>Yas Forums thinks these two girls should use the men's bathroom.
We need to talk about this.
I will start, what the hell is your problem??
>Yas Forums thinks these two girls should use the men's bathroom.
We need to talk about this.
I will start, what the hell is your problem??
Other urls found in this thread:
>white "men"
checks out
let me sage this while you get painfully fucked in your asshole because you are subhuman and you enjoy that
lol if i saw these pederasts in a male bathroom i would bodyslam their heads directly into the urinal.
But what if they gotta poo?
the turkroach's insecurity is so great he proactively announces his ugly presence
what's with the right-wing obsession with pedophilia? it's almost as if...
>Yas Forums thinks these two girls should use the men's bathroom.
Who the hell said this? I want these fucks to not even appear outside
Because they're pedophiles themselves, that's how they cope.
what is it about the brown hairs forehead that screams male
>Yas Forums wants to send this to the men's room
No, I think they should be shot in the head for trying to use the women's bathroom.
sage and report
this thread didn't get any traction, what do you suggest?
It makes it a lot easier for me to rape.
tall + sloped
I'm down for "girls" using the men's room. easy prey.
t. degenerate
Every dude on this board talks big about how he can always clock a tranny and that he'd commit violence against a trans person if he saw them. I came out in 2002, has literally never happened to me or any other trans person I know. Either you can't tell, or you're a posturing liar.
nah schlomo, we want to send that to the gas chamber, with yourself following suit.
We can tell, we just don't want to interact with violently mentally ill men
Calm down hormonal
well who else should man the gloryhole?
um they can go home and use their own bathroom than since their freaks of nature and dont belong in either a mens or womens bathroom, is that what youre fishing for? P U B L I C R E S T R O O M S dont care about your sex change
That's why murder is illegal because every single person alive is secretly a murderer who hasn't come out yet.
I'd love to be in a girl's summer camp bathroom
Yes, they should. Also they're going to look like pure shit when they get older, like 30 something years old.
I refuse to take them seriously.
Nuh bro
See because you find what chinese do disgusting (sadistic torture-killing of animals for "flavor") secretly you want to do sadistic torture-killing of animals for "flavor".
>nobody mentioned pedophilia
>nobody said anything about children
>POL IS MADE OF LE PEDÓFILOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!