Elite here. Ask me your surely stupid and inane questions, I will answer those worthy of a response.
Elite here. Ask me your surely stupid and inane questions, I will answer those worthy of a response
Fuck you, nigger.
What does George Soreos sperm taste like?
Do you like being inbred? Do you ever feel bad about fucking your little cousin? What does baby blood taste like?
>Do you like being inbred?
Inbreeding is a term we created to control lesser peoples. I'm sure you've heard the fabled stories about the mad kings and their boorish wives. The truth is that you as an individual are carried on through your bloodline, and intermixing with others, especially lessers, devalues your future incarnation.
>Do you ever feel bad about fucking your little cousin? What does baby blood taste like?
Blood rituals are for puppets. Puppets require blackmail. We do not muddy our hands with those things.
Where do you keep the Jews
How come refugees cutting down hundred year old olive trees to burn wood for one night is considered progress?
What's going to happen to EU?
Can I join?
Was Hitler a good guy? Do Jews and crypto Jews run the world?
What is the hidden hand?
Tell me all about aliens?
Elite here. Blaaarg blaaarg
Does your mother know you are a pedophile homosexual?
What's your favorite dinosaur?
>Where do you keep the Jews
They've served their purpose well. Unfortunately, when the 'goyim' are gone, there always becomes another to replace them! So on, and so forth. The game of chess never truly ends, not unless technology is advanced to the point that survival is insured. Though, your class has helped us wonderfully with that!
The EU is the European Union, by nature a union of Europeans. It was originally planned to be an administrative region, with a corresponding North American Union, but that did not go as planned. It was realized that one must wait for technology to arrive that will solidify the control, then proceed with the undertakings. Soon the satellites will be in the air, and we will be unstoppable.
It's a pity, being destroyed by the technology you created. But that is the game, isn't it?
does that mean I should impregnate someone from my family if I want to make sure my kids are as smart as I am?
doesn't sound right, shitskins do this all the time and they seem to be getting dumber
1. What keeps you up at night?
2. Share a pearl of wisdom, a tip you've found time tested and true.
3.What gets your jealous?
4. What is one thing poltards are right about?
5. On a scale from 1-10 how progressive do you consider yourself?
Thank you for taking the time to make a response.
Why would you need MORE control, isn't the average pleb demotivated enough to guarantee you stay in power? Is it even interesting to control chipped individuals? In the current paradigm, you have to at least 'try'.
Is this a prison planet? How high ranking are you?
Honk honk.
Is coffee good for you?
Anecdotal evidence isnt evidence, son
What did you eat for breakfast?
No, but tea is
>Was Hitler a good guy?
Normally I'd never give you a straight answer, but we are required to reveal the truth every so often to offset the karma gained by these actions we undertake.
Hitler was an agent who served his purpose. Hitler the 'antisemite' singlehandedly created Israel. Think about that.
>Do Jews and crypto Jews run the world?
Jews do not run anything of real significance. They are the red herring to the true order, one which you've seen memes about and think is funny.
It is remarkable how easily you people are fooled. You see a crooked face and cry wolf, yet do not see the one disguised as a sheep with the dagger waiting in lieu.
>Tell me all about aliens?
An infinite universe, the scientists say it is. In a universe of infinity do you really believe humans are so alone and special? That is the ignorance, and perhaps even pride of your kind. You are not alone, not on this plane, and not on others. There are others which live on this planet, which fight for and against the people on this planet. And you, are the alien.
Post proof you are a memeber of the elite, or you're a larping neckbeard
C u m
Hitler was actually a well written villain in this arc, he was good but slowly his values twisted, were they good values? thats an opinion.
>They are the red herring to the true order, one which you've seen memes about and think is funny.
Oh god please no
You're telling me the world is run by FURRIES?!?!?!
>bot post
Those are some elite tits
When will I get my NWO-issued concubines?
Fuck off, Azazel worshipping el-ite.
We know enough already.
Do rich enough people (above some threshold) consider themselves above the common law and are in fact subject to a parallel legal system of their own?
Should I join the special forces?
You’re so elite but have inferior hairline genetics, why?
Wort wort wort
If Hitler was a Jewish agent why did he nationalize the bank and kick out the Rothschild? It sounds plausible but that fact leaves doubt.
>And you, are the alien.
Take me to your leader
>Does your mother know you are a pedophile homosexual?
We do not muddy our hands with the doings of the lesser elites. I will not tarry on this subject, but sacrifices are required by lower families to ensure loyalty and obedience. Rabid dogs cannot be trusted otherwise.
