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>usa decleares war on china
>ffw 5 months
>they land in xiamen
>lost 20k men and got pushed back
>cant use nukes because global destruction
>finally decides that they need to pass through north korea
>ultimatum sent
>ultimatum refused
>"wasnt expecting that but we will make them pay"
>decleares war
>chinese send troops
>going good so far
>chinese starts recruitment progress all across china
>lose korea because 1 million chinese soldiers genoicide themselves to our strong frontlines
>cant land anymore
>lost another war in asia
>wish mcarthur was still alive

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Stfu pedro mutt nigger bitch

The only land wars China has ever won are against themselves lol

more like
>create fake media cross country
>create fake pandemic
>say it's the mandate of heaven
>the entire country shatters and erupts into civil war
>1 billion dead

>Naval defense
The Chinese have no effective defense from American amphibious landing. However, we don't even need to land. Blockading China by sea would eviscerate their economy.

you know that vietnamese people are ethnic chinks?

shitty fanfiction roach

here, let me show you

>usa declares war on china
>hong kong and taiwan shudder in their boots as they know china will take out their frustration on their bodies again. hong kong thought back on britian, the the anglo was greedy, but he was was a kinder lover who taught young hong kong many things.

now try again

I said land war not subterranean war. That shit won’t work in the age of bunker busters and seismic charges

Poland finna finish krauts once and for all.

Payback time

Pathetic americans do you really think china will not get any foreign support if your incompetent government decleared war on them? You cant even guarantee any of your allies joining the war. Honestly China may be incompetent navy wise but they will not lose their mainland with 1bil ppl living it to some yankees. America beating China is like Turkey being a economic superpower. Impossible.

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We control nearly all their ship lanes and oil routes and we control 20% of their imports through naval blockade. You’re actually fucking stupid. China is less than a paper tiger

do you like that most turks in germany vote for erdogan?
do you think turkey will declare war to russia or the other way around?


It is impossible to invade the us. Why?
Did you know that americans own 3 times more weapons than all of the biggest militaries combined? Gl invading that or taking it away. How can some chinks with shovels compete against american abrams?

>will not lose mainland
>1billion people
All we’d have to do is carpet bomb their cities and there’d be an instant famine as the refugees overwhelm the rural areas.
We wouldn’t even have to land a single troop transport until after they surrender

They’d get zero support. In fact, everyone around them would probably join in and attack China themselves.

Why is Russia so high?
None of their shit actually works.

welp. i wouldnt mind getting invaded by the US

>none works


>hurr everything is fought with muh army men
>totally ignoring navel power
>totally ignoring air power
>totally ignoring cyber warfare capabilities
dear god i hope you never have to defend your country

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Fuck off gook.

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their navy is shit. shrek the ports. they have so many chem factories close by anyway. it will cripple their ability to get external resources because there are jungle asians who hate them to the south and muslim/turk asians who hate them to the west.

After all that why would we even want it?

This. All their neighbors hate them.

It’s because everyone else is so low.

US China war.
US turns Taiwan into an unsinkable carrier
Mines the ever loving fuck out of the South China Sea
1billion Chinese start starving.
You thought they eat anything now you aint seen nothin yet
14 new epidemics break out bringing them to Han dynasty population levels.
Invade from Taiwan
Somewhere Liberty Prime smiles

30% of Chinese economy is based off Trade by capturing unarmed merchant ships leaving port they would be crippled. No shots fired and free real estate.

Ooh Big Chinese Navy coming to the rescue big nope imported oil shipments also diverted. Stuck in harbor sitting ducks.


Yeah keep telling yourself that. That carrier is moved by paddles and that rocket is held up by a stick. But fuck your fat ass when they hit you.

Does this include Russia’s home turf bonus?

>thinks we’ll drop troops in China

You roaches are a special kind of retarded.

>lose korea because 1 million chinese soldiers genoicide themselves to our strong frontlines

Mad cuz turkey and india prefer them over your overpriced trash patriots ?

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lol, usa need to close trade to mainland china. and china will die in 3 months.
china wont win in naval war.

Imagine defending an anti Islam goverment with over a million turkic civilians stuck inside literal concentration camps.

Oh noes not the hypersonic missiles.
Russian engineering. Not even once.

t. someone without any actual knowledge of warfare or geopolitics.

I can't think of anyone stronger that Russia other than the US. Also don't be a retard. The US is a great country, and they clearly have a great military, but we're not invincible, and if you think we are, that's because (1) you don't actually know what you're talking about, and (2) you're letting American Exceptionalism cloud your judgement.

Not really unless you’re referring to the southern demographic tribes of China which are hardly Han Chinese. The Han are from the north. China likes to blanket statement that their all one people but they’re not even close to that.

I apologize on behalf of this dumbass mutt. Russian military equipment is some of the most reliable in the world. Mosin is my favorite rifle