Anti-german pill/ German hate thread

user, why haven't you taken yet the anti-german pill?

They are the sole responsibles for the downfall of the West and Europe.

Just a bunch of barbarians who can only rape, destroy and murder.

They installed bolshevism in Russia and started two world wars which have caused unmeasurable damage to european nations.

They were punished for these crimes but it seems that the lesson will never be learnt.
Now they want to enslave Europe with banks and forced immigration.

We must defeat them at all cost

Attached: trotsky german.jpg (750x492, 336.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Poland was trying to warn about those criminals for centuries but nobody listened.

>started two world wars
That was Serbia.

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cool story noodle-schlomo
shekels have been deposited


Nazis - party for the poor factory slaves, strong regulations, strong state, centralism, economical egalitarianism. Race is everything.

Bolsheviks - party for the poor factory slaves, strong regulations, strong state, centralism, economical egalitarianism. Tribe is everything.

Don't try to evade responsibility, I know the truth.

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to expose the german coprosperity sphere also known as EU

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Hitler was using speed every day, because he was quite weak individual.

We invented the anti-german pill

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You were our ally Spaghettitard
Dont you ever forgetti that

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OP tongues my anus.

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Nope. U were Hitlers little bitch.

Unironically true and sad

Verdun on ne passe pas, Maurras was one hell of an intellectual

Also do not forget that Dreyfus was a german shill

>user, why haven't you taken yet the anti-german pill?
Most Germans already have.

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fuck off crapitalist consuming faggot.

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What’s so wrong with Germans? Even as a shitskin I don’t think they are that bad

he's a magapede. not a fascist.

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when will those spaghetti retards realize that its not the german people who made this shit. Germany is abducted by the USA since 1945.

Here is a documentary to help the uninitiated understand the filth and horror that is the common germ man.

>Most Germans already have
>german flag
T. shlomo

Attached: the term nazi was invented by a marxist JEW of course.jpg (574x720, 82.15K)


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t. nazi

nice kike dick sucking retard.

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Hitler is a fag who ruined everything for the germans, germans did all the success.

Everyone who spent some time here will acknowledge that they are the most self-loathing people on earth thanks to Jewish subversion. But yeah, naming this fact automatically makes you a kike, memeflag brainlet.

Greasy guineas still mad about all the BIG GERMANIC COCK that ran train on their peninsula.

>il Piave mormorò "Non passa lo straniero!"

that was the german revolution that fucked germany you retard.

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yep the germans totally did this

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The two seething niggers in the thread are also the two illiterate subhumans. Color me surprised.

Shit my bad
I need to be more sensitive and stuff

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This is why people call you shitskin

btw for some reason we gonna point to the germans for this.

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You're thinking of kikes OP

yep germany totally did this. its not like you know some jewish civil rights activists advocated for this ya kno

Attached: the lgbt mentality fags and trannies have to go.webm (320x568, 2.6M)

If we ever kick out all the shitskins these self loathing traitors have to go with them.
They love their niggers so much they surely wouldn't mind living among them for the rest of their lives.

So? What does that change with the fact that Hitler was an incapable failure?

yep germany totally created niggers and now germany gave them rights to chimpout on the world. remember lgbt capitalist negro nationalism ftw

Attached: Capitalist Crapitalism plus niggers equals destruction of civilization.jpg (3408x2580, 2.86M)

Typical germans desu. Everybody asociates germans with deviant homosexuals in Europe.

Germany tried and nearly succeeded in bolshevizing France too

Thankfully you stopped Dreyfus

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oh my look at all of those evil german nahtzee inventions. totally annuda holocaust amirite????

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I heard that german self-loathing comes in reality from the fact they end up loosing the war, and feel bad about it.
Nothing to do with the "We wuz bad guys", is that true?

think again. and tell me. what is a night of long knives?

Attached: why hitler was elected trannys expelled and killed in nazi germany.jpg (920x1200, 160.69K)

are you bavarians? They are the only German people I like.
My Lehrerin of German came from Muenchen, I also visited Bamberg and Stanberg, beautiful places.

oh i know why op is pissed! he found out hitler disaproved of paganism!!! lmao cope.

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Typical overcompensation (with use of long phallic symbols). Simply - krauts.

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germ women fuck pigs and niggers and germ "men" are scat eating sissies.

I wouldn't mind, but most of them only do for the for the virtue signalling and because it is state doctrine.
No, it's muh 6 gorillion being hammered into the brain since childbirth.

this: You were in this together!
Germany, Italy, Japan, Poland, France... they fucked all up. The noble Austrian leaders and intellectuals couldn't believe you were such vile monsters with no interest in a working society.

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Sicilian jews are subhumans

1. Start two world wars

2. Lose them both

3. Let the Jews exterminate you cause you stink even to yourself

Is this your new dildo, memefag?

how dare germans invent a multi trillion dollar company that would hoard all of the worlds money from the people and fund wars.

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its roach spray retard.

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>nearly succeeded

how dare these evil germans promote anti white propaganda. friggen nahztees

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