Why don't nations make joint efforts for space colonization, Yas Forums?
Why don't nations make joint efforts for space colonization, Yas Forums?
Do they not have computers in Africa?
in america nasa was very unpopular with non whites because they wanted more welfare. i cant imagine space colonization will happen by any country that isnt china or something at this point
Africans use quantum computers thanks to Wakanda
That would be communism and it doesn't work. Countries need to compete against each other to move forward.
I miss Hitler.
>That would be communism
Everything I don’t like is communism dot jay peg
Ah yes de know da wae.
>brazilians larp as KANGZ
>white men (anglos) are enamored with space
>EUropoors like to pretend they're still great colonial empires
>Sl*ves WEWUZZING about WWII victories
Space cartels
Boomers want to feed niggers instead.
They used to, then nigger loving boomers showed up.
countries don't want to liberate you
countries want to improson you and make you into a widget for their country.
Why do you think citizenship matters so much?
Countries aren't going to just give a bunch of people massive amounts of resources just to fuck off and create another independant nation.
They want a titi for tat.
they want soemthing in return.
And most likely be loosing valuble thinking and mind power by sending off many of their best and brightest to start building a new world, instead of working to improve the country .
Huh? Everything almost makes complete sense except this one.
Sopa de macaco brazilianlet
You can't marry your sister in eu4
Because colonization would end up causing conflicts.
Basically this. Boats have existed for thousands of years, and all of the technology in a galleon existed as far back as ancient Greece yet no one made any attempts to make an ocean faring vessel, nor cross the Atlantic until 500 years ago. Why? Because there was no profit motive. It wasn't until they thought that the colonies they made in the New World could grant them more profit that they invested in exploration. When the time comes that asteroid mining is viable or colonies on Mars or the Jovian moons become profitable there will be an explosion of space exploration.
this is really interesting
why do third world shitholes unanimously enjoy CK2 while eurochads like to relive the best years of their history?
also eastern europe likes HOI, maybe to turn around the fate they were given?
the anglo and its former colonies playing stellaris above all else I don't see the pattern for
Unga bunga no money
Stellaris is the most dumb down piece of shit "strategy game". It's basically targeted at Niggers which is why Anglos seem to love it so much
Small countries that historically were the losers get to rewrite history with EU IV. Everyone enjoys most playing as their own ethnic group in games like this but for anglos it'a shallow because if you pick England you know that England historically was the victor so it feels less of a challenge to make England the victor in the game. If you play as sicily or denmark and conquer Europe, well now, that feels like an impressive challenge. Anglo's were too successful in the historical period covered by eu4 so we have to play as space farers for the next challenge.
For Latin America it's the perception of the Christian God. Local christfags over here see more a god of order and power rather than the god of universal love that priests seem to love preaching about.
Add to the fact that we hold Europe's culture in extremely high standard (although some of us do hate Spain specifically), therefore we love the Crusades.
Wiz fucking destroyed it when he removed all the extra FTL types so he could make trench warfare in space
>space game
>doesn't allow for 3D warfare
If they had any sense at all they'd allow for up to 5D warfare
is germany too ashamed of its history to play any of the games in which it features prominently?
>joint efforts
Nobody trusts the lying Chinese.
>we wuz crusaders t. latino
>we wuz #1 t. eurotrash
>we wuz communists t. commies
>tfw part of we wuz gonna be space muhrenes
As to answer your question, it's because of all the doggos and catos, niggerinos, feminos, and all the other (((pets))) we have to take care of.
because they're not coming with
>tfw not being born during the new world boom
Why even live?
Why? The sense of cultural loss post-WWII must be massive. HOI is an opportunity to change that.
I suppose, but isn’t imperial Japan sort of taboo in Japan?
what pdx game do chinks play?
I can say for sure its not vicky 2, but they should give it a go to remember their place
If China westernize’s in Vic2 it will within like 5 years become the strongest country by far in the game lol and is perfectly capable of reverse colonizing Europe
I don't think this is all that accurate, after all, I for example have over 2.5k hours in EU4 and yet almost never look it up in google
Plus most paradox games get censored or not released in Germany and China
Just stop, you sound retarded