Why are there so many trans today?

5 years ago nobody knew a trans person, virtually nobody was trans. Today trans-right seems to be one of the most pressing political issues. What is going on?

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If there's lots of trans today, just ignore them and go to sleep. There will be less trans tomorrow.

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easy access to pornography

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It's just a part of the new Jewish agenda, next thing to become normalised is being a cuck and as always, it's mostly targeted at westerners.

is that a female version of welven da great?

Because more people are comfortable speaking up about it now when they were afraid to before.
There always were the same number of transgender people in the world in the past, they just felt it was a necessity to hide it.
Inb4 salt

it seems there will actually be more

It's a trend, a farce.
In a few decades or whatever it will be over.

This and just general societal collapse. Values mean shit, everything is ironic and Family-Guy-style shock and awe is the new normal for the youth. If you can make yourself weird, but also make it self-centered and sexually deviant, then you have a formula for fucked up, drugged up kids thinking this will help them fix their fake depression.

Its easier to be a woman in today's society

Porn is designed to focus on the woman and how good she appears to feel getting fucked. It shouldn't be a surprise that some people project themselves into that position. Especially when young and impressionable.

it's a lot less depressing when you realize trannies are just the emos, furries, bronies of the time
it'll pass soon enough hopefully -- you should be afraid of what comes next

There arent "more", its just that they're actually coming out now without fear of the same kind of discrimination it used to carry.

Ever noticed how there's more men wanting to be women than women wanting to be men? It's almost as if life is easier as a woman.

If that's a dude then I'm a faggot

what's more plausible
1. there were bazillion people dying to do horomones and chop their genitals to pieces
2. the western world is full of fat narcissistic human waste

You died in 2012, welcome to the outer most layer of hell. It's never too late to begin ascending the latter user.

combine domestic abuse and/or bullying with early discovery of internet porn (like, say age 9) and you are set. the solution is to control your sexual urges, man doesn't begin until he's mastered them.


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the women who got abused as children tend to become mistresses, BDSM doms (random guess)

The curve is flattening. The 41% are catching up with the infection rate.

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Porn caused it.

New options, man. You can't say people 100 years ago wouldn't have taken it because the option just wasn't there.

actually i take that back, doesn't make any sense lmao.

Why question it? Just be happy there's more opportunity to pound their tight asses.

It really is this, combined with Semitic opportunism and refusal to acknowledge obvious mental illness.

porn AND a predisposition to enjoying being shamed (connection to abused as child, but no one researches this so who knows)

i still dont know a trans person. dont confuse the amount of trap threads on Yas Forums because of impressionable and contrary teens, with the actual demographics of the world.

hmm right around the time Xi Bingbong came to power in china what a cowinkydink

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It doesn't stop there. While watching "gonzo" porn, I related to the camera man who would talk to the girl, and then film her fucking other dudes. That led to my cuckolding fetish.

You would if you ever left the flat

99% of them are just secretly crossdressing, the rest of them went full on retard. never go full retard

I think it's actually the other way around.

transgenderism is a mental illness and most people enjoy following trends.

good thing about transgenders is that they don't breed nor do leftists so who cares just enjoy watching their tantrums when we tell them theres only 2 genders.

pornography and fapping can active your hpp axis filling you with prolacin which is a hormone capable of killing your motivation and rendering you more feminine

do you arabs mixed with negroid aids ever do anything but blame the jews? dumb faggot

Chill. First there was a wave of transitioning, now there's a wave of de-transitioning. The only ones left doing it soon will be the real trannies who have a brain or chomosome or hormone problem. The rest will quit the SJW trend, especially when they realize being trans makes you a pariah for life, not special

jordan, you were always better than kobe, and lebron isn't even close to either of you

there's still not that many stupid faggots
but not that many is too many. zero is the right number
its all about the (((media))) pushing faggots

Not event a percentage of the population.