Why is it that women hate other women who are virgins? Men don’t hate other men who are virgins.
Why is this?
Why is it that women hate other women who are virgins? Men don’t hate other men who are virgins.
Why is this?
They know virginity is important and when the get pumped and dumped and find out no man will care for them like they would family, they try to destroy other girls futures out of sheer spite.
We're too powerful. Imagine having the power to tell a women she isnt worth wasting your virginity on.
I wouldn't trade it for all the stds in the world. Feels good man.
will add that when I guy hears another guy is a virgin and doesnt want to be, hell wingman the hell out of him to get him laid
>Why is this?
>Why women don’t want virgins:
>They want sex to last more than 30 seconds.
>Why men want virgins:
>They don’t want a woman who knows that sex can last more than 30 seconds.
Fuck you virgins!
Here now it's balanced
Like, look at the hatred for traditional women on reddit.
thread is about women hating other women who are virgins champ
The real reason is that virgins make em feel like the sluts they are.
And every man who isn't a cuck prefers a virgin.
Or, to assure paternity.
But yeah you go with your reasons based mind-reader.
This is correct
they hate male virgins (aka "incels") as well, if not more. probably because it represents an existential threat to the only source of "power"(sex) that most women have. without that 90 plus percent of women are just inferior versions of men that bring nothing to the table.
Based Jew.
Jokes aside, men really do want virgins to marry and desu women should want virgins men but these girls are more obsessed with sex than an incel virgin and it needs to be called out.
"I'm 30 and have no kids and that's OK!"
...because I'm infertile, my husband and I can still adopt or put my energy into my larger family unit.
"I'm 30 and have no kids and that's OK!"
...because I have a genetic condition I don't want to pass on to my child
hard to IMAGINE a more degenerate female+egotistic+narcissist+feminist take
sex is about the family, children, and the race, whether it lasts 5 seconds or 5 hours
you have succeeded only in demonstrating that women are self-obsessed and infantile, which I could have told you, and is the reason that women must have inferior status
the white race is committing demographic suicide because women only understand tingles - not family, not love, not duty, not marital obligation, not filial obligation, and definitely not love of race and kin
The virgin woman has something the whore hasn't. Something men crave. So the whore hates the virgin. Simple.
women can't figure out if men are good or not on their own. so they just take the opinions of other women. if your a virgin, then thats proof that women don't like you
Women can't tell if a guy is a virgin. Just lie
while stupid, they are quite good at internalizing prevailing social values (too good, in fact), and can well understand that a highly marriageable man will be applying a discount to her marital value upon learning that she is not a virgin, this discount is a variable percentage that changes in accord with how loose contemporary women are, call it an inverse virgin scarcity premium, kind of like the risk free rate, and in today's marriage market, with women the loosest they have ever been, the virgin premium/non-virgin penalty is the largest it has ever been - and women understand this
Men not selecting any women offends them.
Based kike.
This is pretty much it, anybody who's ever had a gf also knows that instantly every woman you interact with becomes interested overnight once this 'pre-approval' comes through.
a lot of guys do.
Then they get a girl who loves them for their status, but they think they are loved for their personality and make the mistake of thinking their partner will understand why they lied.
When they tell their partner that they are their first they are shamed and dumped.
No girl wants to be the first for anything. Men literally push what clothes are going to sell. Men put women in power, men have to encourage women or else they just sit dormant.
Obviously there are exceptions to all women. So people will say "b-but I know of this one girl who isn't a whore, or who goes out on a limb and takes risk", but that is 1 in every ten thousand.
Just because you know that girl doesn't mean you will ever find yourself having an opportunity to have a relationship with her.
So for your avg person you have to deal with stupid women.
TLDR; Nobody wants to fall in love with someone they have to lie to to keep interested.
>replenish their bank accounts
lazy bitch
men should have some experience before taking a virgin wife, thats what whores have always been for
but now in the upside down, men start having sex with virgins and end up marrying whores
I dont think it's that black and white. I've told a couple female acquaintances to the group I was a virgin and they kept saying they didnt believe me and acted weird about it and kept bringing it up. Both of those chicks threw themselves at me when they were drunk.
Girls dont hate virgins youre just desilusional
Girls realize they fucked up and try to tear down and insult the virgin girl. Guys are usually bros and try to set a virgin guy up with someone.