


Attached: boogaloo 2.jpg (1200x628, 217.47K)

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Americans are kind of retarded aren't they?

This is necessary. We can't keep living like this. Simply "surviving" is not living.

Oy m8 you got a license to post that?

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No, it’s called standing up for your freedoms, eurofags and bongs wouldn’t understand. Have dun with tour faggot police kicking in your door

I hope this is real. It's about fucking time! Godspeed, 'Murica!

Why are michigan mutts doing this? I need a rundown.

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Because soon everyone will run out of money without work and begin starving. WHO wants to extend quarantine and social distancing until potentially 2022. This cannot continue.

you WILL get in the protestor cage
You WILL go home after doing nothing for 8 hours

Oh shid! Is it time for, dare i say it? Time for the ebic boogaloo? Please shimp out muricans please! GODSPEED!

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other than voting trump in 2016 I think this is the only time Ive been proud of michiganders.
i am increasingly ashamed of pennsylvanians

finally the Michigan people redeem themselves

What's the problem Michiganders? I like being at home doing very little, not commuting, not buying gas, being at my komphy house with my smokin hot wife and fun kiddos. SOmeday this party will end and I will be sad. I'm going to have some popcorn at 3pm, please get your boog going by then. . When the alt right came to Lansing none of you stood up for their 1st Amendment rights so why should anyone give a fuk about your rights now? You voted for this. Enjoy!

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stupid cunt governor is in over her head and randomly increasing restrictions so nobody can accuse her of not doing enough. its backfiring big time and could trigger protests across the country.

Whitmer has failed us badly. She's focused on draconian, senseless rules (some of which disregard the US constitution entirely). She shut down the entire state and most people lost jobs, but unemployment is currently unavailable to anyone because they didnt have the infrastructure ready to meet demand.

this feed is like a fever dream, there are so many things on the screen i don't understand, and there's like 5 audio feeds going through eachother, including a dude saying completely random shit and jazz music. Am i supposed to wait for my MKUltra trigger word?

I hope they kill them all

Wheres the militia you faggot?

yeah he should at least pan some of the autio streams.


all able bodied men under 50 are militia.

"10 white males with fatigues and open carrying"


If you think this is retarded there is no hope for you.

>Gretchen Esther Whitmer
Sounds very very jewish, not surprised. While you guys chimp out on them, don't forget, no survivors.

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>While you guys chimp out on them, don't forget, no survivors.
While she's done a terrible job, she hasn't done worse than any other dem. She's just been purposely putting herself in the spotlight so she can suck Biden's dick off as a VP candidate.

god i hope this happens so muchhhhh

imagine the degeneracy and decadence AFTER the shutdown we will be full Sodom 2.0. now with extra buttsecks

then the weirdness of politics keeps rising

10 armed white males called out on the scanner, 20 mins til they clear them out

Supervisor inbound.

"Yes GOYIM, fight for your right to get sick, lose your fertility, and go back to work to serve us... i mean to earn that honorable wage!"

Somehow the white right has fallen for this. Rather than focusing on surviving this nightmare virus, all I hear is "fake new media" "just trying to get trump". It's asinine. Stay home. Stay safe.

We saw niggers die en masse because they couldn't stay home. Now white people are protesting for their right to die on the kike's assembly line? FUCK THIS

>being this low IQ
People who can't have jobs and can't work are getting paid unemployment. These are small business owners who aren't getting shit.


Your country is an alcoholic stain on a map, imagine thinking your opinion is relevant to anything, go back to drinking window cleaner dimitri

OP is a faggot and a retard. Fake and gay nothing burger.

Shut your dirty goat fucking mouth up filthy heathen.


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I'd have my innawoods site-A up and running by now if now for the snow a couple days ago, heading out in a few hours to check on the state of it after a winter, probably lost the roof but I'm guessing the rest of the structure is standing still.
Sites B and C will have to wait another week or two, C especially as I need the landowner to flee/die for maximum security.

this is the legit russian and chinese interference, they spread this stuff on fb from fake profiles and boomers / simps eat it up

>quarantine and social distancing until potentially 2022

I don't care if they're based or not, I don't care if their protest is justified or not, I don't care if they're retarded or not. I just want an ebin and massive All American chimpout.

that's not the "michigan militia" faggot

Haha so much this

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>actually thought the NWO would be able to instate itself in just a few months
They want years of this.

Are you ready for your crane shot?

If you're not essential then you're useless and should just die

Pretty much. Michigan especially so because of the PFAS

They're already fucked, done, dead. White people demanding to be able to gather and work is what niggers did anyhow, which is why niggers are dying at such high rates. Whites want to die too apparently. This anti lockdown movement is GAY and EVIL

You know as well as I do these peaceful protests do nothing. It's wasted energy.

Why don't you pass the time by playing a nice game of solitaire?

>kikewave faggotry
All fields.

Back in earlyh February it wasn't clear this Wuhan Flu shit wasn't going to kill 80% of the total population.
But now it's clear it only affects old fat people and not even all of them.
So clearly old fat people need to stay home and isolate while everyone else goes back to work.

Guys this is a nothing burger picnic in a car

Sean Hannity convinced everyone over 50 the virus is fake now they want all the millennials and zoomys to go back to work so their stocks will go back up

Niggers are dying at high rates because they are extremely unhealthy.
>This anti lockdown movement is GAY and EVIL
Weak people should die. This virus isn't going to just disappear in a few months, it's going to be seasonal at best and year round at worst.

Did you know that the 3/5’s comprise was so because black men could not own firearms and were there fore considered less valuable and unequal. Says a lot about today’s population really

Fuck off retard.

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Kek, can't wait to see Amerimutt's corona death count skyrocketing again just when it started going down a bit. These retards just can't stay inside for a month. I hope you enjoy your RFID from completely honest and altruistic philanthropes like Bill Gates who only want the best for you

Kinda. But not as much as you cousin dear. But at least neither of us are as bad as the leafs.

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she banned McDonalds

Niggers shilling their jewtube streams need to be shot.

Unemployment is not unavailable. Stop spreading ignorant nonsense. My claim went through and my money has been deposited without issue. Anyone that truly lost their job is likely making more now through state and federal unemployment bonuses running through July.

Yikes that didn't age well....


>gets fined for buying non-essential groceries
>builds taxpayer-funded mosque that radicalizes spree-stabbers
>gets arrested for criticizing grooming gang
kind of
>dies on NHS surgery waiting list

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We need to get rid of all of those white people that oppose our agenda, diversity is our strength.

At a certain threshold a complete economic meltdown is going to kill more people than the virus. When you tell people they have to fight off the coof, or accept 90% unemployment rates and GDP of Ukraine levels people will wind up choosing to embrace the coof.

Protests do nothing unless they advanced the goals of the money elite. Start shooing or don't bother.

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The Islamic center of America (located in Michigan) is larger then any mosque not just in the UK but all of Europe


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Coofing to death isn't living either.

Do you know your trigger word user? I can't remember mine. But I'm still waiting for the day I'm finally given a purpose and reason to live.

>left completely changed society by protesting
>"don't protest goy"
fuck off trannies go dilate

Michigander here. My aunt is at this. She's mad because seeds are banned but alcohol and drugs are not. She just wants to grow her own veggies. Her argument is "the American dream is a mule and 40 acres, and I can't even use the land!"