The Youtuber MouthyBudha has discovered secret CP hidden on the website of an international clothing brand, one that is associated with female modeling. This is very bizarre, but it cannot be a coincidence. IT'S ALMOST STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. Stop being a lazy cunt and watch the video, but here is a quick run down.
>Two women, that are linked to James Alefantis, the Podesta brothers, and other people from "Pizzagate" that own a food store in DC post a very specific image of Barack Obama and Anthony Bourdain eating at a Vietnamese restaurant. The image is a very specific still image taken from a longer news segment and prominently features a Vietnamese phrase that means "No smoking".
>Typing that phrase into google images leads to youtube channel owned by a Vietnamese company that makes videos featuring only children, some of them are a bit creepy, but overall it has the appearance of being child friendly.
>However, each of the videos are stamped with another phrase, "BH Kids".
>Searching that phrase on google images leads to images of CP on Lisca, a global clothing and modelling company.
>Going on Lisca from a normal url does not lead to the same images, you can only find them through google images, which allows you to access a new page on the Lisca website with the sub heading "Kim".
>This section has pictures of topless girls, probably 7 year old maximum, posing like adult female models
>The official website also sells swimyear for young girls, but they do not use female models, they just post clothing images
This is just the tip of the iceberg. The same two females have also posted other images that lead to adult female prositution and pseudo-child porn
Other urls found in this thread:
Take your meds
I think if you showed this shit to le big brain Rick & Morty fans they wouldn't care a jot.
why do people defend pedophiles?
Lmao, when the take your meds fags come out, you know you’re onto something
Would anyone be willing to try and find the DUMBs first hand and perhaps video their location? I find it interesting that no one is searching/making videos on them, trying to find them. I would be down to have an investigation myself but live in a small town. For example, if anyone lives in DC, why not make a team and go out and try to uncover the secret tunnels. Like in this image, look at all the manholes near comet ping pong... how has no one tried to get into one of them and see what’s in there? I understand it can be scary but how has no one taken the action? If nobody takes action into their own hands, we will never win. This is a call to action. Somebody please, please put together a proper team and go out and uncover the secret tunnels or bunkers. You will go down in history if you find anything worthwhile. Please, we need to help them... This is a call to action.
Pic related, it’s a photo of all the manholes near comet. Now would be the perfect time, as things are locked down and there aren’t many people out and about. Maybe a good idea would be to dress up as a maintenance worker, orange jackets and all, and get in that way. Thoughts? Something needs to happen, someone needs to take action, you are our only hope. Please... (IN MINECRAFT DC SERVER)
yeah, ok James Alefantis
your lockdown is killing us
Ok schizo pedo, which meds do you take?
Here is another suspicious image posted by the same two women. They tagged this image two times under "in and out burger" but with a different format. One of the tags links to the official burger joint, but the other links to a bunch of models/pornstars/prostitues all erotically posting with inandout burgers. Additionally it also leads to creepy instagram pages of young girls.
The can she has in her hand is from the women's company.
Also, the last image of Ghislaine Maxwell is at in and our burger. Only picture she has in public in 4 years and it's clearly posed so people can see the book she has with her.
Just stopping by to tell all you faggots that you are all retarded for sperging out over some pics of children wearing swimwear that you found on google
NOTICE: I am not saying to do anything rash, just that there seems to be a lack of urban exploration with regard to uncovering these secret underground bunkers/tunnels. If a large number of people got together and put together exploration squads I have no doubt in my mind that something can be found which will land these people in prison
ok, pedo.
eat a dick and take your meds, knight of st cuck
>dude believe us we totally found CP but we can't prove it because that's be illegal and we also can't tell you how to find it and also no one else has ever found anything like this but trust us this is totally legit so just send us the donations already you stupid fucking goyim
ok, pedo
have a bump
Imagine if Trump is somehow involved in this mess but nobody wants to discover it or are trying to hide him, kek.
Checked Gordy's Pickles instagram. Pedo ring detected. Save that shit before it goes private
I found the CEO and location of Lisca
General info about Lisca:
Other employees:
Also the picture in the background has a weird art style similar to other pedo art shit
The CEO of Lisca seems to have went through a lot of different high level positions, and Slovenia being an eastern european country, I wouldn't be surprised if he was involved in pedo stuff
Ok pedo
So some made up schizo bullshit?
