Are the elites SHIVA worshipers who believe destroying the old world for a new one is a spiritual thing to do? Pic related
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Why is Q now co-opting Hindu Gods. Pathetic.
You cant deny the digits, there is something to this
I know he invented email. But cult?
not really. They are left hand path practitioners like some Shaivite cults are, but they are not Hindu in orientation. They are Hermetic.
>but they are not Hindu in orientation.
What the fuck does orientation mean?
Shiva is the self, as in your self, which is really going to blow you Q-people's minds once you finally figure it out. We've been trying to tell you.
- t. Hindu-type person
Hanks still a pedo though
Seen #HellOfABird was trending on twitter, could hijack it lol
>t. Hindu-type person
You're a pajeet?
Nah, it's Sabbatean-Frankist Jews but they will use whatever tricks are available to turn people from Jesus Christ.
Reading comprehension failing?
Service to the self rather than the One.
>Reading comprehension failing?
English language failing?
>Nigger slav flag
Oh, sorry. My bad.
This doesn't even make any sense. The elites want to preserve the old world at all cost you fuckwit. Fuck you.
Not ethnically but i figured this out a few years back. This is the knowledge that would put people in the hospital etc etc.
Everything is god's dream, we are the actor on the stage, every tradition has different metaphors, both the left hand and the right hand are ultimately god/your hand.
Globohomo consists of a bunch of mediocre occultists who are basically larping, except for the top people.
No, they're Ahrimanic enemies of all metaphysics and spirituality and seek to establish absolute rule of matter
>Not ethnically but i figured this out a few years back
So you're a second generation pajeet in the U.S.?
>This is the knowledge that would put people in the hospital etc etc.
Whoa whoa. Hold up there son. Stop LARPing and drop the deeds.
Why doesnt Q talk about the number 666?
>establish absolute rule of matter
Way ahead of you.
When shiva is done dancing, the turn away reveals the supreme self’s face on the back of shiva’s head.
It was always about Shiva. Everything else is a distraction.
christcucks get the rope too. sorry you kiked cucks
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream
>mediocre occultists who are basically larping
this is so true, I hate them so fucking much for tarnishing the practice. none of them are proficient, not even the top people. the top people generalize the use of money and influence to narrate reality as "the occult" but nigger no that's not what you're doing. you're just being a rich stupid fuck wearing goat heads and cloaks. fools who buttrape little boys at the lodge and then call it the occult.
spirit cooking is a farce, it's just an empty retard racket meant to bug lantern yuppie boomers who got molested by their uncles to collectivize business contacts to push a hidden agenda. materialists with a realistic perspective are the ones selling the idea of the occult to the elites, woe unto they for buying it.
boomers are so fucking dumb, if you angle anything the right way they'll eat it up, and if the angle is even off by decimels, they'll rebuke you. they are so easily controlled, it's why the elites are so fucking bad at what they're attempting.
they're a bunch of fags
>Why doesnt Q talk about the number 666?
Any other examples?
Are you genuinely retarded or just don't have a clue what you're talking about?
No, they're a Jewish cult who think creating hell on earth will force the Messiah to return
Sounds suicidal, just like Christianity