My peanut butter jelly sandwiches, cookies, fudge...

Its Over user.

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>not having a literal dairy cartel

just lmao @ burgers


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>we love our farmers don’t we folks

Good thing my gobmint rape milk grower

Theres a shortage of milk in bongland too because these retards refuse to buy superior polish milk.

There is NO JUSTICE!

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Are the farmers White or is this a Jewish scheme?

>International humanitarian aid
Oh, so Coronabucks go to large kike farm companies, so the food can go to niggers.
The USA is a joke.

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They shouldn't be getting shit if they are dumping all that fucking milk that they could be selling for less.

You don't understand capitalism.

Give it to the cats. Make single Feminists happy.

You don't understand volume sales, kike.

OP is the kind of retard you kill with fire and sterilize his parents.

They are bailing out big milk because they can’t deliver their milk to schools, non essential business etc. this means they have an over abundance of milk and the government is trying to support as many farmers as possible. So if the farmer couldn’t deliver his goods the government will buy them.

You absolute retarddd person

Lol good thing I bought a hundred liters of milk gotta keep up my GOMAD

They can if they stop selling 5 dollar gallons in stores.

>Government price controls
Get lost retard.

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>literally dumping tankers of milk down the drain
>while there are starving kids
This single handedly proves the shortages are as fake as the coronacaust.

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I don't drink milk, and cheese, I could take it or leave it.

Fuck you kike go kosher elsewhere

"Because prices are crashing."
Take a guess, user.

heroes on the front lines

Our government has massive amounts of milk dried out into powdered form that they purchase from farmers yearly with subsidies. This pic alludes to that, but doesn't say anything about shortage.

this is the one group of people I am okay with direct communism tier cash payments going to in a crisis as long as there are some production agreements going with it

I can see Braum’s dairy farm from my house. I’m good.

For this nigger

make government cheese, government whey, and government ice cream nigga

There was a massive shortage of milk here. I had no idea why everyone went and bought milk here.

It was easier to get toilet paper than fucking milk.

>not drinking his own cummies

>Milk 'shortages'
>2 fucking days ago farmers were drumping truckloads of milk due to lack of demand

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Literal milk cartels that force prices into whatever mob bosses agree on isn't capitalism.
By the way, the dumping of milk is stupid on so many levels as milk can be converted to a form that stores better: cheese. Is there no system in place to do this for the farmers?

Or even milk powder will do the job just fine of storing the excess milk.

Why would they have a full glass of milk alongside a full bottle of milk why not at least make it look like you poured that glass of milk from the bottle

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The reason why they're dumping it is because dairy processing plants are shutting down, you brainlet. What are you suggesting? Churn it by hand?

Here we see the failings of subsidized capitalism and the huge disconnect between people and profits.

No! Just ice, no peas.

>Im the kike
>for speaking out against dumping usable product to artificially inflate prices
gas yourself