Be american

>be american
>destroy your own crops

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Can't they give the crops to charities?

Sure you keep watering and distributing pesticide.

>doesn't understand economics

>no regular demand
>keep supply the same
Oh no I'm bankrupt cause my product is worthless. This is how we impose our will on shit hole countries. We make our food so cheap that if they open an agricultural market would be impossible to compete price wise. So they depend on us for food. Soft power projection.

now fuck off back to the shithole you came from

Probably logistics costs to that

They're re-rolling crops, niggers...

- fewer s-o-y- exports
- grow more Mexican beans and peanuts instead
- more sugar beets... due to less sugar cane from Asia
- more grain

Mexican beans (pinto, black, etc) are more palatable than straight s-o-y-

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Sure, you pay to pick it up, select it, bag it and distribute it. Also you pay if any nigger gets sick and tries to sue you (it has happened.)


Don't swear. delete your post if you want to be mean!

This is where the emergency preparations should start being implemented. Less meat in general. More legume diversity.

People will be fed more common (mexican) beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc. Less s-o-y- production.

Maybe the dawn of widespread commercial Amaranth and Quinoa farming,

Attached: legumes.jpg (560x346, 53.6K)

Remove communist

Grow chia too

No way to get it there.
The problem is the logistical pipeline between farmer and consumer (whether its a charity or a buyer in a store).

Sorghum is the ultimate crop.

You can use it as a grain and press the stalks for a juice you boil down to a syrup.

They destroying chickens and dumping milk too.

there are a few hardiness zones that grow year round
also, greenhouses, and some late lettuces are harvested in april
t. got into gardening when the chink stink hit

Get ready for Government Cheese again, frens.

When I face a difficult situation in my daily life, I always ask myself: ”what would Hitler have done?”

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Meth and suicide

acting like spoiled brats because the government subsidizes them

> meme flag
kill yourself, commie.

I'm sure they could have worked out some kind of a deal with charities or Church groups that would have purchased it and moved it.
There is no need for that.
None at all.
Destroying it while people need it.
No. Taxpayers give money to farmers, and it makes sense to. It makes sense to continue to.
But to get that and then turn around and destroy crops.
No. Work with groups that will purchase it for a negotiated price and let them distribute it to the poor and needy.

Capitalism is the efficient means of produc...

City fags blown the fuck out

Corn farmers should just do what our ancestors did and turn the surplus into whiskey

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Farming is subsidized up the ass.

Someone who understands how the world works

>many go hungry

Show me one fucking person in the USA that is starving. Just one. I'll wait.

I am so fucking sick of people pretending that people "go hungry" in this country. It is God damn fucking impossible.

Your mom is starving for my cock.

Oh really??? Is that based on data and research?? Shut the fuck up and take an econ course you softbrain

Probably weren't folly grown yet. It costs to much to maintain them and they know they won't be able to sell them. American farms run on tight profit margins and are propped up the the government, one bad year could destroy a farmer's business, so they have no choice but to do this. The OP is obviously trying to sensationalize this, but has no understanding of agriculture or the business of.

Tilling the crop into the ground also reduces the amount of fertiliser needed

You know what, maybe farmers don't need aid anymore.
If they are going to take tax aid and then destroy crops and then ask for more tax aid.
Maybe forget it.
Or they can continue to get aid and if they have extra crops they can work with a charity or Church to make sure people get it.
And nobody can or will care what you will think.


Sounds like a great thing to put on a bracelet then talk about it with christfags

Fucking retard, read the other replies
The crop doesnt magically turn itself into a useable form and magically show up in your supermarket dumbass
Everything costs money

>lack of demand
>also many going hungary

Plants are slave foods with little nutrients, you eat beans I will eat meat.

Maybe you should read what I wrote.
I said the charities or Churches could purchase it and distribute it.
Maybe you should be careful about calling other people dumb if you are doing to be.

>what is logistic
>what are consumer laws
>what are inspectors

no, because donating a surplus of food to impoverished people is fucking communism and communism is for faggots, just like reading, eating healthy, and anti-zionism. RAISE HELL, PRAISE DALE!