Why do leftist academics try to re-write history?
It's B.C.
Why do leftist academics try to re-write history?
It's B.C.
Your shitty prophet bears no relevance to actual ancient history.
I call BCE the “Before Christ Existed” era.
its not that big of a deal why do you care what academics use as language to describe a timeline? You can still call it BC you homo.
I don't care either way, I was taught a certain way and I'm going to stick to it
He is divine and whether you believe that or not yes he does
i care because they subtly altered it in a way such that they can morph the minds of young children
they hate Jesus that much
He was also born 6 BC you bible-thumping retard
It doesn't even make sense, either
The very earliest year zero of "Common Era" would be in the late 1800s with the invention of the light bulb or telephone
Why are leafs literally the most annoying posters on this site?
The entire calendar by which all the world follows is based on Jesus Christ. Doesn't matter if you're fag or not, you follow it
As opposed to inserting your religious beliefs into every facet of every other persons life?
>Your shitty prophet bears no relevance to actual ancient history.
>BCE/CE calendar is still based on the prophecy, they just change the title
They don’t have the tact of an Australian.
They hated him because he told the truth.
The gregorian calendar is a correction of the julian calendar, made by the greatest society ever before your shitty meme jew
Rewriting history would be saying Biden's year of birth is the new 0. The AD-CE thing is just a quaint little rebrand. Hard to say what was so uncommon with year -1 compared to year 0.
why are they so adamant on taking a reactionary position? they are altering an accepted standard of measuring dates to serve an agenda. it would be like if someone disliked rome so they tried to force a new calendar for measuring months. but instead of coming up with something intelligible they just slightly altered the month names like January to Jonoary
That's pretty blasphemous user, Christ has always existed.
Built for B.C.E.
Do they still say AD?
Like with that whole heliocentric view of the solar system?
you mean like inserting july and august so that SEPTember is now the 9th month of the year?
only if your interpretation of "existence" is extended to spiritual forms. by your logic Before Christ could also be interpreted as blasphemous
that makes it more aligned to actual standards of measurement. BC to BCE is a reactionary arbitrary distinction intended to erase the historical influence of Christ
Amerilards are literally this retarded it should be a sin.
jesus christ can you please not handle my pocky in this manner
You use him as a dating benchmark even though you do not want to use his name.
Way to btfo yourself with your left hand while focusing on the right
it's okay you don't know what a reactionary is, go look up on wikipedia. and keep using >amerilard like it's 2011 AD lmao
This whole Conversation is Blasphemy only in the level of sad it protrays people to be. This is a Sliding bait thread.. Why are you feeding it? are you trying to let the Reddit cucks. Glow Niggers, Jewish Operatives and Dumbasses drag you down to their level? Didn't your parents ever warn you arguing with stupid people is paramount stupidity? they will drag you down to their level and finish you off with their focused Autism and cogitative dissonance reeeeeeeeing. Thus the first rule of Clown world is.. Always have your ear plugs. Because you do have the option to mute stupid people from affecting your mood much more when you can't fucking hear them. Have a good day sir.