Are they right, user? What will happen to our women?

Are they right, user? What will happen to our women?

Attached: Brit women risk being REPLACED for sex by robots if MPs don't act, campaigners warn - Google Chrome.jpg (796x690, 131.74K)

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"sex bots" are degenerate, the redpilled alternative is Cortana-esque AI companions chipped into your head + artifical wombs

In the present, sex robots are based

>pedos will use it
pedos also breathe air, stop breathing commies!

>I don't need no man! *shakes dildo*
>No shit a sex robot! BAN IT BAN IT BAN IT


They might have to have families if the simp money dries up.

Oh shit*

trips of truth

I thought sex bots were no competition for real women? what's the issue?

Surely combining all three is mega based?

Though they won't admit it out loud, they are aware that their power over men revolves around the warm hole between their legs. Anything that devalues that, thus weakening their grip, cannot be allowed.


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>artifical wombs
A grow bag for babies doesn't supply the other half of the DNA required to actually make a baby. You need eggs.

Soon mankind will be free from the biological scurge know as women. Artificial wombs and sex bots is gonna remove all distractions from our ascendence to godhood.

B-but who will support these frequent flyers on the cock carousel when they're used up and cynical about men and relationships!?!?!?!

They will have to learn to compete with them


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>chipped into your head
Let's not and say we did. Anything that involves putting a microchip into your body probably shouldn't be done.


THis thread will be populated by INCELS

No no no incels. Robots will not make you happy. It's just extravagent masturbation. Enjoy cuddling that piece of plastic. Taking it apart and running it thru the washing machine. Sorry jews got you watching porn and thinking men and women can only pair together for sex. Jews ruined your brains! inb4 blah blah blah

You can harvest eggs from f*males Abdul

No you don't m8

It really depends on what you're seeking. If you're looking for a place to coom, then you really don't need a complex sex bot. But there will be ones soon that will attempt to exist in the uncanny valley.

No you don’t. Scientists can take almost any cell in your body, remove half the DNA, and trick it into being an egg.

Sexbots are degenerate, but if a man would rather fuck a glorified toaster with silicone tits on it, what does that say about women?

That they're too high maintenance.

Sure but that requires women to still be around.

Another issue with that is you are tying yourself into technology. If society were somehow to fail we would not be self sustaining without it. Extinction.

>muh incels

So just pay women for them

Imagine being so disgusting and unbearable men rather would want to fuck a lifeless hole and the government has to regulate it and make laws.

Totally against sexbots and will never use them but how pathetic are these political angles and the people who support them to suggest that they ought to be able to control the sale of a device because "women" will be replaced? Plenty of men wouldn't end up shacking up with a woman anyway.

How exactly is this a danger to women? The only thing that will change is they won't get beaten up by sex starved men as often.

Surely this makes the world safer for women?

Really at that point why not just adopt?

And that's a good thing.

I want them made so effective and abundant that women are reduced to what they are without absolutely any sexual leverage what so ever for the first time in history. This will mean that women after 2 million years of being judged ever so unfairly well, will finally be judged fairly. This will result in women being treated like bullying victims on demand. Their purpose will be to cook and clean and only to ever fuck out of hatred and as an act of cruelty if ever.

Women enjoy seeing men hurt.

Problem roasties? :^)

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>MemberS of Parliament
it should be MsP

Honestly though I literally do not see how men having sex with a robot hurts women. If abusive spouses and angry incels are beating up women at the moment surely if they have a robot to take out their sexual frustration on they won't take it out on real women. This is probably the only thing that will change - women will be safer.

So why are they complaining?

Attached: costanza.jpg (250x250, 9.9K)

>that image
Degenerate. Also unnecessarily has 3 Pepe dudes on the same couch, did that dude on the left just coom in front of the other two? Fucking gay dude.

>pedos will use them
>nooooooooooo don't do it, REAL WOMEN could be taking those pedo cocks
women confirmed pedophiles

>Men are RAPING women they need to be chemically castrated and prevented from having sex!!!
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't have sex with robots what about muh vagina?!?!?

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have you ever owned an onahole? they require a fair bit of cleaning

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Because it's not your kid and you're thus being cucked

Oh no, what is so bad about women that they could be replaced by a plastic toy? Surely this is a mistake.