Did any of you from burger land receive your TrumpBux yet?

Did any of you from burger land receive your TrumpBux yet?

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no. i did my taxes 2 days ago and I'm worried I won't get it. I don't even know if I'll get it just by doing my taxes or if I have to fill out other secret forms.

Yeah. I got mine. Wife forgot to switch over her accounts so she’ll be getting a check


Has anyone been able to check their status on the IRS site? It says my status is unavailable when I try to check today, does that mean I've been an illegal the last 30 years?

Yeah. It's going towards a new computer chair and steam games, rest is going in the bank. What are you going to buy user reading this?

Got mine. $1200 Trumpbux direct deposited into my account late last night.

Yes sir this morning

Trying to set up direct deposit for my mom on IRS site but keep getting error message. Site is probably getting BTFO right now

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WTF I'm a socialist now.

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Yes I got mine today and spent a little bit of it

Reporting in

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Website says today
My shitty bank is having issues with the online banking

My mom checked for me, and I got mine.

I got $1200 yesterday

Yeah i mailed my taxes in at the end of March. I'm debating on doing the non-filers form on the IRS to get it faster but I'm not sure. Any user can help me out would be appreciated.

Woke up to a phone notification I'm in the Trumpbux club now

still haven't gotten a penny from unemployment though, stupid Ohio unemployment office is still dragging it's feet, I think they should replace the people running that with bots to just process everything immediately.

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I dont have mine yet, i guess im voting biden

go back to mexico.

I just turned 18 and jobless so..... Nope

Yeah, just too bad $1200 can't cure diabetes and morbid obesity though.

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I make too much to get BurgerBux.
>made 105k

>mailed my taxes in
user are you living in the dark ages? you can file online.
You're going to end up getting a check in the mail three weeks later, that's you're fault for filing by snail mail, file by snail mail receive snail mail.

Being a single parent must be rough user. I'm sorry.

Just got my 2400. My wife and I are both still working, we both have good jobs, so we're just going to blow the money. Feels good man

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Well the reason why I did is because as soon as I heard about trumpbux I rushed to get my refund in. I didn't think you could file taxes with 0 I come electronically until the IRS released the non-filers application early this week. The one time I don't procrastinate it hurts me.

i filed online but opted to recieve the return by mail since I didn't have direct deposit info at the time.

nothing indicated I'd be recieving trumpbux. do they just arrive with the return? id like to hear from people who got their trumpbux on what they did specifically to receive them.

man I wish I had a wife. Are you going to buy a double ended dildo?

It will be mailed to the address your tax return check was mailed to...you'll actually get one of the checks "signed"(printed) by Trump. dirrect deposit fags like us won't see any check. but I don't care to, can't cash a check while all the banks are closed.

Got one already. Probably going to get tattoos and some new clothes and shit. Who knows. Maybe some custom Adidas

Yup, mine was huge cause I’m married with 3 kids. I put most into savings and bought a .357 levergat

My mom did, im stuck on her couch so based Trump and all that

Yes, did my taxes at the very beginning of March when someone even hinted the slightest hint of them doing this

She should be able to update DD info still somewhere on IRS website
April 17th according to IRS is the stimulus tracker tool
Ya TONS of people are waiting for unemployment still. And if you filed back in March you're probably still waiting for refund, fucked as hell
This morning, if you think you did everything right just wait till 17th when IRS releases some kind of tracking website called IRS.gov/eip (I think)
Good luck frens

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after this is over get a job. If you want to maintain a neet lifestyle get a remote job, programming is the best remote job to get but there are other remote jobs that can be done.

Damn that's a good idea. I just bought a new 45 revolver, but I always want new guns

Got mine today.

No. Don't know anybody who did.

I got mine today and my friend got his yesterday.

All you have to do is fucking file your taxes, the IRS website literally says this. You don't even have to file your taxes for this year, 2018s taxes work too.

I'm probably gonna have to wait on a check.

I work from home tech support. I make 60 grand a year in a really cheap state. I live really good

i did this AM, $3400. Married, 2 kids. Filed this years taxes last month.

actually you can cash checks by taking pictures of them on apps now...just sayin.

and to user asking what i had to do to get mine...absolutely nothing. looked in my account this morning and there it was.

There is no paper check. Social distancing and all that. Better fill out the forms if you want your UBI.

Anyone with ssi still waiting?

We got our 4400 today plus two weeks of unemployment with the 600 added (1920)

Got tax returns last month. We're hood rich

I got my unemployment trumpbux in, $800 a week. Not as much as regular work but at least I can pay my mortgage until this retarded stay at home order is lifted and I can get rehired

didnt realize filing taxes was considered doing something...but yes i did do that last month and got my check this morning...tough still waiting on tax returns even though they were approved. those usually take a few weeks to show up though

almost 900 on your credit card. what, you buy a gun or something?

Well, I plan on leaving mine in my bank account, I intend on saving up to buy a piece of property, minimum of 20 acres. I got Trumpbux, next will be unemployment, our should be and that is going to be at least $600 per week from the federal govt. And I'm supposed to get $480 per week from the state. It's all pending though once it goes through (which with my luck will be when I'm back going to work and don't need it.) So I'll likely have 8k by the end of this month since the only bill I really have is my mortgage which is $800 per month. I had the foresight to overpay on all my gas and electric utilities so I don't have to worry about those for years. and I'm stocked up enough on food to go for three months.

I'm loaded now. I'm making more than I did working 50 hours a week.

What if my tax return was rejected for both 2018 and 2019? Should i just apply as a non-filer in order to get my check? I can't seem to contact the IRS about this. I know I can't print my taxes out and mail them in, but I'm broke and don't know anyone with a printer. Please help!

yeah I've been looking into doing this, I was a programmer for an industrial plant. programming robots, ovens and casting machines. Mostly just C# and VB. the robots had some weird proprietary language. But since they closed the shop down for the UAW faggots who shut down the auto industry I got laid off.
I'd like to do a remote job in programming, sell my house and buy a massive 200 acre piece of property and farm it on the side. That way I could use my experience in machine programming to program tractors as well.
I mostly just want enough land to sustain myself and a family. I grew up on a farm and I think it's the cleanest living, I'm tired of living in the berbs.

Dumbass can you read? I already filed and mailed my taxes in.

1700 bucks this morning ftw