Why cant everyone just wake up and realize how lucky we are to have evolved as a species to have self awareness being created by the universe on a beautiful blue marble in space just hanging in the void of space. Humans need to work as one towards one goal and that is our survival as a species and expansion in the universe. Look what humanity can do when we all work together putting a mega structure like the ISS in space. Just imagine if we put all of our resources into saving the earth and exploring space evolving how our economy works and how our gov runs...but meanwhile we are born into this world currently 2020 and i cant even explain wtf is going on and all we can do is sit and watch the human race erase itself and fight over a orange man in tv. i hope this virus mutates enough to either wipe humanity or unite humanity as one this virus is truly a response from mother nature who knows how things are gonna be after this
Survival of the human race
>Why cant everyone just wake up and realize how lucky we are to have evolved as a species to have self awareness
What makes you think we're the first species in the history of the universe to have evolved self-awareness?
>Just imagine if we put all of our resources into saving the earth and exploring space evolving how our economy works and how our gov runs
You need to be over 18 to post on this board.
well not saying were the first i dont think either of us can answer that question maybe a race has fallen before or there is a species older than us in the universe out there who knows.
am i supposed to laugh or?
Humans have been around for 200,000 years. The last ice age began 115,000 years ago and ended 10,000 years ago. We know that human's have been farming in the Levant for 40,000 years. Start to connect all the dots together, you realize that when humans have been left to their own devices, we formed basic hierarchical structures that were often at war with each other. Only the Jews, who came to power after WW1 decided to take the world in a certain direction in a deliberate manner. That is why there is peace across the world - because the Jews are taking us along a path. If you leave humans to their own devices, we'll devolve back to war again. So when you speak of shit like space exploration and other STNG crap - just remember, it was never YOUR idea. These ideas are (((theirs))). It's quite stupid of you (based on historical data) to assume that humans will somehow explore space - because they want to. No, we want to fuck other women and kill men. Only beta fags who watch too much science fiction believe in a egalitarian society.
>am i supposed to laugh or?
I'm laughing at you.
People shouldn't die because your a failure in life. It's no ones fault you cant put your life together in an ideal form. Blaming other races for your misfortunes propagates your cycle. Successful people take control of their destiny even in the midst of a storm.
>Successful people take control of their destiny even in the midst of a storm.
Ok boomer.
It's a response from Roastie Nature to your faggotry, stop being a faggot you faggot, it's 21st century and you're a faggot that cares about other faggots which isn't normal.
easy on the Adderal kid
There are probably millions of more advanced and more intelligent species in the universe
You ignorant creature. Real adventurers sail and navigate using positions of the stars. Of course there is a possibility alongside that adventure to meet men to kill and women to fuck.
But the idea, the possibility to explore what is beneath this planet should be our next goal. We already have quite accurate picture of what is happening on this planet and there is no reason why we shouldn't expand if there is a realistic opportunity to do so.
Dumb fucks like you will never get this kind of thinking and neither do the negros in Africa etc. They just want to oogabooga and fukk pussy. But that is just pathetic. You can do both ffs.
>But the idea, the possibility to explore what is beneath this planet should be our next goal.
I wonder why? Could it be that da joos want us to kill the lizard people?
>They just want to oogabooga and fukk pussy.
At least we get pussy, unlike you user.
Could you just please go ahead and do the job (kill lizard people)? Is it too much to ask for?
Maybe after that we can start building the moon base? Maybe?
>Maybe after that we can start building the moon base? Maybe?
Why do you want to build the moon base? You want to vacation there? Who's going to man the moon base? Imagine how miserable it would be for people to live on the moon base (to manage it) for months at a time. Only faggots like you would want to colonize the moon for some Romantic reason that would just make everyone else miserable.
We need to colonize the galaxy so space niggers can pop their glocks at each other on the moon and STD ridden tinder whores can take selfies of their bare ass while sticking out their tongues on Mars.
"For some romantic reason" lel wtf u smoking? Hell no I don't want a vacation there. Space is very unhostile place for humans but so will planet earth be if we continue this rollercoaster we are currently riding. We actually do need to start co-operating "as a species" or otherwise it is war, or this polluting which is happening at peace time.
People really don't have a meaning or a mission so they go on vacations to take selfies and drink from plastic bottles they throw away. Ecosystems suffer and life will get more miserable by every generation.
Previously we had this idea of God and religion which kept people acting certain way (farming) and ensuring the continuation of our species. Nowadays the story of the bible and the god doesn't hold up anymore because we have too much information on what is happening in the sky. There is also a theory, that our universe is one closed system. So I don't see why we shouldn't contest that theory by starting to explore our galaxy further more. IMHO it starts with a moon base. It's a base where you can refuel on your trip to Mars.
>We actually do need to start co-operating "as a species" or otherwise it is war, or this polluting which is happening at peace time.
Humans have always fought each other to reduce our numbers. I till be the same again. Why are you complaining about this?
>It's a base where you can refuel on your trip to Mars.
You retard. At best you can use the moon for a gravity assist. The moon revolves around the earth. It's not some stationary point in the sky that you can use it as a refuel point.
>Rest of your low IQ post
Stop feeling so sorry for yourself. It's unbearable.
In order to TRULY work for the survival and betterment of the species, eugenics would be required.
And you know what that means.
Swedish eugenics time?
>Why cant everyone just wake up and realize how lucky we are to have evolved as a species
>He still believes in Darwinian bullshit
Are you saying that because we have always done something, that is reason enough to keep doing it in the future? Man you are unintelligent. No wonder why America is in decline and your own government agencies are killing your own citizens.
There is zero reasons for me to continue this discussion with you, please do whatever the fuck you want. Go fuck pusseeh and eat and shit. Maybe post more of these quality posts of yours if you got the time.
Very nice post user!
>Are you saying that because we have always done something, that is reason enough to keep doing it in the future?
Evolution/survival of the fittest demands it. The purpose of all life on Earth can be deduced by simple observation - to be born, to survive, to try and reproduce, and then die. That's all there is to life.
All this Moon, Mars and Galaxy shit? That's Jew talk.
>Maybe post more of these quality posts of yours if you got the time.
I never throw pearls in front of swines.
also, fuck the species, i only care about europeans making it to mars
U a real philosopher. Would buy book. But understand not one coming. Keep those shiny pearls to yourself. Can only imagine how you are the fittest on the planet atm. And your line of genes will inherit the earth when there is only one strongman left on the planet.
>bla bla bla bla bla. I'm a literal retard going on a tangent
God damn, are you a god damned idiot. Whether he is the fittest or not doesn't matter. He was stating a fact. His own survival chances do not change that in the slightest. Good job outing yourself as a child.
99% of humans can't even comprehend the first sentence of your post. You are mistaking what exceptional individuals achieve for species capability.
Because last time it got hijacked, but we can once the "elite" is gone
because some people are sociopaths and only care about themselves.. thats usually who becomes our leaders.
the people that actually care like you and me don't have the personality to go after money or power