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I can see that UK is going for 2nd place.

Numbers went down a lot when compared to previous weeks. Happeningfags btfo.

press d to dab on ameritards

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>The EU has triple the deaths
With less people

>China 3,000 deaths

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its already happened.
the damage is done.

China is literally pretending their people don't catch the flu.

MIGA niggers before
>haha whites are immune
>haha the virus is g-ds punishment for China trying to rewrite the Thora and Talmud to conform with their socialism with national characteristics

>virus kills the Anglos and niggers

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chink LARPing as a jew LARPing as white.

seen through it.

Err... Luigi, I'm fairly sure only the state of New York has more people than Italy and you're a third the total deaths of an entire fucking continent.

>crops out per/million

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If we can prove that those numbers are fake we can invade the china or force them to pay us money.

>tests more than double of any other country
>has more cases because of more tests
Why is the America the bad?

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Fuck off, Chang.

It’s how euros make themselves feel better about getting fucked by a coof

Pakistan is catching up nicely

this burger gets it

US has got away with it for the most part apart from New York which has been glassed. So fair play there. London got decimated and a few paki strong holds in the Midlands. As always though areas dominated by white people have generally done okay throughout the Anglo world. Like half are deaths are non whites

Niggers, including spaghetti niggers never understand per capita.

Shitaly could. go. all. the. way!!

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Pissant numbers because they are all hiding inside..
Real men would be out there braving the world and spreading that shit..


Oh poo.. maybe you guys aren’t trying as hard as the other nations..
If you aren’t spreading it into the black and poorer communities who suck done your welfare dollar to this those herds when all this stops you’re going to have to pay massive massive debts for keeping them alive and they’ll go on committing crime and sucking more welfare and you’ll have to pay for it as they won’t.
The more deaths the better right now..

Those numbers are as fake as all their products,buildings,rice,oil and history.

old graph
belgium will be number 1 after tomorrows numbers

weird that germany was almost always number 2 in daily gainz for weeks and now when talks about lowering down the quarantine are starting the numbers are magically lower than even iran


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Good. Less Demonrats.

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>butthurt cause a shitty third world country took control the virus better than a country of obese kike enabling mongrels.

counter argument : you already have 600K cases and growing. That's already as much case per millions than the top of that list. Just wait for all those people to die.

>entire world on lockdown
>Happeningfags btfo

You people need to be put down.

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