Global Coup in Progress

What we are witnessing is a global coup by elites to implement a new world order where they will rule unopposed. While Coronavirus exists it affects mostly only elderly and is a bit more virulent form of flu.The hysteria blown by the mass media and social media agents served to justify extreme measures like lockdown which will NEVER be revoked and will stay with us. The end effect will be a prison society with no dissent possible.

Further measures will include:

Compulsory vaccinations-said vaccines will lower test among certain groups and lead to sterilisation. Scientists will decree that it was a price worth paying and white people were violent anyway.

Digital currency-all your money will stored online and controlled by authorities. As will your expenses and where you are spending money.

Digital ID-to use internet you will need to use a digital id confirming your real life identity. Anonymous posting and usage of internet will be banned in name of fight against "fake news about coronavirus". Without record of your vaccinations in the digital id employers won't hire you and you will be banned from travelling and public spaces. All non-state and non-corporate crypto currencies will be banned.All citizens will be tracked by the state.

Carbon Tax-it will be used to stop you from eating meat such as beef to prevent you from having strong body and mind

Ban on growing your own food-in order to make you dependant on toxic shit you will be only be able to buy online and you will be banned from making your own produce.

Ban on free speech-speaking about or doubting coronavirus pandemic hoax will be punishable by prison and cutoff from public services. We already see people posting truth about coronavirus scare being censored on Twitter and Facebook(Bolsonaro)

Spread the word, look behind motives. Do not believe what media tell you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They will test the waters before they jump in, don't think that they can do this yet since the subversion hasn't been enough as of yet. Though I am being very suspicious about every restriction that is set.

Don't you trust the plan?

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You forgot the annexation of what independent businesses still exist, by the corporations (ofcourse, really just an arm of our deep states)
Globalist NWO truly achieved.

Anyone else think we're rapidly approaching the endgame now? I have a peculiar feeling in my gut and it isn't this mornings Irish stew washed down with fresh OJ and a spoon of pharmaceutical grade Vit C powder.

Exactly the same thing

just stay home everything will be ok fren

Trump is combatting this by opening the economy. If the economy opens and all hell doesn't break loose, it will be impossible to lie about the CCP Virus.
Then, sometime soon, a more deadly weaponized virus will be released.

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It is not a global coup. It is WW3. We are at war with China and they own most politicians and leaders in every country. They are burning it down on purpose because they are positioned to be the victor. This has been planned for awhile. Fuck the CCP. The president needs better advisers.

not approaching. we are within it.
considering their plans have existed for at least a century in technological vision and centuries in overall control vision we have always been in the process of being manipulated and guided from the shadows towards it but now they have brought it fully into the open. all the things on the list are being touted loudly and publicly now including the dissolution of countries, global governance system, etc.
they are behind because the north american union was supposed to follow quickly behind the european union. they even had the amero dollar ready to go maybe twenty years ago.
they said trump pushed their agenda back a little but they'd be back on track for 2030 once they got rid of him. 2030 is not when globohomo becomes reality that in their plans happens much much sooner. like within next two years at the latest. 2030 is when they've murdered all but 500 million people, removed all non elite from access to nature and into concrete ant hills and have the 100% unending impenetrable technocracy fully installed and operating as it will be intended to forevermore without chance of end. it will be the most terrible form of human bondage ever imagined and it will continue for thousands of years if they and the evil guiding them are not stopped. it will take more than people being aware because at that point they will attempt to use extreme violence against the sovereign people of the world.

didn't read memeflag

This just from BDanon:

Everyone has lost their fucking minds and the humor is great. The Chinese are thinking about taking out Taiwan, and Hong Kong. The Russians want Ukraine and spheres of influence in the middle east. The U.S, gets Venezuela and a few other choice pieces of real estate. Of course this is all in anticipation of another depression since no one knows how to deal with Corona Virus and the death toil will continue to rise as we go through multiple infection events. This bad boy is a designer bio-weapon that unwraps like a Christmas present and keeps on giving till it exhausts the victims. Just to share a little diamond with you. The folks in Taiwan have over 40 nuclear weapons they have assembled over the years. With help from Israel, who made a hell of a lot of money, these weapons are dispersed in sites on Taiwan, with 15 nuclear missiles dispersed on several submarines. These folks are not going down without a fight. 5 of the nukes are aimed a Beiing right up Xi`s ass. Fuck China.

>new world order
you've been watching that fat water filter salesman again haven't you

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>new world order where they will rule unopposed
So they ruled opposed before? Who opposed (((them))) then? Orange man?
Excuse my laughter.

lol, look at the fresh retards.

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>a bit more virulent form of flu
Its not an influenza virus. The flu doesn't fuck your blood cells and kill T-cells or infect your gut bacteria. That being said it is not as bad as it sounds since we have effective treatments already and absolutely don't need Genocidal Gates chip&vaccine every month for the rest of our lives.

you are 100% correct OP
but they DO also have a vastly over-inflated sense of power which is a result of complacency by people who are uninterested in the pursuit of power....
not that they lack the capacity for extreme measures...its just they are comfy.
also your entire idea is wonderful except the infrastructure for such a plan is very delicate and only exist in rather developed countries...

the other 50% of the planet could no sooner follow a global lockdown for longer than a month than fly to the moon.


in reality i see the wheels falling off real fucking fast desu

right in front of you...
a big part of it is called agenda 2030

your politicians are running around with it's pin, and yet you do not even know what the hell it is. Because you are busy writing niggerpoop on the internet, instead of doing some fucking research

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Fake tests

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ooo shiny

False deaths

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The global economy is currently hanging by a thread. Recovery absolutely fucking depends on things returning to normal sometime around late May / early June.

The elite are hemorrhaging money just to keep civilization afloat during the pandemic.

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Fake deaths

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They are afraid of something. Or is it someone?

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Hospitals lying

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Fake pandemic, you mean

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What? Elaborate, faggot

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kikes lose, Christ and whites win

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More fake deaths

Jesus is a faggot jew

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I keep thinking this myself. This is their final move.

There one was a lonely little nobody. He didn't do much with his time he just spent it alone inside. He went through his trials and pain in his life and he always wanted to understand the reason WHY!? WHY MUST THE WORLD BE SO CRUEL. So he spent his time pontificating and exploring other's perspectives. He spent a lot of time on a website that represents creation. He played, he laughed, he had fun with his frens on this site. But the site became overran with shills he couldn't talk to his frens anymore. But through it all he wanted to know to find the elusive Truth. He witnessed all the evils of the world layed out before his eye until one day it all came to a head. It was as if everything was in sync and he had enough he just couldn't take it anymore he KNEW this world was evil it wasn't right that was the answer the WORLD was bad! But even more the WORLD was ALIVE! He still held on though he still believed that good was out there he saw it in his frens and he knew it was real. So he prayed he begged he pleaded for the good to save the world to save everyone and he offered himself to do whatever was necessary! And his prayers were answered the voice of GOD came to him as a fren. He left him a powerful poem that broke the spell on his life!

Twas me you say?
An user that's a homebody?
Nay, couldn't be me
I'm just a nobody...

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Same. Saw it coming down the pike but I just can’t believe how quickly it rolled out, pretty much overnight, and they just keep continuing to squeeze us more with each passing day.

Haha u butthurt? I was a NEET, started worshipping Lucifer, and now i make 100,000 a year in IT

Hail Satan

That’s a good thing because believe it or not these global elites as you call them have our best interests at heart.

You mean the ones that make you look like an absolute clown, kike?

Oh boy now this post was pathetic. It wasn't even remotely funny it had nothing worth reading. I think I might have been made more retarded by this post.

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10 years of shit.