, debased currency, usury, conquest wars and mass immigration destroyed Rome, not Christianity

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National Socialism is, as always, the answer.

>paganism is dead

It's actually regenerating super fast. Christcuckery on the other hand has had it's day, now it is dying super fast. Thank Thor!

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>people need to stop making fun of my Jewish religion
Why are you Christians like this?

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>we christians dont make threads about pagans because youre fucking irrelevant.
But this is literally such a thread?

>reducing Christianity to the actions of a subversive pope and ignoring 15 centuries of history, dogma and tradition upon which every thing you value in western societies was built upon.

don't mistake the actors for the religion.

They all look like low-T dorks. Weak, frail physique, dressed as women...

It is a reaction to the christian discord shilling. Christians have become really obnoxious on Yas Forums and /his/.

>>reducing Christianity to the actions of a subversive pope and ignoring 15 centuries of history, dogma and tradition upon which every thing you value in western societies was built upon.
But many christians ignore 200 other centuries of history that came before it, why the historical astigmatism?

The only countries where Christianity isn't dying, are shit skin nations. White nations are rejecting it en masse, it's beautiful!

Based bong

Really dude? THousands of years and hundreds of thousands of books, exegesis, and research by theologians and saints into god and all it took for you was Hancock? Literal Rogan brainlet.

Stay mad, christcuck.

yeah, theres many Jesus threads because its a majority Christian board. theres no pagan threads because there are virtually no pagans. and the few pagans are just butthurt basement dwelling fedoras who make seethe-threads about Christinaity. and its obviously working to the opposite effect consdiering how many pagans there were here in ~2015 compared to today.
the pagan meme died faster than the yolo meme

>Anti Christian shilling
Do you consider posting this this shilling, or a call to action to rise up against your kidfucker clergy?

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you just proved my point.

>1st emperor of the Holy ROMAN EMPIRE

the church was often in open conflict with the roman emperor and many kings