Incredible redpill documentary on Hwood Satanism - Out Of Shadows
Covers everything from Anton Lavey to Marina Abramovic to Pizzagate to MK-Ultra. High production values. Nearly all of the commentary is from people who were successful insiders in Hollywood, MSM, CIA. This is a fucking great film to get normies and fence-sitters woken as fuck, easily on par with Century of the Self.
Normies, particularly in the West, will immediately disregard anything about Jews, just as they've been programmed to do for the last 50 years. You have to first show them the level of deception they've been subjected to before they will listen to anything about the JQ. Shills who whine about this are literally trying to (((shut this down))) before more normies get to that level.

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This was very well-made and entertaining I shared with all my friends and family you should watch it too

It's a misdirection film made by the CIA. We don't want normies to confuse Lucifier, baphomet and satanic rituals with National Socialists...

All those things are Jewish.

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show your flag, nigger.

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Show your nigger, fag

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show your flag. only kikes hide behind memeflags.

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i dont think OP is saying anything in your pic related.
also bump and show flag

memeflags don't care, and this one's only interest is in (((shutting down))) this documentary on the basis of
It's concern trolling. It tries to force us to focus on redpilling already redpilled people further rather than redpilling a much larger amount of people to a lesser level. Short-term, quick, and minor gains versus long-term, slow, and major gains.

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Whenever someone bursts upon the scene with a seemingly instant large following, and heavily promoted & quoted, be very suspicious. It is most likely a fake psy-op.

>fake psy-op
Choose, faggot.

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unironically I also think this has been allowed to reache huge number of views just because it peddles the typical "muh poor jews"... the document is overalll is ok , its nothing new for us but the "poor jews" is annoying , thats the real mother of all battles in terms of revealing the true. notice how the guy talks about reading and finding info on the internet how could he NOT read anything about the jewish meddling?

Yeah wtf it was uploaded 4 days ago and it already got what, over 6 million views? Channel’s first videos were uploaded 6 days ago. 146k subs. That’s literally impossible to achieve organically. OP and FP are likely paid shills.
Now, I wonder where the trick could be.

Oh, that’s the trick. Yawn.


It's all so tiresome

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>That’s literally impossible to achieve organically.
That's because Q linked to the documentary, you ignorant fuck.
>OP and FP are likely paid shills.
lol oh wow

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>6 gorillion people are ready to watch a documentary on Youtube, cohencidentally it never touches the jq and it’s a misinformation campaign with some truths in it
Who funded the documentary, shill? It seems like a very well produced one. Come on.

>ready to watch a documentary just because it was linked by that retarded boomer meme*

>doesn't realize there's literally millions of Qtards worldwide at this point who promote anything he links
Man you're an ignorant fucking nigger.
>if it's not naming the Jews then the Jews must be behind it
>Normies, particularly in the West, will immediately disregard anything about Jews, just as they've been programmed to do for the last 50 years. You have to first show them the level of deception they've been subjected to before they will listen to anything about the JQ. Shills who whine about this are literally trying to (((shut this down))) before more normies get to that level.
Goddamn. You dumb fucking cunts are unreachable. The irony is claiming the funding behind the redpill documentary but who's funding you, hmmm? Why are you so invested in preventing people from watching something that will bring them closer to addressing the JQ, hmmm?

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Okay Schlomo, I’m waiting for Q to drop the jbom b since he has so many devout followers worldwide. Maybe Trump will reveal some jewcy details too ;)

>why are you so invested in preventing people from watching
It’s all in your head.

Fuck normies really are NPC's

Delete their programming and hurry the fuck up with it NSA

Well, back to work I guess.

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Now respond with

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At least you admit how ignorant you are about the extent of the brainwashing of the masses. Good. Now stop shilling against an introductory redpill meant to bring millions of normies closer to the day when they WON'T reject the JQ outright.

A Qtard trying to blend in, how adorable.
He’ll never address it because he’s one of them, just like you. Disinformation agents who keep dancing around the issue on purpose

>gets shown Q addressing Israel and Mossad repeatedly
>Q will never address Judaism
Fuck off, shill. All you're trying to do is prevent millions of normies from taking the first step towards learning about kike control.

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>6 million views
>not deleted
not gonna watch it, rabbi

Kek I’m not preventing ANYONE from doing anything, do you even realize where we are? You’re using jew tactics. And by the way, mentioning Israel and Mossad, wow, such revelations. You could find mainstream media leftists doing the same. Nice try Shmuel

>if it isn't on bitchute with less than 100 views then I'm not going to ruin my "cool insider" status by watching it
ok boomer

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Sounds as retarded as zeitgeist. Considering the state of Yas Forums and the real stories that get buried by the msm, i sincerely doubt this is anything but a money scheme of sorts.