There are people who are unironically attracted to this horse faced tranny

>there are people who are unironically attracted to this horse faced tranny

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Slide thread

Alexandria is a goddess. OP is a homosexual.

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I love her so much bro’s

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>starts throwing shit everywhere
Ustedes estúpidos hombres blancos racistas.
Vete al infierno.

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Judging by the size of her tits/feet, she has been pregnant before, probably when a young teenager like a lot of spics. Almost certainly has a "sibling" or "cousin" somewhere that is actually her kid.

Well I wouldn't kick her outta bed....maybe for her to make me breakfast

AOC earned my respect. She is the last politician standing - others just crawl like vermin. A woman with principles.

Not white. Also Retarded. No thanks

so it's not gonna open then

I never said I'm attracted to her, I just said I would fuck her.

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Yas Forums incels would fuck a rock if it had a vagina

Bet you also like getting pegged & having women in 6 in. heels step on your balls.

OP is gay. I'd convert her.

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>believing (((FOX)))
They even had to admit they put in ivanka and Kushner without it being confirmed

dem milkers tho

I would marry her

Tits, if she had none, no one would care.

And furthermore

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Id put a bag over her head and beat that pussy up.

I'm impressed with AOC not because she got elected to congress but purely because she's a Latina that isn't morbidly obese.

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Crazy as shit.

Refried beans! Nice OP!

Women have tits and men are kinda powerless against them.

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She actually felt good about that dress. Amazing.

> vote for these

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BUT BUT......Those Beautiful MILKERS!!!!

God damn if only she just weren’t retarded

me too, user.

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Admit that if AOC tied you up and put her pantyhose feet in your mouth you would enjoy it.

That butch dyke pranced around like only a faggot could her whole time in office, couldn't be serious for even a minute during her swearing in, teasing pence and just being insufferable. God I'm glad she got canned.

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Go off queen! Shidd mohfucka!! Tsktsktsktsk das da TEA


>so who is gonna be on the re-open America council?
>every one but Trump and Pence
>that way, they won't find out something is up

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Fuck jannies, fuck niggers, fuck chinks, fuck the JHO, fuck glowniggers, fuck trannies, and fuck foot fags.

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>looking at her face
What are you? Gay?

Whoever was in charge of that article and chose the photo is lowkey based as fuck

Yes, a friend of mine legit cooms over this donkey. I find her utterly repellent. It would be like getting off to a retarded child.

If you genuinely think she's hot, you're either a coomer or a nigger, either way you should commit sudoku

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Every time I see this photo I get the urge to jack off