That money printer is gonna blow!!!
That money printer is gonna blow!!!
Lol whatever. Fuck it I’ll take some more payouts. I’ve got no debt and I’m still working. I can’t wait to buy stuff at exorbitant discounts when everything hits the shitter
>Trump is now a UBI socialist
conservatives are the biggest flip floppers ever, lmao. If Trump told you minions to jump off a bridge, you fuckers would do that.
What's actually needed is an 18 month quarantine and mandating the COVID-19 vaccine when it comes out. Problem solved.
Seems like a good idea to fight against the fed and elite skimming production growth off the top and stealing via inflation. Will just have to keep raising the UBI until it's absurd levels. If only jews would stop stealing....
helicopter money?
Its a Democrat proposal, fag.
Shut up Bill Gates
The us economy is on the verge of complete collapse if something like this doesn't go through.
So what? Universal income is part of that globalist plan to keep the masses pacified. Jay Dyer has been talking about this a lot.
holy shit i barely make 40k a year and like 60% of that disappears because of taxes
just goes to show how empty and bankrupt the US service economy really is.
Not if you're one of the millions of prepper types or NEETS. All of that is extra funds to build up the arsenal.
Get fucked BillShill
The bill was introduced by two House democrats, you stupid cocksucker. Fuck your quarantine, fuck your vaccine, and fuck you.
>both parties are going to compete at who can bribe the voters more so they have power
this timeline is awesome
This reminds me of when my parents got divorced and they tried real hard to get us kids to have a favorite parent. Thanks d-d-dad
civicl war now please
then get invaded by strongest country to finish the survivors off
in-contrast to all the fucking propaganda, americans are way more well off and earn alot more than even the "rich" european countries.
FFS do those "poor" americans look starved to you? no they are not, they consume far more than a "rich" european middleclass nogger. Check the number for your self. But you are bombarded with propaganda all the time that x country is so much better than the us because z.
it's all lies.
For say a person in a normal job such as engineering go compare those salaries then on top of all of that compare the taxaction and living expenses. there is a reason why hamburgers call europe europoor
other examples of such propaganda is how norway is always projected as so rich, where there reality is that an average german has far more spending power that of any norwegian. it's all fucking propaganda man
>those who are currently unmployed would also be eligible
People shouldn't get it if they're already getting those massive unemployment checks. That's already giving them $4k a month
Yas Forums is a natsoc board you fucking newfag
I guess I wont get this either because I'm a dependent college student. Thanks drumpf
>Yas Forums is natsoc because I am also natsoc
you're like those faggots that claim that Yas Forums is a christian board
Trump is doing this to prevent starvation, once Covid is over this also ends.
>That money printer is gonna blow!!!
Rioting and starvation would cost more.
It's not even true, just deport the illegals and you've got a bunch of job openings. The fact people think wagies are killing the economy is a fundamental flaw of the economy.
UBI is a good idea. Hope you get it, guys. Everyone of you (US citizen only), Bezos included.
If Trump doesn't pass this, he loses the election.
Ubi is a terriable idea.
2k gibs
1200 gibs from cares
900 gibs from state.
All debts would-be paid by July.
Let's do it!
the dems are proposing this one, shitstain. Read, motherfucker.
Imagine being so fucking retarded you can't tell the difference between an emergency measure and a long term social policy. Literally kill yourself.
if us neets get it then i need my bux now
I made $46 in taxable income in 2019 as a single filer. That means I get my TRUMPBUX, right?
2k more into chainlink
This is just furthering my thoughts that fiat will be gone soon.
>You're like those faggots that tell the readily apparent truth!
Yeah and its the whole reason why this fucking board on a japanese anime image board site is more relevant than the MSM in its fucking entirety you tantamount assclown.
how about they give me a slice of teen pussy and a filipino tranny friend because that's all that will motivate me
otherwise I'm gettin real mad
haha money printer go BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Your fiat is currently backed by literal power and leverage however. Until China can prove that they're even remotely able to compete in a military sense (or the EU army develops...very likely unless we pretty much strap an EU flag into immigrant heads and send teach them to shoot), everyone is going to follow the FED regardless of how much $$$$ they want to come up with out of their asses.
>Getting 2k a month on top of still having a job
I am gonna be rich, Anons.
vote for me
I'm voting for the leaf. MACA
>gonna blow!!!
kek let it blow! whites will be a minority soon so that means that all the spics and niggers who have been freeloading all of this time will have to pay it all back. It should be a good show!