Greece has the largest tank army in Europe

Greece has the largest tank army in Europe

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And the biggest dicks for your waifus.

Since Western Russia isn't europe? Also they dont even have the situation to use them. What will they do, send their tanks to fight syrian refugees?

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based Aleksander


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And largest % of shitskins. Good way to help them get armed, once they conquer greece

russia is more asian

Wouldn't a navy and airforce be more valuable for them?


As a whole yes. The parts that matter and everyone is talking about here no.

hello fellow rare fag

>Helenic tanks of American manufacture grinding kebab into hamburger

Please God make this happen.

doesnt count, northern europe is full of niggers right now, we cant compete with that

Yes, old shitty tanks from the stone age.

No nigger (from your blacked porn collection fantasies) is responsible for that, sandnigger.

Show flag before you call anyone a sandnigger. I am sure a meme or two could be made about your own country.

Oh look another sandnigger with 12 cm. Keep SEETHING about the flag.

>sand niggers
>small dicks

Yea, sandniggers have small dicks and they try to make up for it with repulsiveness.

>Show flag
He is a somali pirate who is raping a 13 years old while writing this. This is his flag.

1040 of them are post-soviet pieces of shit barely holding together. The rest are MAYBE modern tanks missing pieces, equipment, ammunition and crew. No modern European country is investing in the army like it should. Even those who say they're modernizing are just larping for PR and Trumpbucks.

If for some reason there was war between EU and Russia, Russia would take whatever it wants without much opposition, and then shake hands on it with germs, frenchies and brits who just express deep concern throughout the entirety of the thing

> poland
> 1063 tanks

I bet they are literal barrels on wheels.

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Top kek malaka

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Poland should forget about tanks and invest in the future of warfare - armed drones (and advanced body armor for troops)

Yeah you wish nigger!
>ask your wife
She'll know
>based, redpilled and true
Now we have the scandinigger snowmonkeys in the north, and shitskinned sandmonkeys in the middle.
Time to leave those low IQ niggers, reunite with our Roman brothers, and get our old territories back.

>Greece has the largest tank army in Europe
very usefull in country made of islands

having an army in the eu is literal cuckoldry. serve and die for the jewish overlords goy. bundeswehr needs to perish

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>tallest and also biggest dicks

Life isn't fair to the rest of you huh.

>tfw 18cm but still feel inadequate


why is this getting reposted
bake /sg/ bread faggot OP

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Many if not most of these Russian tanks are from the Soviet era and rusting away in abandoned hangars since the 90's.

use this next time

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>1 cm differences means anything

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