What’s wrong with gay marriage? You can’t blame gays for undermining “muh sanctity of marriage” when straight people have been doing a really good job of that for decades.
What’s wrong with gay marriage...
I've never met a monogamous gay couple in my life.
You're right, user. Let's outlaw the first two, also.
20 years committed relationship.
A. Marriage requires sanctity
Then gay marriage is still not an option
B. Marriage does not require sanctity.
Then there is no point to marriage.
What is it?
Homosexuality is a sin.
I want every degenerate gone, not just you. I just hate you more than the others.
horsey has reached levels of cringe even dobson could hardly reach
I believe in monogamy just like you.
Stop enabling pedophilia you degenerate scum
I don't, I just want the family unit destroyed so roasties kill themselves
This. I do a lot of theater and have met more gays than I can count. Never met a single gay in a closed relationship.
Gays in committed relationships cheat on eachother on average with over 100 others in a year.
Also they cant have kids and are extremely likely to be pedophiles.
Their relationships are very often abusive.
This, adulterers need to be shot and divorce outlawed
they can already get married, so long as its to a member of the opposite sex, and that is equal treatment under the law, since heterosexuals have the same restriction.
>the two gays look like they're about 30 years old say they've been in a relationship for 20 years
Yep it checks out
You are assuming "sanctity of marriage" is the only reason to be against gay marriage. It is not.
why the fuck would they even want to get 'married'? whats in it, what kind of benefit could it bring?
Committed relationships don't really exist for fags.
tax loophole
i think it is not a problem, its not like gay people bothers me irl.
A jewish book says it's wrong and disgusting.
we gave you fags an inch and looks what's happening.
Why does everyone think installing a lifelong dictator would undermine the sanctity of democracy? I mean our shady political parties and corporate superPACs have been doing a really good job of that for decades.
Man you fags can do what you want. The problem is you want, the problem is that you want to be married in christian churches and what everyone to pretend that you are a normal couple when you are just a two dudes sodomizing each other.
Gay lifestyles are not conducive to a functioning society in the long-term. They are non-reproductive and often extremely degenerate. Making the gay marriage legal condones and encourages their lifestyle as an ideal choice. I don't hate gays, but they need to be kept in the closet for the sake of society.
None of these should be legal
>marrying a brap hog is bad
Not only are you wrong, but state provided brap hogs for virgins over 30 should be a pillar of all first world civilizations
As if you had a rectifying force.
This is a huge problem, I'm gay and couldn't give two shits about fucking for fun. There's a lot more value in having a special partner than doing it with everything that moves.
I've been solicited for sex by every date I've been on besides one cute beaner guy who moved out of state. Even had a guy grind his dick against my thigh on my birthday.
My barber owns a shop with his boyfriend. They're monogamous on paper but go on cruises all the time and talk about all of the "friends" they met.
Horsey is such a faggot.
FPBP, the first AIDs super spreader was a homosexual
Based and redpilled
Marriage is a religious institution, why do you believe in gay marriage in the first place?
The first 2 can create life and rise it the last one is faggots giving each other AIDs and touching kids because they are mentally unstable.
It’s less to do with the sanctity of marriage rather that homos touch kids and spread disease and should not be tolerated to engage in these behaviors. Stay in the fucking closet
(((Ginger Gorman)))
Everything wrong with institutionalized perversion.
Something about injecting life bearing fluids into the fecal matter of another male that seems like mental illness is responsible. Also pedo groomers.
Civil Unions are fine but freedom of religion means that if a Church doesn't allow gay weddings that's their business. Plus the slippery slope has proven correct. After gay marriage came trans right, and right now they're already priming us for pedophile rights.
Why do you deserve tax breaks, faggot?
Maybe, just maybe, All three are wrong?
Gay marriage is an oxymoron
kek, stories that writes themselves.
Thank you horsey for pointing out the hypocrisy. Let's make all three scenarios illegal
Gays can’t be religious?
That is some chilling shit.
>I do a lot of theatre
Fucking this.
Between you and little boys doesn't count faggot. Kys
it undermines the norms that marriage was codified around/for
checked and agreed!
Gay marriage is only a weapon to attack Christians.
You can call your consentual butt sex a marriage, but it's not, not even if you have a certificate of authentication. If some court decides to start handing out certification of sex that wouldn't mean a dude who chops off his dick is a lady no matter how many licences he has.
Words have meaning.
women act as a check on men's libidos. gays don't have that. you are like Ferraris with no brakes.
Leave this trash wedge issue in the 10's where it belongs
a counter question - what's the point of gay marriage?
You can't be a christian and commit homosexual acts, since it is commanded against. being an adulterer is no different, you gotta abstain from those acts. Cognitive dissonance
>can have kids
>can have kids
>rape kids
>couldn't give two shits about fucking for fun
>fucking a butthole in any context
pick one
If we had put the homos in camps back in the 80s there would be NO AIDS today.
But you ca’t violate the Civil Liberties of Homos. But you can violate the civil liberties of EVERYONE when it suits you. Got it.
Truth. Even the ones who LARP as long-time couples either have an “open relationship” or one cheats on the other.
>Committed Relationship
You mean pozzing random men you pick up at the club while you maintain an "open relationship"?
Get a new barber
You can bet IF there is a US after this shit blows over we WILL be revisiting this “letting fags run lose” shit.
>brap hogs for virgins over 30
What have those virgins ever done to you to deserve such fate?
My uncle is literally “married” to 2 dudes.
A gay barber is gonna give you a great haircut, it's not like he's gonna poz you with his clippers
unironically this
Marriage is a religious and administrative institution. The reason why the religious part is nonsense should be obvious to you. As for the administrative part, it helps the state to support families. It is not a form of welfare, you are not entitled to it just because of it, it is the state's incentive for healthy couples to make and raise children and ensure the existence of the next generation. Gay people cannot make children on their own, nor should they adopt (see abuse rates, etc), so this point is moot. Therefore, there is no reason why gay people SHOULD be allowed to marry, however, there is one hefty reason why they SHOULDN't: it would further normalize their mental illness.
I'm capable of keeping my dick in my pants. The few times I have done it were with my partner and no one else.
Its like most gays don't know how to masturbate.
Hey as long as it's been cleaned first. Enemas do wonders.
Why do gays want to get married in the first place? Marriage is supposed to be a union to raise a family. Yeah, some straights aren't doing it right, but why do faggots want to get married? You can't have children!