These brave programmers are way smarter than you and demand substantially higher wage than your forklift driving

These brave programmers are way smarter than you and demand substantially higher wage than your forklift driving.

It seems clear that high IQ is positively correlated with liberal views.

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Every IT company I've worked at in the Bay Area has had zero trannies.

show this picture to your great grandpa kids, that's why he fought the evil nazis

why do they all look so gross they need to lift weights

I write cross platform C++, 9/10 of these faggots should be fixing memory leaks they wrote instead of being faggots.

Wow! Each one of them is it’s own meme.

Why aren't they working?

Jesus christ who gives a fuck, what the hell does hiring more niggers, gays and trannies have to do with anything? If they're competent and competitive they'll get the job, most employers really couldn't care less.

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>trannies infiltrating and ruining tech
Business as usual.

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White people were a mistake

C++ will get coc'd.

No kikes are a mistake schlomo

the incessant incel plots in a fairytale world, whouda guessed it?


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>1 post by this id

Kikes may have started it, but whites have taken the wheels and do this shit on their own now. I wonder how hard kikes rub their hands at the site of whites jewing themselves in ever growing numbers and with greater intensity every year

>Jesus christ who gives a fuck, what the hell does hiring more niggers, gays and trannies have to do with anything? If they're competent and competitive they'll get the job, most employers really couldn't care less.
Just wait until competent devs are getting passed over because less qualified trannies, niggers, and fags are pushed to the front for diversity.
HR in the big companies see it as their mission to make this happen, they are parasitic ticks sucking the companies dry, these companies stop caring about quality year ago. (see outsourcing, h1bs)

Trannies and feminists are the janissaries for the establishment, the hall monitors, the middle managers.

>If they're competent and competitive they'll get the job, most employers really couldn't care less.
Have you been on stasis since 2005 and just woke up?

mutant freaks like this should be executed

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Why is programming and computer sciences so pozzed?

The brown guy in the back is probably the only one that actually does any of the work.

C++ is a half baked bug generator. Always has been always will be. Too bad ADA SPARK and other formally verified languages never took off...

*blocks your path*

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damn ozzy gained weight

>It seems clear that high IQ is positively correlated with liberal views.
It is, but IQ is not an accurate measure of intelligence

Most of the trannies I've encountered work at Laser Tag-like venues.
>tits and stubble

God im so glad i went the electrical engineering route.

"I'm CIA"

>my trannies have three legs

The only thing that your pic indicate is that High IQ is positively correlated with race.

Which is absolutely right.

What's with the moon symbology? That shit is no coincidence.

I wonder how much of their code made a positive impact to my life.

It looks like everybody in tech is a faggot. Are they trying to get some non-fags to learn programming?

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This is why i stuck to defence & finance. Fuck your start up culture.

it's easier than ever now.
You don't need to know shit about how a computer works to program thanks to these higher level languages that are built on VMs that take care of all the icky nasty nerdier bits for you.
And since everything you need to do is in a fucking library already you get two classes of people.
The average who will just find the answer on what inputs to get what outputs from the library call (thanks StackOverflow).
But anyone clever enough to actually write these libraries that everyone depends on? Locked away in basements and paid in all the money and hookers they want and they are jealously guarded.

Most code work is basically filling in stubs at this point and with hardware continuing to push as far as it is there is no reason to really go back to the point where they're starting to build "languages" that come down to graphical interfaces. Drag and drop the blocks, so easy a business major could do it.

On a dumb ass side note: it really does paint a picture of how it's possible that every single fucking person in the future portrayed in Star Trek is some high level programmer and hacker. By that time everything is basically a video-game tier representation of programming and hacking.

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Thank you for this user, never actually heard this one before

these people use loosely typed garbage-collected languages, user. we both know this.

So what happens at the Office Christmas when they fuck each other? Rub mutilated genitalia together?

They killed themselves and wonder why 40%, others say 50% can't get their shit straight.

What's the benefit of diversity in programming?

If they hire white trannys does it count as a female hire?

No niglet among them

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Same thing happened in the 70's with affirmative blacktion.

They are sodomites.

Often pedos.

I've never been so happy to be native American. I'm just a mediocre programmer so I wondered how I got my job at Microsoft until I learned they had a quota to hire 20 native Americans in 2019! Love my job

Niggers can't code.

Weren't you the guys who weren't supposed to use your own language anymore after Hitler moved in?

Trannies unironically have more balls than anyone who still cucks themselves to the methnostate AFTER it was defeated.

>instead of

Why not both?

>It seems clear that high IQ is positively correlated with liberal views.
This is true. However, you shouldn't devalue forklift drivers like that, it's classist bullshit.

Conceptualize the aromatics.

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All I see is a group of white males? How is this diversity?

Also the major rity of the looks like faggots.

No thanks

But it is. That's not the reason high IQ is correlated with liberalism. It's also that:

-mouth-breathers tend to be conservative by default because simplistic, black-and-white right-wing views are easier for them to grasp, dragging down the overall average for people on the right, the left occupying the middle of the bell curve more than the left tail
- relatively bright people still get brainwashed by liberal academia

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Is it the biggest folly of our time to correlate programmers with high IQ? Does anyone really think that there's anything special about today's C++ programmers who use Boost (or did before new standards) and other libraries and then just write basic shit themselves?
The pic rel is a perfect example...

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The trend is reversing. Companies are realising forced diversity is bad for the bottom line.

Can’t they be productive and ruin the abomination that is C# instead

I've never hated someone as much as that guy on the front left based off of one pic. Look at that complete asshole.

The art of C++ programming is knowing how to ask the right question on StackOverflow.


Only if it identifies as such on the day of the diversity audit.

>- relatively bright people still get brainwashed by liberal academia
And "liberal" stuff sounds great on paper to those who want to make a positive change in the world.
I think in efforts to stop losing people to the actual reality of how the world works there has been a fostering of this "us" vs "them" sort of mind set because people will hold on to dumb bullshit for longer if they feel it is the righteous thing to do against their supposed enemies.

They can increase diversity by inviting H1B visa Pajeets to do their jobs for half the pay.

I want a video of him getting his faggot face kicked in. I thought the very same thing when I looked at this pic. Weak disgusting beta faggot asshole, I want to strange him with his own lanyard.

So it's a


group now?

didnt know chuck johnson was trans.