Got my $1,200 today

What’s something based I can spend it on? Should I spend it on buying guns drugs and women?

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Or should I put it in my savings account?

>body of a pornstar
>face of a 9 year old
oh yes this will do just fine

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Sauce? Asking for a friend.

Just bought this.

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Save money. Visit poor country and get cheap hookers. 30 dollar hookers 500 dollar plane ticket

No invest it in something important.


My gf is a US citizen and taxpayer but she’s lived here for the last 10 years, will she get $1200? She filed a tax return in 2019 to the IRS.

Like what?

Cocaine and mini skirt chicks & prostitutes. It’s a heady brew. Highly recommend, have a very good weekend.

Don’t you want something with goddess proportions instead of a doll?

I have a shortstack fetish.

Good question user. Yes I’d assume so, especially if she got her 2019 refund via direct deposit. If not checks take longer to get distributed and who knows if they’ll send it out of the country?


How about saving it?

I already have a full-sized, M-cup one. But it's a hassle to clean and move.

dont do it user, its not worh it

This is politically related due to the ramifications of millions of Americans getting $1,200 all at once. It will have impacts on crime, and potential voting habits of those who received the stimulus.
Don’t be a snitch running to the jannies bong.

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based polebro, saving me from myself

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Guns = Yes
Drugs = First Aid only
Women = Make sure they give you something back.

$1,200 worth of sardines.

Take the omega-3 pill.

Physical silver

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>Make sure they give you something back
Yes, that’s how prostitution works user

Just guns, especially if you don't have proper boog guns.

>not buying LINK
never gonna make it

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>What’s something based I can spend it on?
1:50 scale models of cranes

Zoom zoom go play fortnite

Not a zoomer. Millennial master race.

>What’s something based I can spend it on?

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Based and nigger pilled

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>Believing RuneScape gold has any real world value

You don’t even need to buy hookers if you visit the right country. In Colombia I had babes smothering me. Almost needed to carry a stick. They love western guys there.

Buy yourself a fury suit

Guns and ammo wouldn’t be a bad idea desu senpai if you can find some good deals on something used