Q threads suck!
Is there any anons that can scope out the in and out burger to see if people are stopping by and taking pictures with little ones?
What's he holding?
this isn't about the Qult, seethe harder
It's a miserable day to be a Shill,
A miserable day to be a Shill,
Would you believe I get paid to Shill? Could you believe?
It's a miserable day to be a Shill,
A Shill pay can't pay the rent,
Should I just die? Could I just die?
I've always wanted to have purpose.
I've always thought Shilling had a purpose.
So let's hate the Shills on this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you just die? Could you just die?
Won't you just die Shill?
Won't you please, won't you please,
Please won' t you just die Shill?
>Step 1: Look at your meds
>Step 2: Fucking take them
These demons really flaunt it. They really rub it in everyone’s face
Reposting because shills spammed the last thread to death before people could see my posts.
Did you guys know that Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland creators of Rick and Morty are both pedophiles and sadistic sick fucks?
Dan Harmon even made a comedy skit about him being a baby rapist, in the skit he rapes a plastic baby doll and apparently this kind of thing gets you a major shot at network aimed at children like Cartoon Network. Roiland's earlier works contain other things like a character who kidnaps cuts children's faces off and wears them as masks. Another character that shits in childrens mouths, and a third that stabs a child in the chest then fucks the stab hole.
"A five-minute video, featuring Rick & Morty creator Dan Harmon playing a child molester named Daryl who climbs through a window, pulls down his underwear, and rubs his genitals on a plastic baby doll lying on a couch has gone viral. So much so that Harmon has deleted his Twitter account to avoid any questions about it.
While the video is meant to be a comedy bit, the subject matter and Dan’s nudity in the video seems highly questionable at best. This is coming off the heels of James Gunn being fired by Disney as the writer/director of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 following thousands of tweets featuring references to sexual acts with children emerged. Comedian Michael Ian Black also is under fire when old tweets about child molestation also went viral after resurfacing on social media."
Link to the "comedy skit"
ok groomer
ok pedo
Ignore the shills.
This is a good find from Mouthy Buddha but this is barely related to PizzaGate. In fact, he failed to add the full context or PizzaGate. I guess the main takeaway is that pedo activity can be hidden in businesses.
The coded messages in the leaked emails were the trigger. At the time Epstein and the Lolita Express was public knowledge but not commonly known due to Jew media.
Pedos are not good. That’s my opinion.
Caused a shitstorm with the Pedogate video, what a fucking lad, the laddest of lads already know Alefantis is a Rothschild and James Alefantis literally translates to j'aime l'enfants, or I love children
Now for Roiland. Warning, this is a crappy animated cartoon but its some sick fucking shit, it has stuck with me for 3-4 years since I first viewed it.
Go back to r eddit you fucking normie fuck- posting some fucking nigger bitch . Wtf is wrong with you? Fucking normies.
Sorry if you liked Rick and Morty these dudes need to be torn from limb to limb though. Here's another Roiland cartoon showing Trump and a naked Baron ... Just why?
These two pedos have been in the last 5 threads along with the pedo posting with a French vpn. The memeflag pedo has a similar posting style to the French vpn.
Can confirm, some shady shenanigans be happening yo
>The Youtuber MouthyBudha has discovered secret CP hidden on the website of an international clothing brand, one that is associated with female modeling
OK this is a lie.
This is a 100% lie.
Why are you lying?
The images 100% harmless, 100% legal images for underwear ffs. 100% non-sexual.
This shit makes us look like idiots, you are probably elephanmtis himself setting up your next fake shooting.
Ok. I watched the mini-Documentary. The kid did a decent job. A few new things.
BUT... Here comes the critique.
WAY WAY WAY to much was left off of the Podesta & Alefantis table. It almost seems like its letting them off the hook.
NO WIKI-LEAKS cross references .
Good job but giving those 3 a pass is bullshit.
Ok groomer
Also Hanks is a definite wrong un