What's your excuse for not taking the monarchist pill yet user? Now's your chance to get in here and discuss the best ideology that stands the test of time.
>But monarchy is literally cuckolding!
Wrong. Corona Chan has proven that republics can take your rights away when it's convenient, they only do so with the false pretense of people having a say in the government.
>Monarchies are oppressive!
More often than not leaders voted in who obtain new power who don't know how to use it are the biggest cunts. It's the same reason why people who win the lottery almost always end up poor again. Monarchs are put into a high position from birth and so they are good leaders.
>One monarch can literally just ruin everything!
That's a pretty big what if and a rare one at that. Surely a system where the son of the leader being trained from his birth by his father and his loyal advisors to be king is far more stable than the poorly informed voters deciding who to rule through a popularity contest? Here there is an important distinction between monarchies and dictatorships, as dictators seize power after the next dictator, like Stalin seizing power at Lenin's death despite the fact that Trotsky was supposed to rule.
>But my vote counts!
Except it doesn't. Suppose that you are a well read intellectual. Now watch as Tyrone and his gang's vote are just as equal as yours. NOW watch as the wealthy oligarchs who rule you hardly care for shit that doesn't benefit them.
>Monarchs are kikes!
Most expulsions of jews were under monarchies. Meanwhile the U.S loves daddy Israel, because republics are open to foreign intervention from people like glowniggers as a result of being unstable.