From a long distance perspective, was WWII in any way beneficial to Jews?
From a long distance perspective, was WWII in any way beneficial to Jews?
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They will never be overpopulated anymore
Ok OP i know you are the jewish polish.
Hitler was a Zionist stooge
By the looks of it: nope. Chinks are on course to world domination in such a way that the jews will be BTFO just as much as spics, nogs and white boys.
And your mother is a whore, she sells her body for 20 bucks.
The 3 stooges ROSENVELD STALINSKY and HUTTLER were all cryptos who sold out their souls to YHWH aka Shaytan
You sound underage
The US "winning" WWII was most certainly beneficial to Jews. Billions in US tax payer funded aid is given to Israel every year and the US fights the wars for Israel on command
lol only kikes benefited from WW2.
You know where I'm from
A war can go either way and is therefor always a threat. In case you won it, it has obviously been benefitial.
Does that mean it wasn't worth fighting? No. If you don't fight you have already lost.
>everyone will remember 6 gorillion forever and ever
>no one will give a single shit about 18 million USSR civilians
>"hurr durr hitler didn't wanted to eradicate russians"
Well, fuck me sideways. And fuck kikes.
Yes, because of hitler’s failure to finish the job, now jews own the narrative on how nationalism and multiculturalism is okay, and we will never get it back. By failing he basically handed them all the advantage they need on a silver platter.
>losing means you lose
Wow how insightful
How much*
no, Isreal is a fucking shirhole compared to Germany. They might think its better because muh holy land but they arent exactly paragons of intelligence.
Massively. They have victim armor now.
Well thats the correct answer to OPs question, it really is that simple.
When have you last thought about the far-left commie killers, who murdered tens of millions in their countries during peacetime? Those so-called “worker’s paradises” were turned into prisons, with borders closed against people from escaping and getting out. An Iron Curtain. 1Sec Stalin and Chairman Mao are infamous for their high body counts, as I already mentioned, in the several tens of millions.
They acquired palastine so yeah
Multiculturalism is better than being stuck with the same destructive culture
It's the lack of culture with Americans that is the problem
>We have acquired the moral highground
Stimulus is nice but when you have to spend it all on military to deal with 24/7 mortars youd be wishing for the wwimer republic again
How new are you??
>Yes, because of hitler’s failure
Who started the war? UK and France
Who founded Israel? UK
Wow you are a coward, blaming the only man who fought the jews.
This. Hitler made the state of Israel possible and destroyed Europe for all time. Hitler was their stooge.
Yes because normies feel bad about the 6 gorillion
They got Israel and tons of gibs for 80+ years, so I guess?
Stop referring to your own posts like a fucking faggot
Jews are waiting for the messiah to return to re-establish Israel. As Israel was re-established as a result of Hitlers actions, this makes Hitler the jewish messiah - which is the antichrist.
Hitler destroyed Europe, killed more whites than any other group, created the environment for Israel to be established, eternally demonized the espousing of rightwing politics and of course didn't kill any jews. Ok, If any jews were holocausted, they would be orthodox jews that do not recognize the current state of Israel
>Hitler destroyed Europe, killed more whites than any other group
No proof of 6 mil dead, creation of the jewish state and reparations? Sounds like a win to me.
It gave them Israel as well as an even tighter grip on America and Europe so I would believe so
Hate to break it to you but I think he was a legit nationalist extremest who loved his race a little bit too much, if his speeches we're an act then I don't know what to believe anymore
Why does this make what I said wrong?
I will tell you just one word -KARMA-
I guess in some way because we got Israel, but it's also been our biggest issue since. Double-edged sword of Zionism