Magapedes before:

Magapedes before:
>You can't just print more money! That's SOCIALISM!
>You commies just want free gibs! Typical!

Magapedes now:
>It's not socialism when team red does it!

None of them have any principles of any kind. At least a socialist says what they want straight up. Right wingers just change like a reed in the wind based on whatever the man in the special hat says.

By the way, the corporate bailout worked out as about 14 grand per citizen.

Attached: Milton_William_Cooper.png (371x268, 155.04K)

>None of them have any principles of any kind.
Why do you expect anything higher from boomers?

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You don't speak English too good. Where'd you sneak in from?

I don't know.
I got used to seeing so many retards babbling on about what they believe 'socialism' to be (most of the time it just means anything that they don't like tbqh) and invoking Venzeula etc. Then this happens and all of a sudden they're fine with it.

No one has any conviction in their words now, ESPECIALLY on the right. Unironic dumbass antifa types have more principles than the right wing today.

Socialism is a bunch of niggers begging for free shit.

I was against the bailouts but as I had no choice in the matter, I am happy to cash my check.

Totally socialist when red team does it but who cares yang should have offered more.

They shut down most businesses you mong.

But being honest about begging for free shit.
Right now everyone is praising Trump for giving them free money.

No difference.
Except one pretended not to like socialism until team red said they're allowed to like it.

Every time you see a magapede complaining about Yang or Bernie it's worth remembering they actually love socialism if its their guy doing it. No principles.

So in other words mass unemployment. The same thing that is already in America regardless of a pandemic and only getting worse with increased automation. The Rust Belt is not just the former industrial areas anymore.

Real unemployment before the pandemic is still around 20% using the actual numbers rather than the bullshit government numbers that Obama would use to get an artificially low figure. Trump himself called this out a lot even as late as 2017. Calling them 'fictional numbers'.

>You don't speak English too good.
Oh, the irony.

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>No one has any conviction in their words now, ESPECIALLY on the right.
No one has any conviction in their words - because IT'S FUCKING NOT THEIR WORDS. They're all programmed by the media. They wag their tongues based on what the media tells them. It's that simple.

Shills always make me laugh

Man of principles right here.

Honesty has nothing to do with it.
Socialism is giving everything to the state.

What happened with trumpbux is a functional capitalist system. You stupid niggers wouldn't know about that because it involves understanding market forces. Socialist scum have never done well in the market.

It's a discord tranny thinking it can troll. Its been posting the same gif in every thread. Pretty sad t.b.h.

Yeah, boomers make me laugh too.

Artificially created mass unemployment.
>take away everyone's livelihood and then say "wow, look at these hypocrites!"
.gov is causing and curing the problem at the same time. Capitalism is still king when gov doesn't meddle.

Money printer go brrr

A stimulus check isn't socialism.

>gov destroys my job
hurrr I better get evicted too so I can stand by muh principles that no one can clearly define.

>Capitalism is still king when gov doesn't meddle.
When was the last time the government didn't meddle in capitalism? 19th century?

trump don't PRINT money
trump IS the money

Awfully bold of you to assume that there's only one of me.

Maybe they learned from the left that principles are less important than winning

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are you retarded? you can have right wing populist ideals paired socialist economic ideals, I think some guys in Germany did that a couple decades ago. were they the real liberals, OP?

Well the political climate changes. A lot of trumpers became redpilled since the election and now we want what we can get since the game is rigged anyway.

>Artificially created mass unemployment.
It isn't 'artificial'. It's because of jobs getting exported to the Far East and because of automation doing jobs better than people increasingly.

>Muh capitalism
Capitalism without the gubment meddling has nothing to stop big business outsourcing all the industry to China, that's why things are shit right now.

The left doesn't pretend to hate socialism.

UBI isn't socialism either, but try telling that to the right who believe everything is socialism if the man on tv says so.

UBI is how retards spell negative income tax.

>Man in blue hat suggests free money
>Right wingers cry socialism!
>Man in red hat says the same
>Right wingers say it's good
That's entirely to do with honesty.
It isn't socialism anyway, but it's definitely a social program (retards tend to confuse the two, maybe because the words look similar). In any case, social programs are hated by the right too (unless special hat says it's good).

No principles to be found.

His argument is right in that OUR government shouldnt meddle. But our government is evil and retarded. So this argument is the eternal trap that we cant get any better than free market capitalism. Thus the answer is RAGE (retire all government employees) and establish dictatorship which allows a mostly free market but can unapologetically kick corporations in the balls for fucking over the people.

Trumpfags aren't right wing. They're political sports fans of the GOP team. People who had principles stuck to them which set them in opposition to many of Trump's policies. That's heresy 'round these parts. We love LEGAL immigrants. Fences are walls. We love our Jewish Patriots. Shall be infringed sometimes.

People on plebbit are actually complaining about this rather than spending it on funkopops.

This. The game is fucking rigged. I would gladly forgo my Trumpbux if it meant all these faggot commie businesses weren't getting their bailout. We all know after what happened in 2008 that the rich are gonna get theirs regardless. At least this time around we get SOMETHING.

For all the boo hooing about us being a capitalist nation, I think anyone with two brain cells knows that we aren't anywhere close to being an actual free market. Its actually worse than a communist shithole. At least in a communist system, the bottom and middle class people get some benefit from government bailouts and the rich pay the majority of the taxes. In our system, its usually only rich people that get money from the government and huge tax breaks while the lower and middle class pay all the taxes and get nothing.

the left never had principles to begin with, so thank you for teaching us that principles just hold us back in politics. if we are free from principles, you can no longer make us feel guilty and one of your Rules for Radicals dies. We're not your father's right wing. We're something... different, and your strategies may have worked on actual Boomers, but they won't work on us. We're free and I know, deep in your dark little hearts, that terrifies you. The easy life of being a Leftist in the West is over. You just haven't come to terms with it yet.

Gen Z is coming. And they're fucking pissed.