Is CEO the only job a man should aspire to be? Engineers work to make the dreams of others become a reality, Doctors are slaves of the people(100+ hours of work a week), Lawyers defend rich CEOs. So why the hell would you want to work for someone else all your life, making his dream a reality instead of yours? If you don't run a company, you are a beta male.
Typical of a nigger just wanting to sit on its ass all day.
Some people dont want the pressure or have any interest in running a company. Slaves of the people? So i guess fine dining workers are slaves to their customers? You sound like a little kid.
I'm a physician assistant
I work 3 days a week and make 110k a year
I give expensive meds to minorities and fatties
Life is pretty good
Only betas avoid pressure. Pressure males a man. Doctors are slaves because they work 100+, need to do surgeries in the middle of the night. Also insurance owns them.
which is more based, being the CEO of Based or Racism?
So your goal in life is a comfortable life(satisfaction)? What a pussy. It should be to get power and money at all costs. Better to be an owner of a toilet company than to be a nurse.
Career and money chasing doesn't make you a man. Only spirituality does. When you're spiritual and clever enough, you can improve all your spheres of life.
The coping is strong.
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