@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/14/20
>Pres Trump meets w/Hospital CEOs 4/14/20
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Recovered Corona-chan Patients 4/14/20
>VP Pence on Ingraham 4/14/20
>SoS Pompeo on Hannity 4/14/20
>SoS Pompeo on JohnFredericksShow 4/14/20
>SoS Pompeo on NewsmaxTV 4/14/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/14/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/14/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on America 1st w/Gorka 4/14/20 (pt1) (pt2)
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on FoxNews 4/14/20
>LabSec Scalia on FBN 4/14/20
>FCCCommr Carr on DailyCaller 4/14/20
>ThiccSarah on Hannity 4/14/20
>Bannon on JohnFredericksShow 4/14/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (DefSec Esper/JCSChair ArmyGen Milley) 4/14/20
>StateDept Foreign Press Brief (USAmb2NATO Hutchison) 4/14/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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The Chinese are gigamutt subhumans.
The mongoloid race is the mystery meat of human races.
They're what happens after ages of constant racemixing: lowering IQs, progressively more savage customs, inability to form a civilization, lack of empathy, no morality, deformed facial features, etc.
Essentially, they have devolved almost into negro status.
Unlike niggers though, who have never evolved into humanity, they were humans at one point, but then devolved back.
It's the sad future that awaits all countries that allow racemixing.

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>he didn't get full immersion

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bye thx for bake

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> I wouldn't buy an Apple product to save my life.
Is that what it feels to be poor?

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No Trumpbux for Ted talks CCP

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but they know Kung Fu!

A nigger coughed near me with his mouth open at the store this morning. Am I gonna die


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i got it

No it's not .. their shitty eating habits and indolence are

Ist Dongald Trump Ein Sexmonster?

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>absolute commitment to sucking the tiny chynese dick

Viable Baptism

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I got your milf right here, buddy.

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>Christfags arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin
Even if we got rid of the kikes, we'd still have to deal with you retards waging mass, bloody war over whether the lord forgives our debtors or our trespassers in the lord's prayer.

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Viable Baptism sounds like the name of a band.

Thanks user, it's yours

did these faggots vote in the last governor election?
probably not

trespassers btw

Oh my god....

Attached: How bad will it get??.png (917x379, 31.24K)

it's quite possible this retard is just a self hating hapa, it would explain the constant hypocrisy and instance on certain Asian groups being counted as white

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>arguing about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin
no i made myself very clear; if you have troubles with reading comprehension that's not on me
>bloody war over whether the lord forgives our debtors or our trespassers in the lord's prayer
kek but bullshit

Lustmolch. Don't ask me why I know that word.

>I understand Catholicism by what the Jews tell me

They should review why they allow Chinese medicine with its bat poop and rhino dick pills in the same category as real medicine.

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Hey have you noticed that the shills aren't posting the Chink Flu deaths anymore?

is this a new whack a mole game

wait a minute
don't you mean submersion?
Immersion is going in waist high and getting water poured on you.
Submersion is dunking

might go digging in the archive some more today, there's more like chen qiushi's rant and that one chink saying "the time for revolution is now"

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Kek did they mean uninterrupted? Fucking dumb chinks


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So how fucked are we pbro?
What kinda nightmare taker over is the fed going to do to the US?
How boned is your country?

i mean going all in, every part of your body so if i got that wrong then i'm a dumbass my bad

Oh my god....

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>following god's law is unrealistic
The world is degenerate. Working towards a better world in which we strive to follow God's law and position our children to be better in that regard than we were—that's not an unworthy goal. The black and white view that blankets the world in the same judgement of degeneracy fails to allow for improvement.


Thank god. We needed a cleansing here in NYC. I went for a drive to the store the other day and saw the downtown shopping area crawling with unmasked niggers.

it's like the lord slipped up and spilled a human

wait no
>Baptism by immersion is understood by some to imply submersion of the whole body beneath the surface of the water.
then what is it called if they do the "waist high immersion with pouring a bucket of water over the person"?

Partial immersion, I guess.

Dead skinny walking

Baptism by immersion is understood by some to imply submersion of the whole body beneath the surface of the water.

Others speak of baptismal immersion as either complete or partial, and do not find it tautologous to describe a particular form of immersion baptism as "full"or "total".

