Right All Along

March, 2020
>go out on limb and say coronavirus isn't the "extinction level virus" all your peers (TRS, Spencer, Greg Johnson) claim
>express skepticism of ZOG's biggest action since WW2
>receive unending mockery and slander as peers zealously support ZOG
>have Richard Spencer literally call cops on you because you said you're going outside during lockdown
>steadfastly stick to the numbers
>point out how death numbers aren't very high
>point out that ZOG is cooking the books to make virus seem even worse
>dilligently and patiently make your case that coronavirus is, at best, a grossly exaggerated threat in a series of videos and Tweets
>still, get mocked and hated

April 15, 2020
>fully vindicated
>literally nobody besides Beltway tyrants and Bluecheck faggots believes a word ZOG says about coronavirus
>all of your predictions have come true: lower mortality than flu, no "mass graves", ZOG is going to issue mass lockdowns, doomsayers will never backtrack an inch

ramzpaul is a bit goofy and cucky. but he stuck his neck out on coronavirus and he deserves credit
so here it is:
RamzPaul: You were right and we were wrong.

Attached: ramzpaul.salute.jpg (229x221, 6.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 2.27.19 PM.png (826x706, 172.93K)

Richard Spencer has always just been a leftist who hates niggers.

He's pretty based

Attached: 1583828395676.png (881x862, 293.8K)

oh yeah
they're using this for mass vaccination (read: sterilization) of white children

the vaccine will be "unveiled" within a month or two ("It's a MIRACLE!")
it will be compulsory....
....for CHILDREN, not for adults

Attached: 2 year old vaxxed.webm (600x400, 2.12M)

his video on "diversity in schools" was literally perfect satire
i showed it to my buddy and he didn't finally figure out it was satirical until the very end

don't be dishonest, TRS never claimed it was an "extinction level virus." their stance was always that we have no idea so you might as well take basic precautions. Dicky and Grindr Greg I don't know about.

>literally nobody besides Beltway tyrants and Bluecheck faggots believes a word ZOG says about coronavirus
that's why most of the country is still indoors, huh

Attached: 8c03wcD.jpg (600x954, 65.46K)

Dicky Spencer and Ramzsaul are both shit but atleast Dicky isn't a brainlet.

something they are already doing.
great, very useful.

why are fingolians so violent lads

2500, people die the next day
dumb fucking boomer

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-15 United States Coronavirus 614,246 Cases and 26,064 Deaths - Worldometer.png (703x400, 15.67K)

low IQ nothing burgers have really shown themselves to be just awful

Gworious steppe horseman DNA and depression

>have Richard Spencer literally call cops on you because you said you're going outside during lockdown

this happened? lol

There are still tens of millions of vaccine-free Americans. (They're the ones fucking and making babies.)
That will all end when ZOG's greatest Love Juice ever is unveiled in just a matter of weeks

Attached: sched_rate.png (900x1371, 750.49K)

I've been a fan of ramzpaul for many years but I hate his take on covid-19. He hasn't bee right all along. Sweden is now reconsidering their no social isolation strategy due to a spike in hospitalizations and deaths. The only reason deaths are so low is because the vast majority of people in the USA are staying at home and avoiding social contact.

True Believers can't let go of their delusions
YTD deaths in all countries are completely normal
do you believe the CDC when it tells you that 20% of college girls have been raped?
do you believe INS when it tells you that there are only 11 million illegal immigrants?
do you believe the Pentagon when they tell you only 50,000 Iraqi civilians were killed in the Iraq War?
do you believe the UN IPCC when they tell you that the Atlantic Coast is going to be submerged by the year 2010?

you probably do, actually

Attached: corona.hoax.feels.jpg (480x639, 49.09K)

he was right and you were wrong
it's over

Attached: Coronavirus.empty.hospitals.webm (640x360, 2.67M)

Go med yourself my dude

Attached: 61thJlkYWFL._AC_SY606_.jpg (433x606, 26.25K)

So why is Sweden reconsidering it's strategy?

Sweden's death toll is fucking nothing. The reason everyone is freaking out at them and demanding they do the same suicidal lockdown measures as everyone else is because otherwise they serve the purpose of a control group that will, in time, demonstrably prove that the lockdowns didn't do jack shit but put millions of people out of a job and crash the economy with no survivors.

And before anyone says it "muh economy" is more than just wallstreet kikes trading stonks. We're talking about real people, real jobs, and real poverty. Shit is about to go mad fucking max when the mass hysteria wears off and people realize they fucked themselves over for nothing. And so right now, all the governments that shut everything down desperately need people to believe that the alternative was sixty gorillion deaths.

take your meds schizo

International pressure. You could also wonder why South Africans decided to commit suicide in the 90s by ending apartheid and allowing the blacks to take over.

Right now the entire world is bringing the hammer down on Sweden for going against the grain and doing something that will prove that the lockdowns are bullshit.

>dude literally locks self inside and dons medical garments in order to look at the sun
>calls other people "paranoid"

this is true "projection"

Attached: corona.paranoia.conspiracy.theory.jpg (680x680, 78.36K)

they don't want a control group
it's the same thing with vaccines
their biggest enemy is the millions of vaccine-free families because they completely obliterate their claims that you'll die if you disobey

Attached: Vaccine.Free.Family.jpg (1147x766, 521.22K)

>chinks let out possible biological weapon and start dropping like flies as the CCP tries frantically to contain it
>Don't worry about it

Attached: 1580939679353.webm (368x640, 2.56M)

A WEBM of the Chinese communist government exhibiting paranoid

Attached: 1580939758697.webm (272x480, 1.1M)

Weapons are supposed to kill people
The same number of people have died in 2020 as 2019
Regardless, if you believe the Chinese are trying to kill you....YOU "shelter in place" and wear your faggy little mask and gloves outside
The rest of us aren't Darwinian weaklings who will die of the flu

Attached: corona.hoax.13.png (606x287, 138.75K)


Attached: 1581129838395.webm (960x544, 599.28K)

webm of ZOG telling you right to your face that they cooked the books to make this hoax look real
yet still you defend ZOG

Attached: govt.admits.corona.hoax.birx.fauci.webm (720x400, 2.94M)

webm of American hospitals during this "extinction level virus"

Attached: corona.hoax.doctors.nurses.5.webm (960x720, 2.82M)

>Weapons are supposed to kill people
literal brainlet logic. The idea behind a bio weapon is massive saturation into the population white causing enough mayhem to be use up resources.

Attached: 1580807259364.webm (544x960, 2.92M)

You're stupider than I thought.

Attached: 1580855302731.webm (540x960, 2.19M)

feels good to have had the same opinion from the beginning

coronavirus was a hoax and nobody believes your retarded doomsday prophecies any longer
also, if the elites are using biological warfare against the people, then i wonder what their biggest cannon is.....

Attached: JewishVaccination.jpg (1920x1469, 1.11M)

the worse it gets, the better.

Attached: covid-19.png (807x756, 664.27K)

whatever Chang

Attached: fakefag.png (1216x995, 379.66K)

Coronavirus is real. FUCK THE CCP

Attached: 1582484189163.webm (544x960, 545.8K)

which Netflix shows have you binge-watches as you've obediently "sheltered in place" at ZOG's command?

Attached: CORONA.altright.bugman.gif (800x682, 140.79K)

why are all your webms shaky, long-distance, and context-free webms of trucks in china?
what are they possibly supposed to prove?

Attached: attention.whore.nurses.coronamania.webm (720x1280, 2.51M)