Everybody say it with me

Everybody say it with me...

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She can barely stand, yet alone run.

it would be a horrible choice to pick a loser. Joe should pick a senator or something.

>says she would be an 'excellent running mate'

Aren't potential nominees always supposed to be demur and just make vague comments like, "well it would be an honor but I'm proud to continue the work I'm already doing, blah blah blah". I wonder why she is so boastful.


They would have learned nothing. If they ignore the progressive wing with the VP pick again they will lose.

I have no sympathy for self inflicted wounds.

>can't win Geoegia
>can't speak a language outside ebonics
>900 pounds of used watermelon slushing around in her colon
>will definitely be president due to Biden's dimentia

What a fucking time to be alive

Hasn't the China virus taught us anything about obesity? No more oldies and no more fatties in leadership positions...

>I wonder why she is so boastful.
she still hasn't conceded the race she lost.

lol... anyone picking her as a running mate is basically committing political suicide.

Nothing would make me get out to vote for trump. I hope they run her. Lets face it the VP for president is the most important choice now. Biden will drop dead within the year or will just be a puppet.

She's like psychotically attracted to power, she wants nothing more than to be the president of the U.S., much like Bootyjudge, she's just there for the glamour. She brings nothing to the table except ambition.

Biden would be a fool to choose her. He's already go the nigger vote locked in, I think he would lose more votes by choosing her. Either way, she is a terrifying choice. I will actually go out and vote for drumpf if she runs.

>I wonder why she is so boastful.
Evidently you have never met a nigger

Nice hanz


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>being black
>being modest

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We can place bets on if she’ll die of diabetes before dementia gets Joe.

I loved the show Gimmie a Break as a kid. Will Lil’ Joey Lawrence be coming with her on the campaign?

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Sarah Palin 2.0

>former not governor of Georgia
>constantly putting herself on a national platform for a position nobody asked her to take

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>If they ignore the progressive wing with the VP pick again they will lose.
picking a black woman literally will make 75% of the progressive wing stop fighting for their actual causes and lock step. Anyone who dissents will be called a racist.
it certainly won't push the young end of dnc to go vote though

too black
too fat

she probably smells like fast food

President Uppity Aunt Jemina
i like it.

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I agree. I am already very pissed about Biden being my only choice. Throw someone that looks like that in there and its even more of a joke.
I cant believe I have to choose between these 2 clowns. I hate this timeline


>last name Abrams
Her slave ancestor had a jewish master

rare wit from a german

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this is the negress even my racemixing libshit sister refused to vote for

>>former not governor of Georgia
Also current "not governor of Georgia"

she's a loser. Biden needs a winner. She lost her last election by over 50,000 votes yet screeched fraud, racism and etc..

She'll lose everything but that gut..


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Hanz has entered the thread

biden still wont win

I’m voting Democrat, but I’m worried Joe Biden is going to be a weak bitch on China.

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>She's like psychotically attracted to power, she wants nothing more than to be the president of the U.S., much like Bootyjudge, she's just there for the glamour. She brings nothing to the table except ambition.

this. She's had her ass kissed too much and Buttigieg bought his own hype.

>I's black so I's finna get dat black vote knameen?
She's not wrong

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nigger beast box ticker borderline retarded.

She's obviously a "diversity hire"