The concept of "white genocide" is made up. No one is targeting you for killing because of your race. No one is forbidding you from being white.
Stop peddling the "white genocide" myth. It's disgraceful to people who suffered actual genocides.
The concept of "white genocide" is made up. No one is targeting you for killing because of your race. No one is forbidding you from being white.
Stop peddling the "white genocide" myth. It's disgraceful to people who suffered actual genocides.
Kys nigger
Ok Schlomo
anyone who saw the covington catholic farce and doesnt believe that the media has a seething hatred for white children is blind.
Where's the lie though? Numbers don't lie. Look at the demographics. Europeans aren't having enough children. Without mass immigration, Europe will not survive.
On the other hand, Israel is a tiny country and we rely on many millions of dollars in international aid each year. So she's completely correct.
>yfw when I show you that the fertility rate of conservative whites is only matched by SOME hispanics
you guys run a budget surplus and still receive aid
you forgot your memeflag Moshe
The concept of "genocide" is badly defined and murky altogether
Because Jews are good with money. If Jews really controlled the western financial system like the anti-Semites want to believe, then perhaps the world wouldn't be in such terrible shape.
Not so fast rabbi. You're not aloud to post in here. Get OUT.
Bottom right image is incorrect. They'd have guns so they wouldn't be prisoners.
forgot your meme flag kike faggot
וואי תסתום כבר את הפה
109 countries!
Omg, you're so right, it is horrible, just like the sterilization ethiopian jewish women in nazi germany... oh wait, that was in israel.
Why/how are/is/did/do(es) 'X' blah blah blah Go away, 'X' 'X' detected/spotted/etc For me, it's 'X' How will/can 'X' ever recover? Day of the 'X' when? What did 'X' mean by this? When I say 'X' you say 'X' The eternal 'X' 'X' hate thread Me on the left/right/back/front God I wish that was/were me Based Cringe Normies Ethnicity Phenotype Race Mixing POC What went wrong? He (literally) did nothing wrong t. McDonald's wagecuck arthouse White genocide Cuck Daily reminder Thot Despite being Dishonest Brainlet Slampig Redpill me on Tranny Janny Simp Smell Why is this? Who is to blame? What is their problem? BTFO fpbp ftfy Being this Butthurt Dilate Master race Stunning, brave, powerful I'm gonna say it Negro N-word Why, yes Rent free Mutt Chimp Brap Ethnostate How could you tell? Shitskin Yeah, I'm thinking Umad It's over Cope Wew Seethe Spic Schlomo Roach For free Libtard Have sex Happening In minecraft And that's a good thing NothingLeafBurger Literally This, but Ironically/unironically Chang Chink Hanz Neet Wagie Can't meme Go back Smoothbrain Reddit SJW Ivan Coalburner Gaslighting (((you))) Chad Stacy "oomers" Flags IDs "racialoids" /ourguy/ Glow Memeflag NPC Schizo Jew Kike Shill Imagine Incel Built for Pozzed Bot Boi We wuz kangz IQ No u Oh nonono REEEEEEEE NOOOOOOO How compete? Name/find a flaw Fag rag coof Now that the dust has settled kys
Birthrate drops when life is easy, it's that simple.
Take your meds
What's the point of your post? Her shitty response was never an argument against immigration except in her head. OPEN THE BORDERS.
The holocaust is made up
tell me one fucking reason we need 200 gorillion people in europe. it had a few million throughout history and was totally fine, they don't need more whites or more niggers, they need less people
You don't need aid anymore.
>2.7 foreskins have been deposited in your account
>we rely on many millions of dollars in international aid each year
Then, give aid to European Countries with declining birthrates then!
So you shouldn't get aid anymore.
thank god for mormons. they'll keep us alive
So if white supremacists really feel threatened by the increasing global population of non-whites, they should help increase the standard of living in developing countries, and then the problem will solve itself. But you won't do that.
>we rely on aid!
>well actually we are so much better than you with money that if we ran your country you would be in a better shape!
>No one is targeting you for killing because of your race.
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.
3 of those 4 pics look pretty good to me
Because that's gay and your it's your job.
Not my problem.
My sides
Oy vey!
>Europeans aren't having enough children. Without mass immigration, Europe will not survive.
That is one of your many pernicious lies, right there.
First of all "minorities" (browns) attack and kill whites in their nations daily.
Second, genocide by replacement is still genocide by all standards. Laws that make sure that European countries don't remain majority European are genocidal, period. Just the fact that European countries are more or less controlled by foreigners (Jews) is oppressive enough to warrant revolution. Just like Jews theoretically deserve a nation for the purpose of self-determination, Europeans do.
Lastly, I spit on your shoah, nobody fucking cares faggot kike.
>whites should stop spending money on improving their conditions and subsidize third world countries
>Europe will not survive.
Why do we need Eurotrash to survive?