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/gll/ Gridlock in Lansing General
Ohio rules Michigan drools.
Post pics of boogbois there if you got them
what are these fags protesting?
>can't buy seeds and shit
so why driving around in cars tho?
technically government overreach, but there are a ton of maga-niggers "protesting covid-hoax".
how long until the riot police show up?
>haha, the tyrannical government will turn back all their laws when we roll up and sit in our cars and do nothing!!
we deserve everything that is happening and more
>She ordered garden centers closed when she extended the stay at home order. You can't buy gardening supplies, paint, or carpeting.
Doesn't this conflict with essential workers getting homes and apartments ready for people to live in? In my state paint, hardware, and carpet/vinyl businesses are considered essential for this very reason.
doubt they will unless some people get really rowdy. Even then it's unlikely because there are some boogbois walking around.
They're protesting the stay-at-home order that the governor, Whitmer, recently extended until the end of April 30. It's killing the economy and local businesses because most of them were forced to either shut down, or have seen severe reductions in revenue because of a lack of customers.
I hope nobody gets shot.
>cause of death: COVID-19
>that traffic map
wew laddies
and what are they gona do?
shoot at police?
>and what are they gona do?
>shoot at police?
ah ok i get it now
>shutdown extended
>ah man that's killing businesses
>shut down local government area in protest
>local government can't get in to reverse shut-in order
brilliant plan boys
Literally no one likes Ohio
So is this a case of this bitch knowing she's dusted when it comes to reelection and she's just punishing everyone before the doorknob hits her ass on the way out? Some of the shit she's doing makes no practical sense.
Hence why they are protesting. You can't do shit right now and the governor doesn't give a shit if thousands of local businesses die because of it. Almost the only places still open are massive chain stores like Target, Walmart, etc.
this fuck Ohio, I lived there for awhile fucking horrible place.
She doesn't have to be in her office to reverse a shutdown. Local government is all work from home right now.
>State government can't indefinitely extend stay at home order while ever expanding it's powers.
they are capturing every license number and the national guard will be kicking some doors down over the next few days
so why aren't they at all their houses honking incessantly?
That'll look great
reptillians flying around in black helicopters trying to chip me for bill gates
Electric boogaloo begins then.
God, I hope so. Let’s tee this motherfucker up. We’ve put up with libtards far too long now.
Why? It's not like any of them denied the holocaust?
SEETHING redditors
>govt put millions of people of all ages out of work
>why are these boomers protesting? >Cringe let's watch some catboi vids
Just dont pay taxes and vouch for voluntary taxation
>Gets into big group during pandemic to show people there AR
>police scanner is talking about having to pick up people who aren't breathing instead of dealing with the autists
jesus christ we're so fucked
Peak Boomer protesting
What's an "Ohio"?
Catboi vids whats up I love those
Gary pls...
Fucking Lansing. They have basically recreated normal traffic conditions before Corona.
>Not breathing
The rust belt is plagued with junkies who OD on chinese fentanyl cut heroin.
This bitch finna get herself recalled.
there is such a happening drought that we're actually watching a bunch of people just sitting in their cars
yeah this is fucking boring, dnc flaggot
im gona go listen to old coast to coast episodes about remote viewing
thats how fucking gay and boring this is
>that motherfucker playing I will survive on the boomer book stream
this needs to spread to every state.
online petition at 250k+, major news publishers covering the petition
stay the course
i guess so, lets hope its some junkies and this shit isnt the real deal and about to explode because of this protest
we're watching a tyrannical femlib's political ambitions go up in flames
think in the metaphysical, user.
im getting paid $950/week to sit at home and pretend there is an invisible super bug outside... lol... hope this lockdown lasts for months
its a Michigan city
its a junkie