>What's your favorite dinosaur?
>What keeps you up at night?
I enjoy my rest.
>Share a pearl of wisdom
There are far too many to choose from. I will perhaps choose this adage, as it is a simple proverb my family repeats commonly, "Out of suffering comes wisdom."
>What gets your jealous?
I do not let emotions rule over me. I do not feel jealousy because I do not covet what others hold.
>What is one thing poltards are right about?
Poltards in general? Next to nothing at all. You mock the wise and praise the fools. It is comical, really. Shills are not as prevalent as you think... They are usually isolated to topics of interest and... Demoralization, of course. But I find time and time again, you yourselves will hold the truth in contempt, as you have been trained to do so. Must you be taught the rule of inversion? How little you know.
>On a scale from 1-10 how progressive do you consider yourself?
Progressive? How foolish. We do not consume our own propaganda. That is a tool of control, we do not aim to neuter ourselves.
So are the Vatican Jesuits at the top of the hierarchy? I must say they are pretty retarded to pick Hitler as their agent. They deserve to suffer and so much more.
>Why would you need MORE control, isn't the average pleb demotivated enough to guarantee you stay in power?
It is not just about gaining more control, it is about maintaining it and securing the viability of the bloodline in the future. And as a personal thought, it is important to set forth a goal, so that boredom does not set in, lest the resolve and teachings decay.
>Is this a prison planet?
On the contrary. Nearly all of the suffering you endure have been due to the actions of you and your surrounding 'tribesmen'. Little is imposed upon you. You choose to act in accordance with what we have created.
Why do you write like a tosser?
ecks d
I hate humans and don't want anything to do with them I prefer the species wiped out. Not all of us are natives to this hellhole... Some of us know much more
I know this is a LARP but it's a really interesting riddle you presented above: what is a group that we see as a joke but has the potential to secretly rule the world?
I'm not entirely sure there is one, unless you think our jokes about Britbongs and their teeth means we don't get that the whole illumanti thing has always been about the British upper-upper class.
>Do rich enough people (above some threshold) consider themselves above the common law and are in fact subject to a parallel legal system of their own?
The only actions that are forbidden are those which run contrary to the good of the whole, the whole being the bloodline. Laws are imposed to control.
>Should I join the special forces?
Of course, always fight for us.
Are the good guys winning the war? And if Hitler won, would the Illuminati be finished?
My whole family are freemasons which date back centuries ago. Are they anything to do with the “elite”?
It strikes me that many of the worlds wealthiest people (in public anyway) and their NGO's have developed a fetish for depopulation. By whatever mechanism, (climate change for example) the bottom line is that it would seem obvious that the population cannot be allowed to climb past a certain point or we risk total global devastation for the future of the species. Questions pertaining to that reality:
Is a depopulation "Cull" a solution being entertained? If so, what form would it take? Would it be fast and devastating, leaving most of the population to rebuild in a dark age while the elites recede from life for a while? Or would it happen slowly in the form of sterilization and birth controls?
If depopulation is being considered, what is the priority of the elite in terms of who stays and who goes? It would strike me as long term folly to sacrifice high IQ population in exchange for the ease of controlling the low IQ population. What's the stance?
Answer the frog, if inbreeding is not bad, then how do you explain Jews and Arabs horrible immune system and just fucked up genes in general?
Are you Jewish or of Jewish descent?
>what is a group that we see as a joke but has the potential to secretly rule the world?
Uh oh...it's the Mormans
We're all fucked now
Irish gypsies marry their cousins to keep their blood "pure" and are all kinds of messed up. I think he means intermarrying like Royal families, not close relations like cousins. That way you keep the strong genes in circulation but have a big enough pool to escape most genetic diseases.
Please god don't tell me it's fucking gypsies?
>what is a group that we see as a joke but has the potential to secretly rule the world?
The Illuminati
Bogdanov brothers
>If Hitler was a Jewish agent why did he nationalize the bank and kick out the Rothschild?
And why did the good chap Rockefeller fund these efforts, knowing full well his loyalty to that rockstar family?
>So are the Vatican Jesuits at the top of the hierarchy?
An interesting question. Such a question shows that one understands things others do not.
To put it simply: The greatest men are warriors of the third kind. Those who can tap the unseen. Tell me, what do you see?
Are you still working online only? Is the adderall helping?
Did Epstein die? If so, who killed him and why?
Who is most responsible for the 3rd world invasion of the 1st world over the last 10 years? Does the demographic shift bother you?
When will bars open?
Are you worried that your yes men will turn on you?