Asian hate thread

Let's laugh at some bugs

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What's the difference between Chinese people and insects?

Some insects can fly but the Chinese can't.

Those are Korean eyes...

shut up Park, Liu, Chang, Lee, Wang, Song

you're all the same except based Japs.

I'm South Korean who lost my fucking stock because of Corona-chan. Fuck you, chink and all fucking rice niggers

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Yes, mr glowie, let's drum up some hatred against geopolitical rivals of zog

Not that I give a fuck about chinks, but some problems are larger than others.

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you're the same filth.


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redpill me into the Jews trying to monger war to the hivemind.

I don't hate them, I actually love them.

flag checks out.

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ITT "European" curryniggers

me too alone because of based virus and triggered mutts who post on this retarded site, run by a sliteyes, from a chinese product.

fairly accurate.

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i see you there, crypto-mongol.

White apes need to be disposed of

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jews get it first. in any sort of race extermination, final solution, genocide, etc, it is important to remember that if you don't get rid of every single jew including all their crosses and even their pets - no matter what type, than you will end up with the exact same bullshit.
jews first then you see what you've got left after that and deal with it.
you might need chinks to build a railroad or two for transporting all the ashes in the beginning.

it's funny how chink defense force starts everytime a CHG post appears.

Koreans and Chinese are vastly different. Spent time in both locations. Korea was an excellent experience while China was dirty, loud, gave me the shits constantly from eating their food. The difference is like comparing the sun to a light bulb.

I only hate Chinese. Koreans and Japs are the based Asian Americans. America needs more of them.

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Everyone else
in that order.

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let me guess, yellow fever? yellow yourself? yellow gf?

No yellow fever here, I can't fucking stand asian girls. Just wanted to make a quick buck to pay off those loans. I'm a red head lover myself.

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nigger, Korea is the Florida of China.
anytime you see some shit about Korea just think of it as a Florida Man, Florida Woman, or Florida Couple headline for the US.
northern Korea is the industrial meth and counterfeit currency section and the lower half is for spy TV's and Moonie Cult members.
fuck you, fuck China and their Florida Korea.

I agree with you but racism is always good no matter who the target is.
I support China but they should stay in their own country.

I have yellow fever and I dont wanna be cure of it

Look at iraq, iran, venezuela, syria, libya, russia and china. Look how they've been covered in us media and recognize how they have been at odds with the us geopolitically.
They're not necessarily warmongering per se, but modifying public opinion to ostracize china on the global chessboard, which the us still controls, for a time.
There has been talks about moving some production to india from china etc.

Fuck, you guys saw straight through my efforts

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Patrician Taste I see.

Really? They seemed so adjusted when I was there. Then again so did Florida when I visited Tallahassee and Daytona for the races with my pop.

>Korea is the Florida of China

American education

ok i dont know why but i had to laugh hard at that xD

Why go yellow when you've got red, ginger, amazing shades of brunette, blondes, strawberry blondes, so many eye colors to choose from. Everything else would be settling.

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