How can you justify the moral legitimacy of a state?

Literally how can you justify the moral legitimacy of a state?

Why aren't you an anarchist my fellow Yas Forumsacks

Attached: 170px-BlackFlagSymbol.svg.png (170x170, 5.25K)

Stop using literally when it isn't needed retard

I don't have to justify anything to someone to cowardly to show his flag

Because I'm neither from reddit, nor a homosexual.

So you like licking the shit of the boots of the elites?

Oh I am. More than you might think.

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Because literally every self-proclaimed anarchist is 15 years old and just discovered politics yesterday.

how can you justify a state then?

I like being man enough to not hide behind a fake flag

the FUCKING LEAF fears the meme flag because he speaks the truth

That'd be you, bootlicker. Stop licking the dirt off of pseudo-intellectual and waiting for your betters to start a revolution for you.

how am i a bootlicker you fucking autistic cunt wtf are you talking about

I literally wrote it out for you, subhuman. It's too bad that your kind suffers from massive cognitive dissonance that makes any sort of attempt at processing information pointless. Keep. Waiting.

reread what you wrote it wasn't english you fucking retard.

stop projecting

I figured out the world at the age of 15. Wasn't that hard.

All political ideologies suffer from the same dissonance. Why give that power over your life?

Anyone who believes in politicians is crazy, but even worse are those leftist retards who don't do shit and don't let anyone else do shit either, parasites.

>Why aren't you an anarchist my fellow Yas Forumsacks
Anarchism is cringe dogshit like communism or libertarianism

>no state
>your next door neighbour is part of the McDs coalition
>they want to expand their territory
>you either end up a burger flipper or you die thanks to their organized army
It's not that complicated kiddo, if the entire world goes anarchist tomorrow, someone, somewhere is going to get a group of people together and fuck everyone else's shit up at some point.

so what do you propose we do comrade?

fuck off at least i'm not peddling philosophically unsound bullshit

>implying im an ancap
I'm a real anarchist

>using flags

You bootlickers sure have your priorities straight.

anarchy will fall to the next bigger system or bad inside actors.
creating an accountable system to prevent overtaking of the region is therefore necessary.

a self inserted voluntary minarchist gouverment is the smallest evil that can be stable and not fall to greater evil. it is the least shitty option possible in reality.

Might makes right you anarchist weirdo, this is why there is fascism and NatSoc you absolute retard.

>Literally how can you justify the moral legitimacy of a state?
A people need order and authority to thrive.

>Why aren't you an anarchist my fellow Yas Forumsacks
Because you're anti-White and deny the racial basis for civilization.

I can't, but anarchism is a pipedream at present so I'm a minarchist
A state with extremely limited powers to things like prosecuting murderers and building roads is tolerable

The minarchist to anarchist debate is an extremely interesting one

Attached: ron-paul-2008-campaign.jpg (1024x780, 420.58K)

Surpass my boy and we'll talk.

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>LEAFS talking aboot FLAGS

Minarchism is but a useful step to utopia

is that why the nazis lost? because they weren't strong enough?

>A family is legitimate, because it helps to protect children, and give them security to develop into functional, healthy adults.
>A clan is legitimate because it's a collection of closely-related families.
>A village is legitimate, because it's a collection of loosely-related families looking out for one another.
>A nation is legitimate, because it's a vast collection of loosely-related people looking out for one another.
>When a nation chooses to create a specialized, representative organization tasked with protecting the nation from foreign and domestic threats that undermine the nation, villages, clans, families, and people; and continues to be responsive to the will of the people, then it is legitimate.

go back to school retard

I can respect a minarchist, and I see it as a step to utopia

thriving and authority is contradictory
you can't even define white you mutt

Daily reminder that slide threads are real and always start with a meme flaggot

he's literally using feels over reals

Attached: download (8).jpg (238x212, 11.24K)

Bad word choice
Libertarianism is a preferred societal order, not a resolution to the world's problems

>thriving and authority is contradictory
But that's wrong.
You only believe that because you've only been exposed to an anti-White, corrupt, Jewish government.
Because you've never experienced a pro-White/all White government, you think all government is bad/evil/wrong.

>you can't even define white you mutt
A White person is a human being of solely native European ancestry; or a human being who, if they have non-European antecedents, is nonetheless of a physical and genetic makeup that is within the range typical of people of solely European ancestry; or, the child of two Whites.

...You were saying?

Kikes aren't going to systematically kill themselves

The state is the only thing protecting you from me.

lol retard

How is that feels? Humans have a long gestation and maturation period, and even as fully-formed adults, they are quite vulnerable and weak. Humans are awful at surviving alone in the wild. They can't even naturally swim. They lack sharp teeth and claws. By almost all measures, humans are at the bottom of the food chain --

-- except when they organize as a group, and suddenly they're at the top. Their ability to talk in languages and fashion tools has made them unprecedented masters of their surroundings. But this is all dependent on communicating information through their generations and neighbors.

how can you ethically justify the implementation of a state?

thats the purpose of the revolution comrade, we revolt against the elite jew and jesuit capitalists

use logic to justify a state, give me a syllogism to prove you've read a book before

>how can you ethically justify the implementation of a state?
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

literal emotional baby, use logic

>literal emotional baby, use logic
Not an argument, anti-White.

Race is the basis for civilization, therefore government should exist to preserve and perfect the race.