Imagine being so mentally ill you think that a performance artist is a witch..... honestly man...

Imagine being so mentally ill you think that a performance artist is a witch..... honestly man. I've been on this board for years and this has to be the pinnacle of autism on this board. All because this lady LOOKS like a witch and was photographed with some higher up people ( she is a world renowned artist, much like fuckin picasso was in his time, people fucking know of her you faggots ). Also "spirit cooking" isnt a fucking ritual you faggots. What the fuck happened to trying to unravel REAL conspiracies on this board ? Did it really get taken over by all these uncultured and unread incel cunts?

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Imagine being such a chink that you actually think Canada is a real country.

being a pretentious retard is not a profession.

We see you

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(((they))) always hide in plain sight, It's one of the basic principles of their wigger voodoo.

Fuck off. Shitty bait

So the people who "sees" us, are they being seeing?

look up the subway guy and how he got caught. he was practically bragging about it. in their mind its normal

No i believe shes a jew and thats a whole other can of worms.

>much like fuckin picasso

stopped reading here
kys faggot

Lmfao really amerimutt? You wanna go there? How many school shootings last month ? How many mass shootings? How many poor pathetic americans died from lack of healthcare ? Your country is THE laughing stock of the world. Whenever we see an American faggot in our country we willingly call them out for being retarded. How about you come up with a proper response this time defending your so called "witch".

Imagine being as bluepilled as you are.

Yas Forums is the dumbfuck zeitgeist of the age

Stale shill tactics only reinforce the truth that this bitch is a big part of the satanic pedo networks. The money laundering through her shit performances is just icing

>Imagine being so mentally ill you think that a performance artist is a witch
i know right, it always gives me a good chuckle seeing poltards sperg out like a bunch of old women over this chick

Smears cum and blood on a wall.

World renowned artist?

Oh was I wrong user? Was picasso not hanging with the elites ? Were they not the ones buying his art non stop ? Much like how marinas art is always worn or represented by celebs and higher ups. Elites can enjoy art too believe it or not.

>satanic pedo networks
god you're fucking retarded

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Upload some of her great works for some of us anons on here. Go ahead, prove your point.

Your faggot country has damien hurst...... really... you're gonna bash marinas art when all british artists can do is put animals in formaldehyde and paint cherry blossoms

The day is coming soon. We know who you are and if we miss a few, they will be found.
To be honest, we are long overdue.
One of us is going to be removed by force.
Few will be taken alive but the few that are will talk.
The question is, who will win. I can't make any predictions but lots of people will die.
You and I both.
One thing I do know is, I have several rounds to go through before it's my time.

*tips menorah*

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I'm not google faggot. Search it yourself. Do some studying. MAYBE LEARN SOMETHING NEW FOR ONCE

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K jew.

Performance art is fine but she has alternative motives and is connected with the usual suspects..

Nice VPN Moshe

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70+ y/o women DON'T look like this.

she's a stupid and vile bitch and the guys here get it (only in a weird fashion)... now get fucked !

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That's not an art nor dangerous.

nah she's a based slav, you schizo

You're retarded

>That's not an art nor dangerous.

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Wat up Bill? Seeth harder

Try me.

>Imagine being so mentally ill you think that a performance artist is a witch.....
She literally is an adept of the occult and practises magic, that would make her a witch or high priestess.

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He could actually paint and draw before his health issues made his drawing more abstract. "Performance Art" doesn't count moshe.

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Rabbi, you shouldn't spend so much time on the Internet.

What's the end game of Canadians on this board?
They are like locust.

>defending a woman ever

Bhutanbro! How's things over in your neck of the woods?

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