8 years and not a single, solitary mistake

A. Apologize, and B. Say something nice to him.

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Sorry, nigger

Based & Obamapilled


>no mistake
he was born
that stupid nigger should have died in an abortion clinic or by aids and malaria
muh 'bama posting muh great president muh orange man
fuck you for wasting time to post this garbage and fuck me for responding to it

Fuck off faggot

Nice share

Based Obama

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Hussein did say there were 57 States.

brazil and monkeypilled
go fuck yourself hue faggot
come back when you evolved another three stages

I'm a leftist, and I hate Obama. I'll be voting for Donald trump in November.

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Larry Sinclair would disagree and Obama is a faggot and needs to be shot

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Fast and furious

Bernie-baby detected

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Same. I’m a Bernie bro but I’m voting Trump this November. If the establishment hates him then that’s a good thing in my eyes.


This faggit kike disagrees with you

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That was actually Holder and the DOJ. I’d say Benghazi was a pretty bad fuck up as well.

Make one, ONE argument for Joe Retard.

I'll wait

Obama was awesome a true man of firsts.

First to have hope and change as a slogan, leaving a legacy of having more people hope and begging for change.

First to have a horribly broken healthcare system named after him.

First to make the entitled more so by having a phone named after him.

First president to be married to a transgender.

First to be a nigger when it served him, but was half white.

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Im sorry I voted for this communist prick in 2008.
I’m glad his crimes are coming to light.
Did I do it right?

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>Only became president because he's part Black
What a fucking dumpster fire the Obama era was.

I remember when he did that fake cry. He did the old actors trick. Touched his eyes with pepper stuff on his fingers. You can tell because his tears are not coming out like tears, his eyes are just watering up from irritation

Think again.

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Not a single solitary mistake.
Drone strikes on civilians was the right choice?

Under the leadership of Obama , Pelosi , and Reid the Democrats lost 1100+ seats across all levels of Govt.

The Republicans under Trump and McConnell have so far list 300+ of those.

As to the nice thing Thanks for making Republicans so powerful.

What's that tranny?

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>not one mistake
Nigga pick one.

Lybia, Syria, Ukraine, ISIS, Al Nusra, Obamacare, spy on opponents ....


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drone strikes

Only legacy is “muh, 1st black president” despite being a halfbreed, which will be irrelevant the minute a real “Black” person is elected.
Forgotten soon enough

Sociopath? Or do you think they have Kompromat on him?

Ya, mathcope

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traded 5 terrorists for that pos Bergdahl

His hair looks small.

He'll just be a puppet of the deepstate since his brain is mush which is far better than orange retard

Fake nigger

Oh no! The puppet only did what the strings allowed? Who da thunk?!

I'm sorry
i'm sorry yous is such a bitch nigga

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I always admired him for his humility

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Well he did

>collapse the stock market
>have the largest jobless claims in 3 generations
>ran multi-trillion dollar deficits

Oh wait that was all Trump

Pretty sure he extrajudicially killed an American in a drone strike.

grow up

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Remember when he gave Iran 2 huge pallets full of untraceable cash?

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