Still others use the term "immersion baptism" to mean a merely partial immersion by dipping the head in the water or by pouring water over the head of a person standing in a baptismal pool, and use instead for baptism that involves total immersion of the body beneath the water the term "submersion baptism".

Apple is normie garbage.

kek idk why anyone would do that
I was fully dipped under the water and held for a few seconds before coming back up
it's supposed to represent the cleansing of the body and soul
anything short of that is like taking a bath by walking around in a rain pool

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What is it about Germans that makes them superior pilots? Is it the autism?

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That isn't me...
Its a dumb meme

you ist ein newfig

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nigger i don't speak african tell me in english

>How bad will it get??
>YouGov rebounding from Biden +6 to +5
>Rasmussen rebounding from -11 apprivol to -9
Well, it's not getting worse atm. Trump certainly had better days though.

>then what is it called if they do the "waist high immersion with pouring a bucket of water over the person"?
I thought that was just a YouTube challenge for stupid millennials.

holy shit

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>106 year old shows how it is done
Maybe it was the DNA Force that was the secret to her success?

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watch out for the Peter Strozik mobile Covid Baptism Truck.

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> Approve: 45
> Approve: 45
> Approve: 45

> Economist poll : Biden+5
Pretty much unchanged from March. Biden should be much better given the recent endorsements, this must be an old poll just released

Attached: Screenshot - 2020-04-15 , 17_02_27.png (1084x228, 33.82K)

>Yep, seems fair.
>t. Winnieh Pooh

compare those numbers to "generic dem candidate"
once biden actually becomes front and center, it's all over and the media is doing their best to make sure it doesn't happen

the who considers chyna a "developing nation"

Sounds like BS to me.

I say baptism by pressure washer

OMG FUCKING RACIST ASS VIRUS! Better yell at China about it since they released on the world and NOT FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE.

>nigger i don't speak african tell me in english
Use your quarantine time to learn some new languages. Try reading Nietzsche and Goethe in the original.

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> and that's a good thing

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i'm okay with this

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I don't think so, Tim.

Wait, then his dad was still on unemployment after he died and his next of kin didn't unregister him?
I think that guy has been getting direct deposit unemployment checks fraudulently.

If the IRS was, for some reason, unaware that a filer for 2018 was dead then for this short window, yes, it's reasonable to have happened. It is a mass send system, not an opt-in system. An opt-in shit system would be less shitty.

The only way Biden wins is through massive fraud. Which isn't impossible, I guess. They commit fraud everytime and have never really been punished, so maybe they will decide to scale up.


Ruskie barrel fish

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Dumb nigs.

>i-it's not me!!!1!

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>net worth around 40k
i thought i was fucking poor. i had no idea how many americans literally live paycheck to paycheck. holy shit.

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> That isn't me...
I don't know user, seems like a poll among anons decided it is

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In the end, it was the niggers who exercised their constitutional rights while the whites died out

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>learn some new languages
je parle francais un petit peu de temps en temps
ni hao wo jiao ********
ta shi wo de pengyou?
i think i got that right it's been years
i know a few languages but mostly basic shit


I'm sure this statistic has absolutely nothing wrong with attributing all melanistic deaths to CV-19 rather than low IQ habits of degeneracy and stupid behaviors.

Are are we seeing those redefined as a literal virus!?

Nah, dems and chicoms aren't that smart......

why do you think they're all pushing for universal mail-in ballots now

People are exceedingly financially retarded, yes.

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Welp it's over boys. China is demanding we fund the WHO. Guess I'm sending all my Trumpbux to Biden

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Jesus—that nurse with the lgbtdiaf rainbow button is an absolute unit. How do nurses get that thicc? Why do they allow it? Surely that's a bad example for her to set. What if patients look at her and think, "Wow, I might not like it, but that's what peak National Healthcare looks like, so I should emulate her and devour more food than most locust swarms?"

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they're trying with ballot harvesting lawsuits and the push for mail-in voting

The fat cunt will croak first

My guess is that they are probably healthier than your average Feral Pavement Ape. I mean, they get up in time to prepare for and attend church on Sunday--that means a lot right there in terms of healthful life behaviors in general.

Try Schelling, Edmund Husserl, Josiah Royce ( American ) and Eric Voegelin

Imagine giving a shot about this