How to legally buy a gun in a country like Poland?

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Go to Warszawa. Hang around the clubs. Meet a drug dealer. Figure it out from there.

What do you need a gun for? Semi auto pistoles were designed to kill women and children. Don’t try to purchase such a consitrated instrument of evil.

I need a weapon to kill my chickens. I have no nerves to cut their heads off with an ax.

I wrote "legally".

And you can't google this why?

What I found is too time consuming. I just want to buy a gun, not sign up to the shooting clubs!

Lol. Join a hunting or sports shooting club and get a permit.

Just call your local police and ask what are the regulations for buying handguns. They probably get this question all the time and can direct you to the right people.

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Ma racie, polowanie w Polsce pozwala na nie złe karabini. Ojciec miał coż takiego.

Isn't black powder stuff easier to get there?

Thank you!

ironically gas them

I don't understand this pregnant anne frank meme

Yeah great idea. Just get some of that "black powder" put it in a barrel et viola: a gun!

yea, that's mostly how it works.

Grow nerves. It will save you money on ammo. If you have a problem getting a gun, chances are getting ammo is just as difficult.

Go to some "barber shops" or ask some drug dealers how to get it in minecraft.

to kill people like you

Neither do I but it's fucking hilarious for some reason

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US made Berettas are terrible quality

You know I’m just being satire, right? Fucking low i.q Yas Forums nigger.

you have one of the strictest gun laws in europe.
If by a miracle you get one legally you would have to register it too,wich defeats the purpose of having a gun.
If I was you I would do the minecraft way.

drug dealers generally don't have guns in poland

Get an air gun

you can own any black powder gun with no licenses/permits. you can even walk into a store with it.

i was too faggot. sorry if you didn't get it and I hurt your feelings honey

I have a problem with that, since I once cut half the chicken head and he was still alive. It wasn't until my dog ripped it apart. I'm not very good at these things.

I know, I was just baiting a (you) out of you.

well you have the Czech Republic just near you. Go there for a trip and see if there's something there that pleases you.

>I once cut half the chicken head and he was still alive
First time killing a chicken? lol That's the most funniest shit about chickens and everyone who has them knows about that.
Here in Portugal no matter what animal it is we give it wine until they're drunk and can't react to you grabbing them and cutting its head.

This is some way. Maybe I'll try it.